Latest website: After some casual greetings, Xia Chaoyang poured a cup full for his senior brother and sister, and poured half a cup himself, impatiently tasting it.

"Hmm..., I drank icy spirit fruit wine just after waking up. It's really refreshing." After drinking half a glass of fruit wine in one go, Xia Zhaoyang hurriedly poured himself another.

Zi Yan didn't say much, she picked up the cup and took a sip.

Turning to look at the three senior brothers and sisters, Chen Qingshuang asked helplessly: "Brother Bai, there is no one else..."

"It's gone, it's gone, there's no place to sit when you're here, you can talk freely, Junior Sister Chen." Bai Yunlou graciously filled his glass with ice-cold fruit wine as he spoke.

For such sake, since there are no outsiders here anyway, Chen Qingshuang simply put down the figure of the big sister of Haoranzong, with a little bit of drunkenness, and slapped the table:

"The book continues from the above, the trip to Nanzhou, there is no wind, no snow, no waves, no waves, a game of learning, and I will return after exhaustion."

As soon as the conversation started, Xia Chaoyang was amused directly. After suppressing his smile, he was about to listen carefully, but Senior Sister Qingshuang had already started to sip slowly with a wine cup.

"That's the end..." Xia Zhaoyang asked in a daze.

"It's over." Chen Qingshuang replied with a positive nod.

"Hey..., Junior Sister Chen is indeed a talented person of the Haoran Sect. In just a few words, she explained this matter so transparently." Baiyunlou sighed softly, and then raised the wine cup to respect Junior Sister Qingshuang from a distance.

Although Dongfang Ziyan didn't say anything, she also had a drink with her, her eyes full of emotion.

"The past is over, it's time to try the sword..." Chen Qingshuang grabbed the Qingfeng sword on the table, jumped up, and fled along the air flowing in the cave.

With a loud clang, Shuangfeng came out of the sheath, and the sword light shook the sky.

"Brother..." Xia Zhaoyang turned his head and called out curiously.

"Chaoyang, when we see you next time, we will know the reason..." Bai Yunlou turned his head slightly to Junior Sister Qingshuang, who was floating in the sky and guarding the sword, and Shi Shiran made a show of it.

"Oh..." Xia Chaoyang followed his senior brother's gaze, feeling a little hopeful.

The mighty true energy is wrapped in the sky-shocking sword style, and the gossip phantom appears and disappears from time to time.

Suddenly, the shadows of flowers all over the sky suddenly appeared, and the sword was frosty.

The light of the Chuchen sword fell on the mirror lake, and a piece of the lake instantly froze and thawed.

The chill broke into the Mirror Lake, and the condensed frost spread wantonly in the lake water like complicated branches, revealing a faint blue light.

Chen Qingshuang, who was slashing out with all his sword moves, stopped, as if he was also shocked by the power of his own sword.

You must know that there is an immortal formation here, and the qi machine running in it is constantly circulating, and it is difficult to stop it completely, let alone freeze the lake water.

"There is a bit of mysterious chill, no wonder, hey, is this... the sword intent of Zhan Fan Nian?" Xia Chaoyang could not help but utter a voice in surprise, sensing the sword intent when the sword fell.

"It's the derived sword intent of Zhan Fan Nian, now it's called Po Huan." Zi Yan replied softly.

Hearing these words, Xia Chaoyang suddenly realized, what was unknown before gradually became clear, and then he muttered softly.

"In this way, Senior Sister Qingshuang's Delusion-Breaking Sword Intent has the effect of cutting mortal thoughts. I went to the South China Sea to compete with Jing Wuxin, and inadvertently cut off her possible ordinary thoughts..."

"Therefore, the trip to the South China Sea was without waves or disturbances, the world of mortals was separated, and the interest was gone..."

"Zhan Fannian... Senior sister Qingshuang's delusion-shattering sword intent should come from senior brother..."

