There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 1059: Flowing cloud true solution

Hearing this, Baiyunlou immediately remembered Xianyunzi's supernatural powers of observing people, and said with a casual smile: "I was really worried at first, but after thinking about it, anyway, with the presence of seniors, my doubts disappeared."

Xian Yunzi smiled freely, stroked his beard and said, "Yunlou has a good temperament. It's really rare to have such a cultivation base with a bit of smoke and fire."

"No way, it's hard to let go of the delicacy in the world. After all, the younger generation can only be a fairy in the world..." Baiyunlou couldn't help laughing at himself as he recalled the delicious food he had just tasted at the pier.

"A human being is a human being, free and at ease..."

"That's true."

The breeze is blowing, drinking tea and chatting freely.

Half a day passed in a hurry, and Baiyunlou secretly sighed, this senior Xianyun really understands the world, is knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and can speak some truth in any conversation.

Following the conversation, Baiyunlou casually talked about the underworld.

At the first hearing, Xian Yunzi couldn't help being startled, he didn't expect this person in front of him to touch such an existence.

After patiently listening to Baiyun Tower, after a little thought, Xian Yunzi said: "Since it is the general trend, if the gate of the underworld is really opened, it doesn't matter."

"Yunlou said just now that the fairy gates between the fairy world and the human world are like a moat, and the gate of the underworld is also like this..."

Hearing these words, Baiyunlou couldn't help but his expression lifted, and he didn't intervene, but listened carefully.

After a short pause, Xian Yunzi continued: "In the past few years, I have traveled all over the world as a veteran, gaining insight into the changes in the world of mortals, and I have seen many interesting things."

"The world of mortals, all living beings, seem to be weak, but they have a strong ability to adapt, even stronger than we think."

"Cultivation into the world, I thought it would cause a wave of chaos, but it didn't take long for the world to adapt and accept the existence of cultivators, and get along very well."

"All kinds of magic weapons came out. After being amazed for a while, they were transformed one after another. Now even ordinary farmers use magic weapons for spring sowing and autumn harvest."

"If the opening of the gate of the underworld is just to restart reincarnation, instead of rampant ghosts, it may still be a good thing for the human world."

Hearing this, Baiyunlou couldn't help but muttered: "Restarting the reincarnation, the ghosts will have a home, and there is no need to dissipate directly, but... I don't know what the **** is like?"

"The so-called practice is not exploring the unknown." Xian Yunzi replied casually.

"The disciple is taught."

As expected of Xian Yunzi who has a clear understanding of the world, he cleared the fog in Baiyunlou's heart with a few words.

"Don't teach me. Yunlou is very intelligent. He wields a sword to slay monsters and kills demons. He travels all over the world. His vision is so broad. I am an old man, but I am only a few decades old."

"Senior is too humble... I have been bothering you for a long time, and today Yunlou will take my leave first."

It was almost noon, and Baiyunlou calculated that the immortal decree should have been cultivated, so he got up and said goodbye.

The old Tao got up and sent them off: "Yunlou is going to an unknown place this time. The old Tao is weak and difficult to follow. However, there is a method passed on to my little friend, and maybe I can help you a little bit."

Hearing this, Baiyunlou's eyes lit up, and he immediately stopped and stood, looking forward to it.

In the eyes of Baiyun Tower, this senior Xianyunzi is definitely worthy of the title of a master outside the world, and the martial arts and swordsmanship he handed out are all extraordinary.

Baiyun Tower waited for each other with leisure, but Xian Yunzi turned around and looked towards the cloud-shrouded Qianshan Mountain.

"Yunlou, your Tianyantong has already surpassed the old Taoist, you must have seen the magic of Liuyun Temple, right?"

"Floating clouds flow and linger for years, and the mountain is like a fairy formation, and ordinary eyes can't see through the mystery." Baiyun Tower watched the air flow in front of the mountain, and said casually.

Before at Yunxiao Manor, Baiyun Tower had noticed the extraordinaryness of Liuyun Temple, and even suspected that this old Taoist was the unknown power, but now, all these thoughts have been dispelled.

This is not to relieve doubts, but to not want to delve into it.

When the state of mind is complete, Baiyunlou can see the clarity of mind, knowing that Xianyunzi cares and guides him, it is enough.

Even if it really is the so-called powerful incarnation, so what, at least in this life as a fellow.

During the time when he had penetrated into the extreme state and his state of mind was fully realized, Baiyunlou used to deduce all kinds of doubts in his mind according to the remaining memories after killing the demon.

The Kunlun Cave was in danger of death, and Qingyu once disappeared...

When killing the Heavenly Demon, Qingyu's tolerance for the Heavenly Demon...

Senior Sister Xiao used to have an attitude of avoiding Qingyu...

Senior Qing Yunzi fell, and after Senior Sister Qingchi passed on the memory, Senior Sister Xiao changed her attitude towards herself, and even accepted the existence of Qingyu...

All kinds of doubts have been roughly judged in the clear state of mind.

The sapphire I obtained is undoubtedly a chess piece dropped by an unknown power, and this power's status is extremely noble, even above the way of heaven.

For this reason, Baiyunlou made some assumptions. This mighty man threw away such a **** as the big sapphire, which caused the gods and demons to be turbulent and entangled for tens of thousands of years.

The heavenly demon pursued the breath of sapphire, traversed countless small worlds, and completely set off a grand calamity.

Maybe this great power is like a father **** to Senior Sister Xiao.

Senior Qingyunzi...may be the first incarnation of Almighty, and Senior Sister Qingchi should have noticed a thing or two.

Thinking about it this way, it seemed that all doubts made sense.

As the saying goes, bold assumptions, careful verification.

It's just that the current Baiyun Building is too lazy to prove it, so it's better to do the matter at hand rather than bothering to deduce it.

The gods fall, involuntarily.

If given a choice, Baiyunlou would rather be a low-key waste, and then quietly hide on the chessboard.

Just like the Liuyun Temple at Chuyunfeng in front of me, it is very natural to hide from the eyes of Tiandao.

While thinking about it, Xian Yunzi on the side nodded and smiled: "Yunlou, take a closer look..."

Dexian Yunzi reminded, Baiyun Tower focused again, and carefully watched the stratus clouds flowing slowly overhead.

"Huh... that's how it turned out."

The original knowledge of the extreme realm was fully exerted, and the thoughts moved for dozens of Baiyun Tower immediately saw the true mystery of Liuyun Temple.

Chuyun Peak, Liuyun Temple, and the floating clouds in the sky all have subtle shock waves, and the three are combined with each other, as if they are one.

Because of this, ordinary eyes cannot separate the three, and what they see is only a cloud.

Seeing this scene of flowing clouds, Baiyunlou immediately realized the true meaning of the evasion technique that Xianyunzi used in the past.

"The ancestors of Liuyun Temple are really amazing. It must have taken a lot of effort to set up this temple." Baiyunlou looked up at the strange Liuyun Temple on the top of the peak, and said with emotion.

"Yes, it is said that the master built this temple in the past, and it took more than ten years to build it, but because of this, he created the Liuyun technique and left a legacy." Xian Yunzi looked at the peak from a distance, and he was also full of emotion.

After a short pause, he continued, "Little friend Yunlou, I can understand the method of hiding in Liuyun Temple."

"Understood! Thank you, senior, for your enlightenment and preaching."

Baiyunlou bowed immediately and thanked Xianyunzi for teaching the Dharma.

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