There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 1097: know each other like wine

The blood moon is dark, and the underworld is deep.

Tranquility was restored on the low mountain in the wilderness again, and Zi Yanniang sat cross-legged on the side, concentrating on practicing the newly obtained Ming Dao Kung Fu.

Xia Chaoyang was refining Bai Wuchang's command talisman in meditation, and with the help of fairy light, it shouldn't take too long.

It didn't take much effort for the powerful Baiyun Tower to completely refine Hei Wuchang's command talisman, and then he regained his senses.

Where the heart is moving, raise your eyes and look, just in time to meet a pair of clear eyes, the flames in them move slightly, and the affection is like charm.

"Yunlou..." Ziyan called softly.

Bai Yunlou's heart throbbed slightly, and he reached out to hold Ziyan's cold little hand.

"Isn't there red lotus fire, why is it still so cold?"

"Isn't it because of the Yan Luo order that the body is always so cold..." Zi Yan replied sullenly, with a hint of coquettishness in her words.

Hearing this, Baiyunlou couldn't hold back for a moment, gently pulled this soul of Junior Sister Ziyan into his arms, and pure Yang breath rose up, the original intention was to help warm it up...

When I came back to my senses, it was already after a cup of tea.

The yin and yang qi merged and operated on their own, and the qi machine of the immortal way and the qi machine of the underworld wandered in circles between the two souls, pulling them into a state of sudden enlightenment for a while.

As soon as Fang woke up, Baiyunlou couldn't help but feel sorry for it, it's a pity that it was the first time he took Ziyan into his arms, and his original knowledge was only thinking about the Dao of Enlightenment...

When can the Dao fail to comprehend...

"Senior brother, you don't need to be sorry..." Zi Yan woke up at the same time, sensing the sigh in the heart of the senior brother, and then replied softly.

"It's true..." Bai Yunlou sniffed the fragrance in his bosom, caressed his soft hair, and immediately fulfilled a trace of common thoughts in the past.

Knowing each other is like tea and wine, its taste is pleasant and intoxicating.

The two were lazy and didn't want to say much, they just passed on the message softly with their minds.

"Zi Yan, if your original soul knew about it, wouldn't it crush both of our souls?"

"If you crush it, then crush it..., but this deity has already transformed into Lord Pluto, so I can protect my brother well."

"Master Pluto is mighty..."

"Chaoyang, since you're awake, hurry up and help me warm my body..." Sensing Xiao Chaoyang's slight movement, Zi Yan called out softly.

"Hey..." Xia Zhaoyang smiled, and with a flash of his figure, he came up to the two of them, squeezed intimately beside them, and couldn't help sighing: "Senior brother is still warm."

Just as he embraced Xiao Chaoyang in his arms, there was an abnormal fluctuation in the depths of Baiyunlou's heart.

A message from the Immortal World... It seems that something is wrong in the Immortal World.

"Sister, you can stay here with Erniang with peace of mind. Senior brother and I will go to the Immortal World to have a look. It shouldn't be a big problem." Xia Zhaoyang also noticed the abnormality, and said aloud.

While speaking, he jumped up directly, ready to break through the air and escape back to the fairy world.

Before waiting for it to run smoothly, Zi Yan gently pinched her small face, and said with a soft smile: "What's the hurry when I arrive in the underworld, sister, I have a lot of time, follow me back to the main hall first, and settle down a bit, just It’s good to go back to the original consciousness.”

"Oh, yes, the time flow is very slow here, and I haven't been to the Yama Hall yet..."

Ziyan nodded slightly, her body moved with energy, gently wrapped her mother's Yinhun Dharma Body that was cultivating, pulled her senior brother and junior sister Chaoyang, and fled to the main hall of Yan Luo in an instant.

The wind is bleak, and the wind lamp is dim.

The main hall of Yan Luo is located on a strange mountain, and there are many strange rocks like canine teeth.

Although the main hall at the end of the stone steps is extraordinary, it is more cold and cold.

The inside and outside of the main hall was filled with a blood-colored mist, and the shadows were floating, chaotic, and somewhat mysterious.

Zi Yan led the three of them through the hall and entered the courtyard, and came to the residence of the apse, which was a bit like stepping into the courtyard of an ancient government office.

After finding a quiet place to settle down with her mother, Zi Yan also found a place for her senior brother and Xiao Chaoyang.

In this vast underworld, if the soul wanders outside all the time, it will inevitably feel lonely. Having a shelter can not only calm the mind and nourish the soul, but also deduce the rules of the underworld with peace of mind.

After they settled down, the three of them split up and went to work.

Outside the gate of hell, at the bottom of a dark cliff.

The three of them regained their senses at the same time and stood up from the bluestone.

Baiyunlou raised his hand to disperse the barrier of heaven, and hundreds of ghosts drifted away to the gate of the underworld.

It was only a day and night before and after, and many ghosts had already gathered.

The gate of the underworld is opened, the rules of the underworld are operating, and the pressure on the world and the heavens has dropped sharply. The head of Bai Da, who is in charge of guarding the house, is relieved.

As soon as the barrier was broken, two figures suddenly appeared, they were Huo Tong and Tao Yao who hadn't seen for many days.

"Senior brother is indeed here, I said that the ghosts gathered here, this place must be unusual..."

While speaking, Huo Tong took Tao Yao to the front of several people, saluted and greeted them.

At this moment, Xiao Jing's communication talisman suddenly vibrated non-stop, this place was sealed off for a whole day and night, and no news could be communicated, unexpectedly, this would be the case when the ban was lifted.

Xiao Jing searched casually, and immediately stepped forward two steps: "Senior brother, strange things happen frequently in the world, especially at night, I have to go back to the door to find out the situation."

After thinking about it for a while, Baiyunlou already knew the reason, and immediately replied: "Xiao Jing doesn't need to worry too much. The changes in the world are caused by the opening of the gate of the underworld. Ghosts wander, and when they meet those who are persistent, it may take a lot of trouble. Generally speaking, there will be no big waves... In addition, it may be time to start the preparation for many days."

"Thank you for your guidance, Senior Sister, I will go back to Qing Yunmen to make arrangements..." Nangong Xiaojing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then bowed and said goodbye.

After understanding the cause and effect, Bai Lang, Bai Zhan and Tian Yin also followed Xiao Jing.

"The underworld..., a small world where ghosts gather..." Shenzi Huotong watched Bailang and others leave, and turned to look at the gate of the underworld.

"Oh, junior brother, are you interested in taking a stroll inside?" Baiyunlou asked casually.

Huo Tong was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately replied: "Forget it, this world is not finished yet..."

The son of God's was all within the expectations of Master Bai...

During this period of time, Huotong took Taoyao to walk slowly all the way, really enjoyed it, and gradually understood the ways of the world, and the aura became more and more in line with the way of the world.

Two of the three seals that were once banned in the god's body have been dissipated, and his figure has grown to about fifteen or sixteen years old.

Baiyunlou concentrated his attention and sensed that although there were some changes in the fairy world, it was not imminent, and then waved his sleeves, directly dispelling the last seal in Huotong God's body.

In an instant, Huotong Shenzi's energy surged, his divine body was lifted, and his divine power was fully restored.

"Eldest brother..." Huo Tong exclaimed, and was immediately overwhelmed by the surging divine power.

After many times of experience, Huo Tong's mind has grown a lot, and unconsciously, his spirit, body and consciousness are completely in harmony.

Qi flowed, his body changed slightly, and his eyebrows showed a bit of heroic spirit, as if he had transformed into a vigorous young man of sixteen or seventeen.

That childish son Huo Tong had finally grown up.

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