As soon as the words fell, a figure flashed in front of the three of them, and Chen Qingshuang had already landed with a sword light.

"It turns out that the inexplicable sword intent is Zhan Fannian..." Chen Qingshuang vaguely understood the reason, and then turned to look at Master Bai.

"Uh..." The matter has come to this point, and Baiyun Tower no longer hides it: "This matter has to start with the matter of exterminating the heavenly demon. In the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness."

"A few months ago, thanks to the help of Junior Sister Chen, who helped to dissipate nearly half of the remaining sword intent, this allowed senior brother and me to come out of the mind of clearing the sky."

"Who would have thought that nearly half of the sword intent followed the aura to find Junior Sister Chen's side, and then it was nourished by the awe-inspiring aura, which made it more rounded and changed."

"Now that the sword intention of Poxu has been sealed in the dharma sword, I think it will not easily affect the fate of junior sister in the future."

After saying that, Baiyun Tower raised a wine cup to respect each other.

"Fate method..., what kind of fate method can be easily killed." Chen Qingshuang said with emotion, picked up the wine cup and started to drink.

Hearing these words, Xia Chaoyang's eyes flashed, he leaned back to his senior brother, and asked casually: "Sister Qingshuang, now that I know the reason, do you want to go to the South China Sea again?"

Chen Qingshuang put down the wine cup, and replied sarcasticly: "Didn't I just say that, I went to Nanzhou before, and after realizing that Senior Brother Jing had no intentions, my mind was calm, and because of this, I realized my original intention..."

At this moment, Ziyan took out a scroll and sent it to Chen Qingshuang.

"This is..., hehe, thank you sister Ziyan." Chen Qingshuang's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly took it cheerfully, and immediately wanted to put it in the treasure bag she carried with her.

"What is this?" Xia Zhaoyang asked suspiciously.

Chen Qingshuang whispered a word, then handed over the scroll, Xia Zhaoyang immediately smiled like a flower, took it with his hand, turned sideways and slowly spread out the scroll.

"Mysterious..." Master Bai murmured, touching the pastries on the desk to taste, he still couldn't help poking over a thought.

The half-extended scroll, painted on it, is exactly the sword that he cut down when he escaped from the void passage.

The sword intent is mighty, like a fairy coming to the world.

The charm of this painting is extraordinary, and it even incorporates the power of the sword into it.

It's been a while since I saw the paintings made by Junior Sister Zi Yan, it seems that the art of painting has made a new breakthrough.

In addition to emotion, Baiyunlou looked at the junior sister who was watching the painting, Chaoyang looked at it with eyebrows flying, and junior sister Qingshuang was even more pleasantly surprised.

Sure enough, this junior sister Qingshuang's obsession with her has not diminished by half, and Baiyunlou secretly sighed at Haoranzong's mental state technique.

Other Haoran Sect disciples will dissipate their obsession after their state of mind reaches a great, but this junior sister Chen is good, her state of mind breaks through again and again, but the energy of this obsession does not diminish at all.

If there is really a little love..., then I will admit it, but Master Bai can't see through Junior Sister Qingshuang's mind with his extreme knowledge.

Just as she was thinking about it, Junior Sister Qingshuang quickly put away the scroll, grabbed the Qingfeng sword, raised her finger and flicked it lightly, the sword sang leisurely.

"This sword should also have a name, Senior Brother Bai, help me to name one."

"Qingfeng Sword, a sword of Shuanghan...then call it Qingshuang." Bai Yunlou replied casually.

"Qingshuang Sword, it's really easy..." While speaking, Chen Qingshuang shook the Dharma Sword, the energy around her body circulated, and she looked up at the Void Gate above her head.

"With Sister Qingshuang's current cultivation, this Kunlun Immortal Realm... can go."

After saying that, Zi Yan took out a jade talisman and gave it to Chen Qingshuang, and then softly explained to her about the Kunlun Immortal World.

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