Latest website: After a short pause, Baiyunlou continued: "I'll go back to the fairy world later to see if there is a second fairy decree in the jade box, and I'll go to the Miaocheng fairyland by the way. There are little flower spirits and a few With a fellow daoist here, the restoration of the fairy world will not be delayed too much."

"Listen to senior brother..." Zi Yan replied softly, her eyes looking at senior brother were like water, and the clear waves were slightly rippling.

"Well, brother, I'm going ahead..."

Turning around and looking around, Baiyunlou floated away from the void gate.

Watching her brother escape from Jinghu Cave, Zi Yan sat cross-legged in the void, called out the guqin, and played the silent string in the air.

A series of invisible shock waves submerged into the Dharma Body of Junior Sister Qingshuang in front of her, carrying the true meaning of the Dao of Water, guiding the true meaning of the gossip that wandered wantonly in the dantian meridian.

On the immortal platform, Baiyunlou didn't rush to leave, but put his consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness and got ready.

Now that the flow of time in the Immortal World has slowed down by a thousand times, the Baiyun Tower has used the magic weapon of the sundial to deduce it. Even with the accumulation of the Immortal Pond of Reward and Punishment, it may take several months to re-breed a new immortal decree.

Consuming the immortal soul body can slightly advance the progress of gestation, but it is still quite limited, so Baiyunlou plans to find a few of the many immortal materials and rare objects in the sea of ​​consciousness to nourish the immortal pond.

A meteorite broke in unexpectedly, and the Reward and Punishment Immortal Pond was consumed a lot. During this time, Baiyun Tower has been looking for a way to restore it as soon as possible.

After many attempts, the immortal materials derived from the Kunlun Immortal Realm seemed to be of little use, as soon as Fang fell into the pool, they disappeared without a trace.

After Xiaohualing's careful induction, it can't be said that it has no effect. The disappearing fairy escaped to a certain fairyland at will, and once again became the foundation of the fairyland.

Baiyun Tower did not give up, once again spent a lot of power of the soul, and brought some treasures from the human world with the body of the soul.

Unexpectedly, this operation was really effective. After the treasure material contaminated with human aura was integrated into the fairy pond, although it still disappeared without a trace, the trace of human aura remained, and the power of the fairy pond also increased slightly.

Although it is extremely weak, it has grown after all.

This time, Baiyun Tower intends to find a few treasures that are tainted with the atmosphere of the world, preferably rare things in the fairy world.

After picking and choosing, Baiyun Tower found four pieces of fairy materials.

Among them are the fairy material black gold for refining Xuanjia, the holy tree branches of Qingqiu, the original true water that has been cultivated for several years in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the original true fire derived from Qingyunmen.

It's a pity that I haven't found the earth element fairy material that I like for the time being. If the quality of the fairy material is not high enough, even with the protection of the power of the soul of Baiyun Tower, it will be difficult to resist the pulling force of the void in the fairy gate.

Among the four pieces of immortal material, the grade of Xuanjin was not enough, but this piece of Xuanjin has been calcined by Samadhi real fire, and has been cultivated by the breath soil for several years. high-level fairy material.

Looking at this piece of profound gold, a light flashed in Baiyunlou's mind.


I almost forgot about this fetish, although I couldn't bring out the breath soil in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, but I used stone boxes to seal more than ten boxes.

Then he gave a box to Junior Sister Chaoyang, Feiyang and himself each swallowed a box, and there was still a lot left.

Later, after Senior Sister Qing Chi learned about it, she said that this thing was of great importance, and she immediately took action and sealed it in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness without letting out a trace of breath.

If it wasn't for thinking about Xi Yang this time, Baiyun Tower would have almost forgotten the existence of this fetish.

To be able to get Senior Sister Qingchi to seal it herself, this place is of course miraculous, but Baiyun Tower did not hesitate at all, activated a special formula, and took out a stone box from the sealed place.

