The latest website: Baiyunlou chatted with my father and mother until late at night, and had a good supper before going back to the study in the backyard to rest.

Ying Bai's master asked to stay, Xiao Jing and Bai Zhan's siblings also stayed at Bai's house for the night.

Xiao Jing was left behind for the convenience of arranging complicated matters for tomorrow, and Bai Zhan was left because Bai Yunlou had recently improved his kendo.

At the beginning of the child's time, Bai Zhan sat cross-legged on the bamboo couch in the study, meditating in meditation, while Baiyunlou casually leaned on the recliner, and in a thought, a divine consciousness escaped the sea of ​​consciousness between the brows of Bai Zhan's junior brother.

In the vast chaos, a large formation with a radius of more than a hundred feet manifested.

Hundreds of sword lights in the formation wandered around indefinitely, sometimes converging and sometimes separating, and the sword lights that came out were extremely sharp.

This large formation was once left by the soul of the demon, and Bai Zhan never cut it to pieces in order to sharpen his sword intent.

Afterwards, after a great improvement in cultivation, the original crippled formation could not withstand the power of the transformation sword. For this reason, Bai Zhan also found the senior brother who was in charge of the sect, and asked him to help strengthen it.

At that time, Master Bai had already understood Nanzhou's Jiuding formation. This re-evolved Nine Palaces formation was like a magic weapon of the sun god, which could not only protect Bai Zhan's primordial spirit body, but also sharpen his sword intent at any time.

Once this formation is formed, not only will the original stale qi disappear, but also at the time of Zi, it will also attract strands of innate qi into the formation to nourish the soul and sword intent.

Such a large formation of sea consciousness is so powerful that Baiyunlou even had the idea of ​​popularizing it, but the Nine Palaces formation requires a very high level of spiritual talent from practitioners. It seems that it can sharpen the sword, but it can also trap the soul.

Once the Soul Sword Intent is trapped, it will be difficult to make progress in cultivation.

If Bai Zhan hadn't cultivated his sharp sword intent to the state of Dzogchen, Baiyun Tower would not have helped him reproduce this formation.

Only the sword intent of Dzogchen can sense the fleeting eye of the Nine Palaces formation and break it with all its strength.

In addition, the Nine Palaces Formation will also be nourished by innate energy and become stronger day by day, and only a sword repairer like Bai Zhan who lacks in talent and diligence can control this formation.

However, what Bai Yunlou planned to teach Bai Zhan today was to chop up the formation.

After being pointed out by Junior Sister Ziyan, Baiyunlou suddenly realized.

The mirror of the mind can store all kinds of ordinary thoughts, and can also observe and reflect on oneself, and once it is broken, it is like getting out of a cage, and you will be at ease.

When I saw Junior Brother Bai Zhan today, this large formation immediately appeared in the mind of Baiyun Tower.

I used to think it was a perfect big formation, but now I think about it, but I just want to kill it with a single sword.

It has been a while since Junior Brother Bai Zhan came out of the Liuhua Realm, and his fellow disciples have made breakthroughs, but Bai Zhan has been stuck in the state of building a foundation and has not been able to make any progress.

Maybe cutting the big formation is the opportunity to break through...

While thinking, Baiyunlou's divine sense incarnation fled outside the formation. Junior brother Bai Zhan was sitting cross-legged in the formation to condense his sword intent. Qi becomes form, and finally a ray of sword light is obtained.

As soon as the sword finger was sent, the sword light disappeared in a flash, piercing through the air and piercing the brows of Bai Zhan's primordial body.

This sword light contains Baiyunlou's understanding of the true martial art of swordsmanship, and how much Junior Brother Bai can comprehend depends on his good luck.

In the small world of sword spirits preserved by the True Martial Immortal Lord, I felt the pleasure of having a clear conscience, and obtained the sword intent of heaven's punishment. I don't know what kind of sword intent Junior Brother Bai Zhan, who is extremely talented in the way of swords, can realize.

