There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 1119: Comprehension without years

Seeing the ghosts appearing outside the ghost gate, Chen Qingshuang replied with emotion: "The land of the underworld is nothing, just now I realized that the awe-inspiring immortal energy seems to be doing a lot of damage to these ghosts, forget it, I restrain myself... "

After saying that, the aura of Zhou Haoran in his body was collected, gathered in the immortal seal between his eyebrows, ready to stand still, then he pulled up Junior Sister Chaoyang, stood up and fled towards the gate of hell.

It was just that as soon as Fang stepped into the tall city gate, Chen Qingshuang's immortal seal suddenly burst out, and the awe-inspiring immortal energy that had been restrained just now gushed out, instantly covering several feet around her body.

This was the result of Chen Qingshuang suppressing it with all his strength after he noticed the abnormality. None of them expected that the pure aura of grandeur would react like this when it came here.

One after another, the ghosts that floated into the gate of **** sensed such a mighty aura, and immediately dispersed. A ghost that was a little closer was rushed away by the mighty aura, and almost dissipated directly.

At this moment, a roar came from a distance: "Who dares to act wild on Huangquan Road..."

As soon as the voice fell, two tall figures leaped towards them, and when they saw the comers, their arrogance suddenly plummeted, and their figures shrank by nearly half, revealing the true appearance of the two ghost cultivators with a bull's head and a horse's face.

"I don't know if it's all the immortals who came here, I offended you..." Ma Mian hurriedly pulled the bull's head and bowed to salute, his words were extremely respectful.

Seeming to be extremely uncomfortable being suppressed by the awe-inspiring aura, he involuntarily took a few steps back after saluting with a bull's head and a horse face.

"Is there anything unusual recently?" Bai Yunlou asked casually. After all, these two have been in charge of patrolling Huangquan Road. If the three exotic monsters broke into the underworld, they must have noticed it.

"This... nothing unusual in the past few days." Niutou replied sullenly.

After a little thought, Baiyunlou then asked, "What about three months ago?"

Niutou shook his head, and then replied: "It's too long ago, I can't remember..."

As soon as this remark came out, Xia Chaoyang couldn't help reprimanding him: "Your memory is really good enough. It's March here, and there are only three days in the world, so I don't remember..."

"My lord Xianjun, I just remembered something..."

Seeing the opportunity, Ma Mian interjected, and then said: "It was more than three months ago, brother Niu and Xiao were on patrol, and suddenly felt that the Qi on the Huangquan Road was not stable, and some ghosts disappeared without a trace."

"So I went to investigate, and happened to see three evil monsters wantonly devouring ghosts. At that time, my two brothers stepped forward to fight with them, but I didn't know that they were opponents, and they were almost swallowed by them. Fortunately, I don't know which palace master will make a move at the right time. Take that evil monster away, and the peace of Huangquan Road has been restored."

This horse face is much smarter than the bull head, and he explained the cause clearly in a few words.

"During this period of time..., I am still retreating and meditating in the Nether Sea." Baiyunlou moved his mind and sensed for a moment, and immediately knew the location of the soul-splitting incarnation here.

Zi Yan nodded slightly, and whispered: "Meng Po..."

Hearing these words, Baiyun Tower immediately understood, and left with the three junior sisters and Niutou Mamian.

Ziyan summoned Yan Luo Ling with her thoughts, wrapped in invisible energy, walked leisurely along the Huangquan Road, and after a cup of tea, she came to the outside of Meng Po's thatched cottage at the head of Naihe Bridge.

The flow of time in the underworld is different. The human world has been more than a year, and the underworld has been gone for decades. The other shore flowers on Huangquan Road have spread nearly half, but the bridgehead has been cleaned and leveled, and even Meng Po's original thatched hut has been repaired and refurbished.

According to Po Meng's temperament, the thatched hut was quite good before, but in the end, Xia Zhaoyang's kindness and kindness could not resist, and the thatched hut was expanded into a fresh and elegant thatched hut, which became a place for several people to gather frequently.

Under the subtle influence of the few people, Po Meng's indifferent temper eased a little, and she gradually became concerned about things outside the thatched cottage, otherwise she would not have shot at the three exotic monsters from a long distance away.

As soon as Fang fell down, three figures flashed towards him, they were the souls of the three people in Baiyun Tower.

There are no extra greetings, just blending the two together.

It is rare to send an immortal soul across the void, and this immortal soul not only has the aura of the immortal way, but also the aura of the human world.

This Nine Nether Land is cold and cold, and the flow of time is extremely slow, which is why, the affairs of the underworld yamen here are neither hasty nor hasty.

Those ghosts on the road to the underworld walked slowly, and the officials in the subsequent halls also took their time.

Drinking a bowl of Mengpo soup, dispelling obsession and the past, the obsession turns into the delicate and beautiful Bana flowers on both sides of Huangquan Road, and the life merits and demerits of these ghosts are sent to the ten halls of Yama, where they have their own rewards and punishments.

Originally Xia Chaoyang was very enthusiastic about rewarding the good and punishing the evil, but in this prosperous age, it is really rare to see such treacherous and evil people in the classic stories.

After a baptism of wind and thunder in Xizhou, the evil cultivators and demons were wiped out, and the demon cultivators in Nanzhou were refined by the great dream magical power. Although some demonic nature is hard to get rid of, they also have good and evil thoughts.

The Donglai Kingdom experienced a fire and heavenly punishment, and all the demonic monks were exterminated. The ordinary Donglai people were baptized by the heavenly punishment at the same time, and most of the evil thoughts in the past dissipated. meaning.

It was not easy to meet a few people who were full of crimes and never repented. After several long months, the case was finalized and sentenced, and they were sent to the corresponding **** to be punished.

Because it took too long, Xia Zhaoyang gradually lost interest and paid less attention.

The underworld has its own way of operation, and it is inconvenient to interfere too much, not to mention that the Lord Pluto is letting it go.

In contrast, Xia Chaoyang prefers to accompany his senior brother to go retrograde on Huangquan Road, heading to the world to lock and become the ghost of the climate.

Most of these ghosts have strong obsessions, and they either died wronged, or were unwilling to do so. If they meet a little chance, they can turn into ghosts, so they have the ability to resist the power of the underworld.

However, those ordinary ghosts can be easily dealt with by the land city **** who patrols and guards one side. If they encounter powerful ones, they can be attacked by Wuchang.

At the beginning, Baiyunlou was worried that being too busy would affect his He even specially found two pleasing ghost generals to train, so that he could respond at any time, but ordinary ghosts don't need to sacrifice black and white orders at all, and that kind of Powerful ghosts are extremely rare.

Over the past year or so in the human world, there have only been a few of them, but every time they make a trip, Xia Chaoyang has a great time playing.

The reason why these ghosts can turn into powerful ghosts is that most of them have experienced a lot of ups and downs. It is more interesting to find out the reason by yourself than to explain all the evil things in the bowl of Meng Po soup.

It's just that the time flow in the underworld is too slow, and I only met a few powerful ghosts in the past few decades. It is the habit of accompanying senior brothers and sisters to go to the Nether Sea to meditate.

In the realm of the underworld, it is true that there is no time for practice. If you feel it at random, meditate and retreat, months and years will pass away like this. Therefore, although it has gone through decades, it does not feel like a long time.

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