Looking at the current stone box, Baiyunlou remembered the advice from Senior Sister Qingchi, and immediately thought of recruiting Qingyu, the master.

With the touch of the sapphire, an invisible energy flowed out from the stone box.

During the circulation of the air machine, it attracted bursts of fairy mist, and the mist suddenly disappeared, revealing the extraordinary charm of Qingchi's slim figure.

"Oh, the sect master has finally used this fetish..." Although this figure was only transformed by a divine thought, but with a lively expression and fluttering clothes, it was like a deity.

"I'm going to go to the Immortal Realm to exchange an edict..." Bai Yunlou said bluntly, and sent out an idea.

After a while, Qing Chi opened his eyes and sighed: "Junior Brother is so proud, he doesn't even want to wait for a few months... Anyway, Senior Sister, let me take a look for you."

After saying that, Qingchi took the stone box with his hand, and held it in the palm of his hand, a divine light appeared in his eyes.

"The law of karma, open..." With a soft drink, there was a faint phantom flickering where the slender finger fell.

Eldest Sister's divine sense enthusiastically helped to calculate it, so Baiyunlou couldn't say much about it.

Just as he was sighing, there was a sudden fluctuation in the void in front of his eyes, pulling the dharma body transformed by Senior Sister Qingchi's spiritual thoughts to the place where the phantom manifested.

"What's the big deal if you take a look, hmph..."

Having said that, the phantom of Qingchi waved his hand to Baiyunlou, took a step forward, and his figure turned into a fluttering fluorescent light, and instantly disappeared into the void, disappearing without a trace.

The stone box fell down in the air, and was caught by Baiyunlou's probe, and a faint thought was transmitted to Baiyunlou's spiritual consciousness.

Mix fairy...

The remnants left by Senior Sister Qingchi, it seems that Caicai must have seen something just now, and pointed out to himself by the way.

In this way, if you want to open the gate of the underworld and go to the land of the underworld, it is best to exchange your merits and virtues for a fairy position in the fairy world.

There is no lack of merit, but what kind of immortal position to exchange for has to be considered.

"I don't know where the senior sister is now, I haven't had time to ask..."

With a soft mutter, Baiyun Tower put away a group of immortal materials, and flashed out of the small world of Sea of ​​Consciousness.

In the Nine Heavens of the Immortal World, in front of the main hall of the Immortal Queen's Palace, Xiao Hualing was a little speechless when he heard that the elder brother of the sect master was going to use the reward and punishment Immortal Pond to cultivate the Immortal Edict with all his strength.

During this period of time, Xianchi managed to recover a point or two, but most of it was still absorbed by the picture scroll.

Fortunately, today, there is another big person who swallows the immortal power, and the immortal pond is forced to be activated, which will more than double the consumption of the immortal power.

Xiao Hualing was about to sternly refuse, when suddenly several objects with extraordinary aura appeared in front of her, her eyes lit up.

Xiao Hualing is quite familiar with these fairy materials and gods, especially the stone box...

"Eldest Is that... the soil in this box?" Xiao Hualing asked with some uncertainty.


Hearing this, Little Flower Spirit hurriedly stepped aside, lay down on a fairy lotus in the pool, and watched it expectantly.

Fortunately, I brought enough fairy materials...

Baiyunlou secretly sighed, and threw the fairy materials in front of him into the fairy pond one after another.

Immediately, the qi of Xianchi was boiling, and the power of celestial power skyrocketed.

Especially after the stone box was opened, Zhang Xu's waves rose directly from the fairy pond, and the stone box was directly knocked over into the pool.

With the complete integration of the Five Elements fairy materials, the Reward and Punishment Immortal Pond shines with celestial light, the pool is full of water, and the happy little flower spirits are laughing and flying in mid-air.

At this moment, a ray of virtuous rays shone from mid-air and fell directly on the immortal soul in Baiyun Tower.

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