The latest website: "Of course, with such a talent, there is only one junior sister, haha..."

With a long smile, Baiyunlou raised his hand to touch the void, letting the sword marks hovering and wandering around in the sky.

"Chaoyang Ziyan, these thousands of sword marks are just deduced by my senior brother at will, there must be many flaws, let's take a look..."

The two women responded in unison.

"Pull one hair to move the whole body, move one hexagram, and all the hexagrams will move. It can be done and defended. The sword intent deduced by senior brother is really extraordinary..."

When Zi Yan sighed softly, a mysterious ice sword appeared in front of her.

Lifting his finger lightly, the sword gang trembled slightly, and suddenly scattered into ice crystals and sword lights all over the sky.

The sword light followed the trend, gradually blending with the sword marks.

The pure yang sword mark and the ice crystal sword light merged and disappeared, and the shape of the slowly circling gossip became clearer and rounder, and the atmosphere gradually grew.

In the end, there were more than 4,000 sword marks left, shining brightly.

"Four thousand and ninety-six sword marks, so beautiful... I really don't know how to deduce the meaning of the sword, but..."

While speaking, Xia Chaoyang raised his hand and threw it, and the fairy sword in his hand turned into a fairy vine and swam in the air, like a small dragon, escaping into the shape of the gossip manifested by the sword marks.

With the swimming of the fairy vine, the invisible energy merges into the eight trigrams.

Occasionally, when encountering an unsmooth place, Xianteng flicks its tail, and if it swims to a comfortable place, it will be full of joy.

"I almost forgot my junior sister's ability to debate poetry, it's interesting..."

Several hours later, with the sword light wandering across the sky, the sword move unknowingly deduced to the end.

More than four thousand sword marks gradually merged two by two, more than two thousand, more than a thousand...

Then it transformed into sixty-four sword lights...

After brewing for a long time, with the joint efforts of the three, they finally condensed many sword lights into eight sword intents.

Each of the eight sword intents shows a hexagram image, and the original image of the sword marks of tens of feet is condensed to a radius of about ten feet, and the two qi of yin and yang slowly circle and walk between the hexagram images.

"Liangyi gossip style! It's done!" Baiyunlou's thoughts shook the sword lightly, and the revealed gossip trembled slightly, but it was extremely stable.

"Brother, if this gossip style is further condensed..."

Raising his finger and lightly flicking the sword, Baiyunlou replied casually: "If you refine it again, it may be the ninth form..."

"The true meaning of the eight trigrams is reversed, all of which can be transformed into two rituals to transform Taiji...or even...Wuji, then the ninth form is called Taiji Wuji, haha..."

Infected by his senior's casual words, Xia Zhaoyang's spirits slightly lifted, and he muttered softly: "Tai Chi Wuji..., the name is easy to remember, but it should be difficult to deduce it..."

Bai Yunlou replied quite casually: "It's not easy, the eighth form is only a prototype, and it still needs protracted honing, let alone the ninth form, and our current cultivation is far from enough."

Just now, Xia Chaoyang exerted a lot of strength after deducing his sword intent, and now he is already sleepy.

"Chaoyang, if you're sleepy, go to sleep for a while..." Zi Yan sensed Chaoyang's distress, and then softly persuaded her.

"I can hold on for a while, strike while the iron is hot, I only remember most of the sword intent just now, if I go to sleep at this time, I guess I have to remember it again..." Xia Chaoyang forcibly cheered up, raised his face, and stared at the sky The circling gossip sword intent recalled the sword marks all over the sky just now.

Looking at this serious appearance, Bai Yunlou's heart was filled with pride, and he said with a long laugh: "Chaoyang, look at it..."

While speaking, two figures broke through the air, and the sword marks left behind their sharp edges.

Qi and movement are in harmony, sword marks gather and disperse, and phantoms of gossip appear from time to time.

"Heaven, earth, sun and moon, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, changes of yin and yang, and the rotation of the four seasons..."

