The cold moonlight shines through the windows of the main hall and falls on the cold and graceful figure.

Dongfang Ziyan looked up, her eyes sparkled like autumn water or ice crystals.

Stepping into the hall slowly, looking at the beautiful figure, Baiyun Tower couldn't bear to break this breathtaking beauty, but still called out softly.

"Zi Yan..."

Zi Yan turned around slowly and looked back, and responded softly.

"Yunlou, on that hill in the underworld, what happened afterwards, why did senior brother have a thought of worrying about gains and losses..."

Baiyunlou walked slowly in front of Junior Sister Ziyan, looked at the beautiful face under the moonlight, and sighed softly: "It's not because of you, Junior Sister..."

Hearing this, Zi Yan smiled slightly, her whole body's aura was like melting snow, the coldness gradually disappeared, revealing a bit of spring breeze warmth.

"You, senior brother..." Accompanied by the soft voice, Zi Yan stepped forward slowly, and gently leaned into the warm embrace of senior brother.

With the beauty in his arms, Baiyunlou suddenly felt that everything in front of him suddenly brightened...

Ten thousand thoughts arose in an instant, and thoughts surged.

The proud headmaster Bai has already arranged everything in his mind.

After the fairyland was completely restored and the memories of the past were retrieved, he and his two junior sisters made an oath of eternal love under the marriage tree...

Even the names of the male and female dolls began to come to mind...

Sensing the thoughts in the mind of the senior brother, Zi Yan couldn't help but blushed slightly, and lightly hammered the brother's chest, and said softly: "For the matter of getting married, the senior brother can just pull Chaoyang, the younger sister is just a Taoist companion..."

"A Taoist couple is a Taoist couple, according to my junior sister..." Baiyunlou was extremely calm, holding Ziyan in his arms and looking up at the moon, without any hesitation in his heart.

The bright moonlight shines down, and the energy flow on the marriage fairy tree, Yuelao stands under the tree, holding a red thread and watching intently.

Baiyunlou and Ziyan stood side by side under the tree, their eyes flickered, and the red line of the tree turned into the prosperity of the world.

A period of love that may be strong or weak, long or decisive, the two of them are deeply moved after watching.

After watching for a while, Baiyunlou slowly regained his senses, and looked at Zi Yan with affection.

With this wave of affection fluctuating, the two looked at the red thread fluttering in the wind again, and slowly realized the true meaning contained in the red thread.

The Dao of Emotion is the most unpredictable existence in the world. It is derived from the spirits of the world. There are no rules, no right or wrong, and no reason to speak of.

Wherever the love comes, where the heart is tied, the mountains, rivers, sun and moon seem to be renewed.

Dependence arises and extinction, only true love lasts forever, and the strands of invisible and formless love threads seem to be weak, but they are the most tenacious.

There are more than thousands of red threads dancing on the marriage tree, but it made the two of Baiyunlou have a clear look.

At both ends of the origin, one side passes away, the red thread dissipates, but the love thread remains, until both parties are gone, the love thread is still not extinguished, but drifts into the heaven.

Although it is not the law of the great way, it makes this world a little bit stronger.

From ancient times to the present, there are more than countless threads that have been integrated into the way of heaven. It is precisely because of this invisible and formless love thread that the human world has survived many calamities without collapsing.

And the red thread full of trees and the red thread in Yuelao's hand are actually just the supernatural powers of appearance derived from the aura of the fairy tree when the ancient master observed the true love in the world.

Although it is a manifestation, it is incomparably compatible with the thread of love, so it has a bit of magical power, so it can easily trap the Xuantian Immortal Vine.

Knowing the truth of the red thread of love, the two of Baiyunlou immediately regained their senses. This is not the time to deduce supernatural powers, and the restoration of the fairyland is the top priority.

Just as he was about to salute and say goodbye, he saw that Yuelao was still holding the red thread and was waiting attentively. Baiyun Tower had a faint understanding, and then stepped forward to persuade him: "Senior Yuelao, the flow of time in the fairy world has been greatly reduced now, and it is much slower than that in the human world. Little, Yuelao doesn’t need to keep an eye on him all the time.”

Hearing this, Yuelao immediately relaxed, and sighed: "No wonder..., the old man was still a little puzzled just now. It's been a while, but there is no abnormality at all. It turns out that it is because of this..."

After a short pause, Yue Lao went on to say: "It's good that way, there will be fewer omissions in the future, and it's interesting to watch this worldly affairs slowly, you two hurry up and go, I can't be idle, old man Watch for a while, watch for a while..."

After saying that, he waved his sleeves, turned into a clone and escaped into the marriage tree, and followed the aura to the lower realm.

This one really can't stay idle... The two in Baiyunlou looked at each other and smiled, then turned around and walked on the moon, exploring the vast and vast Miaocheng Immortal Territory.

Time flies, the seasons rotate, and before you know it, a year and a half has passed in the world.

The plum calyx is melting and the willow silk is light green. It is the beginning of spring again.

Although time has passed, the restoration of the fairy world has not stopped, and several years have passed in a hurry, and it has been restored to the West Pole.

In the Western Immortal Territory, suddenly a void shock wave spread out, and fragments of fairy stones all gathered towards the source of the earthquake.

The broken celestial peach forest began to be repaired, the fairyland fairyland adjacent to it was reunited, and the former fairyland fairy palace also reappeared in the world.

Yaochi Immortal Palace, another palace of Immortal Guanghan, surrounded by fairy clouds, is magnificent, less cold and more spring.

After countless twists and turns, the immortals finally restored the Western Immortal Territory. While rejoicing, they seemed to have a breakthrough in their mood.

After repairing all the way to the eighth heaven of the fairy world, in order to fulfill Xiao Taoyao's thoughts, everyone decided to restore the West Pole Heaven first.

Unexpectedly, the West Pole is the most vast, and the fairyland is vast and boundless. It took half a year in the fairyland to kill countless little demons that spawned, and then it was completely restored.

The fairyland resort is surrounded by fine fragrance, and the auspicious mist in the fairy peach forest is colorful.

A piece of fairy palace in the north of the pool is the Yaochi fairy palace that the ancient immortals are not allowed to enter.

In the Immortal Palace, the Qiongtai is paved with colorful knots, and the treasure pavilion is scattered. It is indeed the place where the immortals used to practice.

In the fairy peach forest on one aura gathers, the fairy mist moistens, the scattered aura traces back for thousands of years, and vermilion peach fruits hang all over the branches.

Standing on the top of the clouds, watching such a beautiful view of the West Pole, the immortals were amazed.

Such a scene made Xia Zhaoyang smile, and couldn't help it, he pulled up Taoyao beside him, greeted everyone, turned into two rays of light, and with crisp laughter, fell towards the fairy peach garden.

"It's interesting to revisit the old place..." Huo Tong muttered softly, and a cloud of fire appeared while taking a step, and drifted away to Xiantao Lin unhurriedly.

While the clothes fluttered, there was a little less arrogance of the gods, and a little more charm of the immortal family.

"Fellow daoists, do as you please. Although this place is the place where the ancient immortals practiced, there are not many restrictions except for the main hall."

Zi Yan turned around and spoke softly, immediately attracting a crowd of happy responses.

At this moment, a voice like a silver bell came from the Taolin: "Sister Ziyan, Xiaojing, Feiyang, come down quickly, this Taolin is so big, it's almost exactly the same as the one when we were young..."

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