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Qingchi nodded slightly, signaling Baiyunlou to finish the follow-up matter.

The static phantom continued to evolve, and although the subsequent development was more thrilling, the sapphire talisman did not move at all.

Relying on the supernatural power of transforming form close to the realm of the gods, Baiyunlou obtained the method of going to the Guangming Palace by using the supernatural power of dreams and conjuring the soul.

When I arrived at the shrine, it happened that the **** of light was closing the palace to practice.

A group of dedicated envoys guard the gate of the palace.

These envoys are the guards of the gods of light. If there is nothing wrong, they will easily enter the realm on weekdays. Baiyunlou also learned about the existence of such powerful people from the envoys.

The body shape and appearance of these envoys are quite similar to the elves in the Jianmu world, and both male and female envoys are extremely handsome, so Baiyunlou took a second look.

His eyes immediately caught the gaze of a female envoy, with disdain and disgust in those eyes.

Taking the opportunity, Baiyun Tower presented a picture of the hexagram formation, which immediately made the atmosphere lively.

In view of the miraculousness of the array, the enthusiasm was reduced, but the **** was in meditation and had to stay in the palace to wait for him, so the imposing envoy immediately sent a beautiful female envoy to see him off.

Sensing some of the arrogance that made it difficult to conceal in the divine sense, Baiyunlou lost interest for a while, and darkened the kindness of the group of elves who seemed to be beautiful but still like Jianmu...

Losing interest, Baiyunlou turned his head to appreciate the unique charm of the Guangming Shrine.

The Guangming Shrine is magnificent, and the main hall is especially tall, resplendent and dazzling.

There are many side halls, most of which are used to receive divine envoys who are waiting for orders. The temporary residence of Baiyun Tower is a side hall.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Guangming God to meditate, Baiyun Tower spied on the inside and outside of the Divine Sense Temple and carefully inspected it.

Once inside the shrine, it became much easier to use many detection methods.

Although those envoys were weak in cultivation, they strictly followed the rules of the shrine, which gave Sect Master Bai a chance to spy on them.

Bypassing the guards at the palace gate, and piercing through layers of barriers, he finally saw the Lord of the Shrine.

And at a glance, I saw the moment when the God of Light fell into the devil...

Among them, the God of Light is full of divine light all over his body, but he is entangled by endless karma, and even the **** between his eyebrows cannot escape the erosion of karma.

In desperation, the God of Light suppressed the demonic thoughts again, and immediately there was endless demonic energy all over his body.

The devilish energy that wants to mutate is not afraid of karma, but swallows it instead.

The difficult being turned into his own cultivation, his mind was shaken, and the God of Light became obsessed with a thought, frantically devouring the endless karma.

Seeing that the Divine Consciousness of the God of Light after being enchanted began to become confused, and he had no time to care, Baiyunlou took the opportunity to wrap a trace of demonic thoughts with his sword intent, and brought him back to the side hall.

Qingyu Yanyun searched his soul, and immediately knew the cause and effect.

The three main stars in the original world were guided in the direction of cultivation by the God of Light early in the morning, and took the opportunity to deduce and merge them.

Its **** Yaoxing majors in gods, while the creatures of the other two main stars major in Buddhist exercises and monster supernatural powers respectively.

There is not much problem with the main star who majors in gods and Buddhist exercises, and its gods and Buddhists are quite satisfactory, while the demon cultivator of the other main star is much more difficult to control.

Especially after the spread of Demon Demon Cultivator, the whole demon star was tossed into a miasma, unsightly, and in the end even the emissary who claimed to do everything in his power to eliminate evil was willing to set foot in it.

As some demon cultivators went further and further away, some demons became stronger and more daring, and even set up the idea of ​​Guangming Shrine.

Once a world envoy went to investigate a magic lair in the demon star, but was captured by several powerful demons in an ambush, and then crazily devoured his divine power.

It was not until the emissary heard the news that the miserable emissary was rescued.

The God of Light took the opportunity of the demon star to perform miracles, and when the divine light fell, the demons had nowhere to escape and were massacred.

A demon seed that has been planted for many years has finally come to harvest.

There is only a cycle of cause and effect, and even though the God of Light secretly obtained a large amount of pure magic thoughts, he also incurred endless karma because of it.

Originally, the God of Light also made a mistake and resisted the backlash of karma, but in the end his success fell short because of a trace of calmness.

The fluctuations in his mind fit perfectly with the world of Shenguang on Qingchi Road, and he lost his mind only after Guangming Shenzun sensed the aura of the **** king.

Why is the truth heavy? The God of Light finally became possessed by a thought and completely turned into a devil.

Knowing the cause and effect, Baiyunlou sighed, but lost a lot of scruples, after all, it is his own means to deal with the devil.

After Baiyunlou woke up, he immediately noticed a change in the aura of the shrine.

Staring intently, I can't help sighing secretly that the God of Light is quick in his hands, he has just become a demon, and even the karma has been swallowed up, so he started to use his hands.

He was called into the main hall in turn by him, and the seat of God was baptized by the devil's energy, and fell into the devil along with him.

It can be seen that some envoys are very resistant to the demonic energy, and are forced to do so only because of the power and strength of the God of Light.

Sensing that the demonic aura in the shrine was getting stronger, Baiyunlou hesitated again, and sent a message to Senior Sister Qingchi according to the aura, and then secretly brewed a demon-slaying ultimate move.

Although these emissaries were somewhat arrogant, they could barely be regarded as the incarnation of justice in the world. The beautiful things were so eroded and polluted, which successfully aroused Sect Master Bai's heart and fighting spirit.

Considering the great strength of the god, Baiyunlou used the sapphire smoke cloud to cover up the fluctuation of Qi, and held the Dragon Scale Immortal Sword, resisting the long-condensed Zhiyang Sword Intent.

A sword of pure yang and strength, pierced through the air and fell in an instant.

The God of Light was immersed in Yue Ran's soaring cultivation base, and when he sensed the imminent killing intent, he had already been cut into the god's body by the sword intent.

An endless stream of pure magic thoughts erupted from the body of the **** who had not yet completed demonization, but it was difficult to stop the Zhiyang sword glow.

The originally extremely powerful Magic Thought Zhiyang Sword Pasta is like the first snow meets the raging fire.

The God of Light was poured into his body with a sword, and half of the demon thoughts that Feishen collected immediately melted away.

The divine body was severely injured, but it gradually became sober.

The lingering anger caused the God of Light to attack Su Zhiguo with all his strength, and the strong shock wave exploded, directly overturning the dome of the shrine.

While responding to the ultimate move of the God of Light~www.readwn.com~, Baiyunlou was running the sound of wind and spirit, successfully awakening the conscience of the envoys outside the palace.

After awakening, the envoys burst into divine splendor one after another, and while trying their best to save the fallen envoys who were possessed by demons, they began to try to awaken the God of Light.

The rise of the God of Light at the beginning of the war, and even summoned the God of Extinction.

The Divine Light of Extinguishing World contains the power of destruction, Baiyunlou managed to catch it by relying on the chaotic demigod body, and was finally smashed into the depths of the palace.

The most powerful divine will spread to the entire palace of the gods, half of them were banned from sealing the divine power, and they beat the temple, and the light **** was completely awakened.

In an instant, the divine monarch returned to his original body, only to realize that the devil's roots were deeply planted, and his karma added to his body, making him unable to turn back.

The God of Light is also determined to use the light of the God of Extermination to destroy the foundation of the devil and kill himself...

The evolution came to an end, Baiyun Tower could no longer support it, put away the cloud of illusion, and immediately sat cross-legged in the void, recovering the severely injured clone body.

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