Just as he was thinking about it, the hundreds of sword qi wandering randomly in the formation in front of him suddenly gathered together and turned into a river of swords, circling rapidly in the formation.

This sword river is getting faster and faster, and it seems to be able to penetrate the void at the extreme.

Suddenly, those hundreds of sword qi condensed and turned into nine sword gangs.

The nine sword gangs are connected end to end, turning into a stream of light, continuing to circle and flee.


With a clanging sound, accompanied by an extremely condensed will, a sword slashed like a shooting star, cutting a sword mark in the void.

"Chop, chop, chop..." Following a series of shouts, the seven swords pierced through the air and struck the sword mark at the same instant.

The sword mark suddenly transformed, turning into a void channel containing a powerful sword intent.

The last sword gang disappeared into the void passage in an instant, and when it reappeared, it already carried the momentum of nine swords.

The speed of breaking through the sky increased nine times, and the edge of the sword transformed into a dazzling edge.

This sharp sword intent finally broke through to the limit.

The sword intent of the extreme realm is hidden in the edge of the sword, and with an unstoppable momentum, it cuts on the boundary wall of the formation.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, the formation was pierced in an instant.

This sword flashed through the air to the other side of the formation, and its speed did not slow down at all.

"Crack..." There was another crisp sound, and the formation was pierced through again.

The subsequent sound of shattering was almost uninterrupted, and when the sword finally came to a stop, the remaining shock waves in the chaotic void completely crushed the aura of the Nine Palaces Formation.

This place was originally Bai Zhan's chaotic sea of ​​consciousness, and the qi mechanism of the great formation had the same root as it. Half of the shattered qi mechanism merged into the sword gang, and most of it turned into pure yang qi, which merged into the body of the primordial spirit.

As the body of the primordial spirit is gradually filled with the pure yang true meaning, the sharp true meaning emanating from the remaining sword gang began to continuously temper the soul.

The timing was just right, Baiyunlou raised his hand to grab the void, countless innate qi flashed out, and finally merged into one place and poured into the metamorphic body of the primordial spirit.

In an instant, the golden light shined brightly, and Bai Zhan's primordial spirit finally transformed into the body of Yangshen.

So far, Bai Zhan's soul realm has broken into the Yangshen realm.

Pulling one hair moves the whole body, the sharpness of the sword is cultivated to the extreme, and the realm of the soul also has a breakthrough.

Without the slightest hesitation, Bai Zhan immediately went all out, opened the way with his sharp sword intent, circulated the true energy in his dantian, and began to try to break through.

In just one or two breaths, the true energy began to change.

The breakthrough of the realm requires a large amount of aura, pure fairy aura, of course, there is no shortage of Baiyun Tower, and there are many in the Kunlun Order.

If you just use the stored fairy energy to help Bai Zhan's younger brother to break through, Baiyun Tower always feels that it is not complete.

Deriving from the basic knowledge of the extreme realm In the blink of an eye, Master Bai already had a new plan.

At the time of Zi, the innate qi was extremely active, but the chaos here was not divided, and the kind of clear spiritual energy could not be absorbed directly by borrowing the divine pattern, but there was a way or a try.

Thinking of this, Baiyun Tower immediately took action, with a thought of splitting the soul, using the transformation technique of the extreme state, simulating Bai Zhan's aura.

Immediately, the soul was divided into countless thoughts, scattered in the chaotic void.

Searching for innate qi in the chaos is like looking for a needle in a haystack, time-consuming and exhausting.

However, Baiyun Tower has the basic knowledge of the extreme state, and the powerful soul is transformed into thousands of thoughts, waiting to pull up a large magnet net that can absorb iron needles in the sea.

Once there is innate energy approaching, it can be captured by this invisible net.

Although this method of finding qi is far less convenient than knowing the divine pattern of the sea, it is enough for Junior Brother Bai Zhan to break through.

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