The head of the mountain and Aunt Xia came to the fairy world a little earlier, and they already have deep backgrounds. Although they are only small immortals, their cultivation has already reached the early stage of leaving their bodies.

Of course, cultivation is not the same as strength. The immortal position is different, and the laws of immortality are also different, and strength will also affect it.

In other words, for everyone in the fairy world today, the immortal position is equivalent to the future potential. At present, Chen Qingshuang and Nangong Feiyang have both obtained the upper immortal position. Practice, sooner or later you can step into the powerful heavenly fairyland.

Compared to the others, Bai Zhan and Xiao Jing came the latest, their strength is naturally the weakest, and they only got the fairy position as Xiaoxian, but these two people don't care about breaking the border at all, they are very high-spirited, and they cooperate very tacitly , but let the head of Bai secretly relieved a lot.

The rest of the immortals did not follow the path of human cultivation. Although their strengths have improved, it is difficult to describe their cultivation realm.

Huo Ling'er regenerated her divine body in the big sapphire, and became a god-like existence in the world. The clone came to the fairy world with her brothers and sisters. It was originally just to help restore the fairy world, but after coming and going, the clone fused a lot of fairy fire.

Especially in Suzakutian's Lihuo Palace, after calcining the avatar in Nanming Lihuo for seventy-seven forty-nine days, the divine body transformed into the body of the immortal fire.

Not only that, but with the integration of the Dao of Divine Fire, the laws of Immortal Dao in the Immortal Realm became more and more perfect, so the merits and virtues were directly descended, and an Immortal Palace was self-generated for Huo Ling'er in Suzaku Heaven.

Immortal Palace is named Huoling Palace, it is located at the opposite door of Lihuo Palace, and it has become Huo Ling'er's training place in the fairy world.

Moreover, Huo Ling'er has also become a god-like existence in the fairy world, with a very special status, not restricted by the rules of heaven, so it's a bit of a joy.

In the past few years, Mei Weng has worked hard all the way, silently helping the restoration of the fairy world, but the growth of his cultivation is second, and the celestial light of merit and virtue above his head is looming.

In retrospect, the reason why Mei Weng was able to directly obtain the position of the Supreme Immortal when he first entered the Immortal Realm, should be related to the catastrophe in the Nanzhou Great Formation.

For him, the catastrophe of life and death was exactly where the catastrophe happened. After the catastrophe, he was reborn with a lot of merits and virtues, so it was a matter of course to obtain the position of the immortal.

Now the glow of merit and virtue above his head is becoming more and more obvious, and Baiyun Tower is looking forward to it. Once the glow of merit and virtue is completely transformed, I don't know what will happen.

An Ye, the elf who escaped into the fairy world with May Weng, has a different experience after winning the fairy throne.

In a fairy mansion in the bright fairyland of the sixth heaven, An Ye unexpectedly obtained the inheritance of Lord Vega.

Lord Vega was transformed by a ray of multicolored sunlight when the fairy garden first stood.

He thought that he would have to go to the Zhinu Palace in Dongjitian to gain something, but he didn't expect to get it ahead of time. An Ye was very pleased and everyone congratulated him.

An Ye, who has obtained the inheritance, finally has the method of cultivating the immortals, and the magical powers of the immortals are becoming more and more dazzling, and the strength is also increasing day by day.

An Ye simply took the Weaver Maid's Mansion in Guangming Immortal Realm as his own dojo, and he was the second little fairy to make his home in the fairy world after the little fox demon Luo Li.

The former little fox demon, now the little fox fairy Luo Li, made her home in the Marriage Hall early.

With the cultivation dojo, the little fox fairy has a heart to return to. Whenever she has free time, she will return to the Marriage Hall and take care of the West Hall and its courtyards more and more exquisitely.

Most of the rare treasures harvested from the fairylands are used as ornaments.

After An Ye got the Immortal Mansion, she specially came to the Marriage Palace to take a look. She saw the interior and exterior of the palace thoroughly, and she followed suit after returning.

Perhaps it was because the little fox fairy had made the courtyard too beautiful. Although Nangong Feiyang had refined Tude Xingjun's fairy mansion, he seldom returned to the mansion. Instead, he often went to the Marriage Palace to linger.

Nangong Feiyang's body was full of soil energy. After coming to the fairy world, he had many opportunities and his cultivation base skyrocketed. Based on this, he refined the Xingjun Token quite smoothly. Although he suffered a lot, he was finally promoted to Shangxian.

In this way, Luo Li could no longer use the blocking practice to evade it, so he had to let this cheeky guy stay by his side, but his own cultivation was also improving at an extremely fast speed. After a few years, the dharma body had already cultivated the fifth tail.

The dojo of the little fox fairy made Huotong Shenzi very envious, and he encountered a lot of fairy mansions along the way, and there were many places with excellent scenery. As a result, Taoyao always missed the fairy peach garden, and had no intention of staying in one place.

Today's thought finally came to fruition, while several senior sisters were busy building a bamboo building in the garden, Tao Yao came to a corner of the Taoyuan, standing on the fairy rock by the cliff, looking at the land of birth and the spring scenery of the garden, this is it. But let go of the thoughts in my heart.

Seeing Taoyao's eyebrows smiling, Huo Tong was also secretly delighted, and then, taking advantage of the twilight when Senior Sister Chen broke through, she secretly used her magic formula to quietly build a small white jade building in the open space on the edge of the cliff behind the two of them.

The Jade Tower was completed, and the Baiyun Tower came to the front with Chaoyang Ziyan.

Looking at Xiao Taoyao with a jade-like smile, Xia Zhaoyang joked with a smile: "Sister Taoyao finally has a fairy house now, so she can finally feel at ease..."

"What fairy mansion?" Tao Yao followed the eyes of the three and turned around to look, and immediately exclaimed, being attracted by the small white jade building with carved railings and jade in front of her.

"It's such an exquisite jade building..." Following a clear voice, Chen Qingshuang came together with a group of colleagues.

"It's really exquisite..."

"Xiao Huotong's craftsmanship is really amazing."

"That's right, the construction and demolition along the way, the craftsmanship has improved a lot..."

"There's nothing wrong with this jade tower, what's rare is this kind of heart..."

Huo Ling'er and Xiao Jing sang together and made everyone laugh knowingly, Xia Chaoyang even pulled his senior brother's arms and leaned forward and back together happily.

Shenzi Huotong smiled and didn't care, but Taoyao blushed ashamedly, and hid in the Jade Tower with a flash of figure, which aroused laughter even more.

In the past few years in the fairy world, Huo Tong has already restrained her old temperament, and only regards herself as a little fairy in the fairy world. She gets along very well with everyone, and can respond casually to any jokes. The ground invites everyone to have a drink.

At this time, Xia Chaoyang stood up and suggested that each of them spend half a day idle, let Huotong go upstairs to accompany Xiao Taoyao, whether it's playing chess or tasting wine, it's a bit of fun.

Huo Tong's eyes lit up, he greeted immediately, and turned to go to the small building.

Everyone is a knowledgeable and interesting person, so they will not follow along with curiosity.

After responding to the proposal of the second half day, Huo Ling'er, Xiao Jing and others went to Yaochi Immortal Palace, Nangong Feiyang took Luo Li back to Miaocheng Immortal Realm, and the rest of the immortals also dispersed.

Xia Chaoyang smiled, and cheerfully led the two senior brothers and sisters to go to the newly built bamboo building in Xiantaoyuan to have a look, and he even pulled Senior Sister Qingshuang who was about to leave.

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