"Heavenly and vigorous, constantly striving for self-improvement, the earth is straight, and the virtues carry things..."

Two fairy shadows walked freely, and a gossip sword song echoed in the void.

Singing with clear rhyme, faint and fairy sounds, unrestrained and unrestrained, mighty between heaven and earth.

As the verses were chanted, Xia Zhaoyang's body's Qi moved up and down like a tide, and he couldn't help humming along.

After a long while, a clear and solid phantom of the gossip sword intent fell down with the combined move, and the broken stones from a small mountain collapsed and flew.

The shadow of the sword all over the sky dissipated, leaving only the echoing sound.

Baiyunlou, who fell with the shadow of the sword, flashed in front of Junior Sister Chaoyang, and asked casually, "Chaoyang, did you remember everything?"

Xia Chaoyang's eyes fluttered slightly, and he replied in a delicate voice: "I wrote it down...but I didn't listen enough..." While speaking, Rourou hugged her senior brother's arm and shook it gently twice.

With the mind relaxed, sleepiness surged, and the body also shook twice.

"I haven't heard enough..." The corners of Bai Yunlou's mouth curled up, and he put his arms around Junior Sister Chaoyang's waist, and said softly, "Take Junior Sister to a place you like, and sleep enough..."

After saying that, Baiyunlou turned his head and looked aside, Ziyan nodded slightly.

"Jinghu...listen to the song..." Xia Chaoyang found the most comfortable position and leaned on his senior brother's shoulder.

"Then let Junior Sister listen happily..."

While speaking, Baiyunlou brought the consciousness of the two junior sisters out of the sea of ​​consciousness, and returned to their bodies.

As soon as Fang regained his senses, Baiyunlou raised his hand, and the magic weapon of the sundial flashed out, instantly opening a door to the void.

The water in it was shining brightly, it was the Jinghu Cave at the bottom of the lake, without any hesitation, he took Junior Sister Chaoyang and walked towards the door.

Zi Yan at the side seemed to think of something, and hurriedly raised her hand and called out: "Brother, wait a moment..."

In the end, it was still a step too late, and the figures of the senior brother and the junior sister had already disappeared in the void gate.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Zi Yan didn't make any more exclamations, and walked back to the Jinghu Cave along the void passage.

"Dangdangdang..." A series of metal and iron clanging sounds came out.

A black shadow pounced forward, and the sword's edge was blocked by Baiyunlou with a flick of its fingers.

It was precisely because of recognizing the identity of the black shadow that Baiyunlou did not activate the sword field to fix it, but used the sword to fight with him twice.

Waiting for the black shadow to fly Chaoyang, nestled in his senior brother's arms, opened his sleepy eyes when he heard the sound, and praised with a bit of haze: "Sister Qingshuang, your outfit is really... Beautiful and rustic..., when I wake up... I want to try it too..."

Chen Qingshuang in front of her was dressed in a black outfit, probably in midsummer, this outfit was not only light and thin, but also looked extremely cool, the exposed arms and calves were very eye-catching.

With the words of Junior Sister Chaoyang, Baiyunlou was quite speechless, and then said softly: "Chaoyang, I have returned to the mirror lake cave, hurry up and sleep..."

"Well... Senior Brother, I don't know how many days it will take me to sleep. Over there in the Immortal Realm..." Xia Zhaoyang forced his sleepiness and asked what he wanted from the bottom of his heart.

"There is a little flower spirit in the fairyland, the progress may be slower, but it is sure to be safe. Taking advantage of these two days, Zi Yan and I will also carefully deduce the Bagua Sword Intent that we have just started."

After a little thought, Baiyunlou went on to say: "Now that the magic weapon of the sundial has recovered nearly half of it, although it is difficult to slow it down by a thousand times like fixing the dilapidated small tower, it is only slowed down by three to five times. It is not a big problem if you persist for a few days."

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