"It's been a long time since I saw such a strong obsession. It's very good..." This spiritual obsession seemed to be in the hands of Granny Meng. As soon as it was stripped by the power of the soup, it was taken into her palm and played with.

Xia Zhaoyang on the side looked interesting, and asked softly with his small face up: "Grandma Meng, you have great powers, please help me take a look, my second mother should be fine, right?"

"You little girl..., you'll be fine after drinking my Po Meng's soup..." Po Meng turned her head and glanced at her, and then replied a few words fondly.

Hearing this, Xia Chaoyang immediately smiled, and his mouth became sweeter: "That's great, thank you mother-in-law..."

"Thank you, mother-in-law..." Zi Yan watched her mother's brows stretch, her mind was at ease, and she also followed Xiao Chaoyang in a soft voice of thanks.

"It's also the combination of the fairy medicine you brought..."

After pondering for a while, Granny Meng raised her eyes to look at Niang Ziyan, and then said: "This obsession already has spirituality, and it can be said to be of great use here, Yunjiao Xiaoland, if you want, I will keep 10% of it, Granny Meng. The remaining 90% can be returned to you, and when you succeed in cultivation in the future, it is not a bad idea to refine it into a magic weapon of life."

"Thank you, Senior Meng Po, this junior doesn't want to touch this thing again..." Niang Ziyan immediately replied.

"Forget it... my shop hasn't been opened for a hundred thousand years, and when it opened, it encountered such a pure human atmosphere. The old lady can't lose your little land."

After saying that, Granny Meng raised her hand to draw a cloud of green smoke from the void, and sent it into Zi Yanniang's body.

This smoke is extremely miraculous, Zi Yanniangqin's ghost was condensed very quickly, immediately broke through the Spiritual God Realm, and then condensed all the way to the middle of the Yuanshen Realm.

"Incense fire wish power!" Zi Yan got the inheritance of the underworld, so she recognized it, and then thanked Granny Meng: "Thank you grandma for your help..."

"There are comings and goings, old lady, I am just a businessman..."

While speaking, Po Meng flicked her fingertips, and the manifested gray obsession turned in the air, and instantly sank into Huangquan Road.

Several people turned their heads to look curiously, and saw a dead branch and leaf at the end of Huangquan Road suddenly shattered, and a delicate flower appeared proudly.

The other shore flower!

The flowers and leaves are slender, curved like dragon claws, and they are so beautiful that they seem to be addicted to them at first glance.

"Bang bang bang..." Accompanied by a soft sound, blood-like flowers bloomed along Huangquan Road, stretching for dozens of feet.

Under the blood moon, this section of Huangquan Road became the most vivid color in the entire underworld.

"Seven hundred and eighty-two..., mother-in-law, didn't it mean that a mortal thought can only produce one flower of the other side?" Xia Chaoyang asked in a puzzled way as he sensed the number of flowers blooming in a flash.

"What a transparent spiritual consciousness... Ordinary mortal thoughts can only produce a flower of the other shore, and this obsession has already derived a little bit of spirituality, so it can be exchanged for that smoke." Meng Po looked at those The beautiful Bianhua has a look of extreme satisfaction in her eyes.

Seeing that Granny Meng cared so much about these Bianhua flowers, Xia Zhaoyang said curiously: "Grandma, these Bianhuahua's aura is so mysterious and extraordinary, don't they have other functions."

Po Meng nodded and replied: "These are top-grade Bianhua flowers. Ordinary ghosts will be attracted by them when they pass by and see them, and then they will go to the Sansheng Stone to observe the past, present and future lives, and go to the Home-Watching Terrace to see the mundane world. Nian, then come here to drink a bowl of Mengpo soup, you can completely forget about the previous life, and then you can cleanly step on the Naihe Bridge and go to the ten halls of Yan Luo to wait."

"So that's how it is..." After pondering for a while, Xia Zhaoyang then asked: "Grandmother..., since the Bianhua has high grade, it should also have low grade, even fairy grade, right?"

"You are clever, little girl. The Bianhua flowers derived from ordinary ghosts and mortal thoughts are only low-grade or middle-grade flowers, and above the high-grade ones there are top-grade ones, which are rare things that are rare in a thousand years."

After a short pause, Meng Po went on to say: "Immortal Bianhuahua..., old lady, I have never seen it in endless years, but I have heard a word from the Immortal Emperor, saying that this flower is of great use to the underworld. The world of Ten Thousand Buddhas in the foreign land was once destined to see it, but it was not destined to obtain it..."

"It is said that the aura of the flower on the other side of the pearl can penetrate all realms and go to the real other side..."

Talking about the immortal Bianhua, Po Meng showed fascination on her face.

The thing that can make this Meng Po and the Immortal Emperor both care about must be very mysterious.

With a thought in Baiyunlou's mind, he secretly remembered the matter of the fairy flower on the other side deep in his mind.

"Immortal Emperor..., mother-in-law is very familiar with the Immortal Emperor, right? What kind of person is he?" Xia Zhaoyang thought about it, and asked about the Immortal Emperor along the way.

The topic jumped too fast, and Meng Po couldn't help but startled, with a bit of reminiscence in her eyes, she said leisurely: "You are so majestic, so majestic, with a dignified appearance, and you are not angry and majestic. The emperor of the immortal family is supreme. Command the power of the Three Realms."

"Its prestige and reputation shook the heavens and the world, but it is a pity that in the end... it still went away in the face of calamity."

Hearing this, Zi Yan's eyes moved slightly, and she couldn't help asking: "Grandma, how do you know what happened in the Immortal Court back then?"

None of the nine masters of the Yan Luo Palace knew about the situation in the Immortal Court, Cai Chaoyang didn't mention it just now, but from Po Meng's words, it seems that she already knew about it.

Back then, the underworld was closed early and the two worlds were separated, so Zi Yan was quite puzzled.

Granny Meng pointed to the Sansheng Stone not far away, and said faintly: "The Sansheng Stone is connected to the energy mechanism of the upper realm. Now that the underworld is reopened, the demon will be completely wiped out that day."

"Well, the Heavenly Demon has been wiped out by senior brother... together with friends from the two worlds, mother-in-law, can you still see things in the fairy world with this three-life stone?" Suddenly ~www.readwn.com~ Xia Chaoyang became interested in the three-life stone.

"This fairy stone and the marriage fairy tree are both fairy things that were born when the Three Realms first emerged. They are extraordinary, but after the collapse of the fairy world, the three life stones have lost contact with the upper realm." Meng Po replied with a sigh.

"Marriage Immortal Tree? Mother-in-law, we are currently repairing the Miaocheng Immortal Realm. Although the Immortal Tree is damaged, it is still full of vitality..."

Meng Po nodded and replied: "The fairy world still exists, so the vitality of the fairy tree will not be cut off. In fact, the thing that connects the three life stones with the energy of the upper realm is the fairy tree of marriage. It is determined by the tree, but it is all manifested in the three life stones..."

Hearing this, Baiyun Tower couldn't help sighing: "Fate for three lives, love for three generations..., the fairy tree of marriage, so it's like this, but we have already obtained the immortal position, so we can't manifest it."

"What Yunlou said is not bad, but it is a good thing that it cannot be manifested. From now on, I will not be trapped by the marriage tree. In ancient times, I don't know how many idiotic men and women wanted to break the shackles of the red line..."

Talking about this matter, Granny Meng's eyes revealed a few traces of memory, and she continued: "And that old man...sometimes he was so confused that he caused a lot of trouble, and in the end, I had to help him clean up the mess..."

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