There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 1135: No distance supernatural power

"Thousands of mirrors, it is really the most powerful supernatural power of the law of space. Although it has undergone the baptism of endless years and endured the crisis of the collapse of the fairy world, it still has the same charm..." The more you look at it, the more amazed Baiyun Tower is.

"In ancient times, the void boundary in the fairy world was extremely powerful. Presumably, my sister used this magical power of mirror light to successfully hide in the human world. However, she also exhausted her original soul and almost died because of it... "Huo Ling'er stood in the air, with brilliant fireworks in his eyes.

In the middle of the sky, amidst the churning clouds and mist, the huge phantom of the water mirror manifested a heavenly and thoroughly miraculous mirror light, and the reflected area of ​​a hundred miles was as real as it was illusory.

Bai Yunlou pointed to the mirror light and sighed: "Eldest sister probably forgot about this mirror light, but now the big bird monster outside has found it..."

Hearing what his senior brother said, Xia Chaoyang immediately came to his senses, and said angrily, "This hateful big bird monster was originally sent to the world with the help of Senior Sister Qingchi's supernatural powers, and now we have caught it." , must make all their expectations come to nothing..."

Before he finished speaking, Baiyunlou turned his head to look over Junior Sister Chaoyang's head, he was very grateful immediately, and secretly thought that it's fortunate that Junior Sister didn't say something like letting Xuanming fly to ashes, otherwise there would be a great possibility of backlash.

After all, the Xuanming High God is much stronger than the crippled Heavenly Demon, and the more complete God is...

"Senior brother, that big bird monster is definitely not weak. For the sake of the human world, it's better not to provoke it as much as possible..."

Hearing the memory of his junior sister, Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, secretly thinking that Xiao Chaoyang had finally grown up.

Just as he was feeling emotional, a powerful shock wave came out again, and all the immortals stood near the source of the shock. Fortunately, none of them were weak, and each relied on their immortal treasures to fix one side of the void, and it was no problem to support them for a while.

Especially under the combined force of the magic treasures of the four immortals of Lanzhu, the shock wave was calmed down very quickly, and the powerful strength of the four immortal treasures was fully displayed, and Baiyunlou and others who watched were delighted.

This time it was close, and the Tianyan of the extreme realm was brought into play to the extreme, instantly allowing Baiyunlou to see clearly the mirror light hidden in the void.

The phantom of the water mirror in front of me seems to exist in the arctic fairyland of the fairyland, but it is actually a bridge across the fairyland.

Such supernatural powers, another more vivid title, is the way of void folding.

This sky-penetrating mirror light superimposes two spaces into one. As long as it conforms to the rules of the supernatural power, it can escape the endless void in an instant.

Different from the Void Channel, this Void Folding Way is an extremely pure space avenue, not affected by the law of time.

That is to say, if you spend a few breaths of time in the void passage, the small world outside the passage may have passed for several days or even months, but this void folding supernatural power can achieve real instant traversal.

The mirror light is thousands of miles..., there are more than ten thousand miles in one step.

If you really cultivate such supernatural powers, then it will be regarded as the world without distance.

In just this moment, Baiyun Tower has already decided on the direction of future practice, No Distance Realm.

As for the even more powerful No Moment Realm, Baiyun Tower has no interest for the time being.

Practice, you have to take it step by step...

What's more, in the three realms, I and my two junior sisters almost represent the rules. As a monk in the three realms, I have to maintain this harmonious and vibrant law of heaven.

With such a realization, Baiyunlou did not forget to observe the cause of the shock.

The countless claw shadows manifested in the divine perception again, this time they were very close, so the observation was more real.

These claw shadows did not appear directly in the Arctic Immortal Realm, but only manifested in the projection of the mirror light, and the truth is that the Xuanming God found the entrance of the mirror light magical power by following the Qi machine, and sent out divine pets one after another to test After being invalid, he finally couldn't bear to end in person.

After concentrating on it for a while, even though he still couldn't see through the true meaning of the avenue folded in the void, Baiyunlou roughly understood the operation rules of this mirror light magical power.

That is the method of teleportation of this folding space, which has great restrictions on strength or cultivation.

From Xuan Ming's many trials, it can be seen that it is not the powerful that can ignore the rules of supernatural powers, but those exotic monsters with low cultivation can easily pass through the folded space door.

It is not difficult to speculate that the higher the cultivation level, the stronger the aura. If you escape forcibly, you will be resisted by the mirror light magical power.

After careful observation, Baiyun Tower can be sure that this supernatural power uses the Arctic fairyland as the bearing point, connecting the fairyland wall and the human world into one place.

The most interesting thing is that this magical power of mirror light has already integrated with the enchantment of the entire Arctic fairyland. If it weren't for this unexpected shock, it would be really hard to detect.

It can be seen from this that in ancient times, the fairyland was also very concerned about this magical power of mirror light. In order not to let it dissipate, it did not hesitate to melt the power of the entire fairyland to protect it.

In this way, the law of the avenue of space hidden in the magical power of mirror light has also been integrated into the fairy world.

Although the current fairyland is dilapidated, the enchantment of the fairyland still exists. If you follow the rules of supernatural powers and send in ordinary monsters, that's all.

Of course, the person who made the move this time should not be Xuan Ming himself. From the previous trials, it is not difficult to see that this high **** is extremely cautious, and the person who made the move must be his avatar.

One avatar can shake the entire enchantment of the fairyland in this It can be seen that the strength of this **** should be above the estimate.

As for the enchantment of the Arctic fairyland...

"Chunlan, you take the three sisters to guard here, and leave the matter of repairing the Arctic fairyland to me." Ziyan had already made a decision in a moment of thought.

"Follow the order of the Immortal Monarch!"

After receiving the order in unison, the four immortals of Lanzhu fled away from the phantom of the water mirror, and circulated the fairy treasures to protect the land with a radius of a hundred miles.

As the power of the four immortal treasures poured in, the phantom of the water mirror became more and more solid, and the claw shadow that flashed out again seemed to be stuck in a quagmire. Not to mention the sudden drop in speed, the power of the shock wave it induced was also greatly reduced.

The claw shadow erupted immediately after noticing the change. There were streaks of faint blue cold lights emitting from the claw shadow, endless mysterious energy penetrated into the boundary, and a more powerful shock wave burst out again.

Fortunately, when the explosion started, it was suppressed by the power of the fairy treasure in an instant, but most of the impact force was absorbed by the manifested mirror light, and the phantom that had just solidified became vain again.

At this moment, a white sword glow floated down, split into four parts, and merged into the aura of the four great immortal treasures.

Heaven's Punishment Sword Intent!

Baiyunlou, who was watching from the sidelines, finally made a move, using the Heaven's Punishment Sword Intent to guide the supernatural powers of the four immortal treasures, dissolving the force of the explosion layer by layer, and instantly stabilized the void again.

"It's better to block it than to block it. It's better for senior brother." Xia Chaoyang also saw the key point, and couldn't help but praise it.

Baiyunlou shook his head slightly and replied: "This method is not a long-term solution after all. We still need to restore the Arctic fairyland as soon as possible. After the fairyland is reshaped and the strength of the barrier is doubled, then Senior Wenqu should also be able to wake up completely If you come out, you don't need to care about the provocations and disturbances of this High God."

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