There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 1325: old friend reunited

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Hearing the question, Yuan Bao withdrew his curious gaze from Dongfang Ziyan's face.

"Master Dongfang is indeed more beautiful than the one on the scroll... Oh, yes, Elder Xiaojing told his disciples to wait here. If they see the master master, they should send a message immediately..."

Speaking of this, Yuan Bao immediately remembered the business, hurriedly opened the treasure bag he carried with him, and rummaged through it.

Bai Yunlou raised his hand to stop him and said: "There is no need to send a summons, senior brother...uncle senior, I will directly bring him here..."

While speaking, the fairy sword behind him rose from the sky, cut open a crack in the void, and then rushed in.

At this moment, a figure floated up, it was the disciple of Venerable Baoxiang, rushed up to pay respects, and then left, apparently to report back to the master.

Looking at the direction in which he was escaping, Baiyunlou's eyes flickered, and he was filled with emotion. It seems that the outside world has really changed a lot in the past twelve years. The former Venerable Baoxiang has transformed into a Baoxiang Bodhisattva.

While feeling emotional, Baiyunlou casually asked Yuan Bao: "Didn't you talk about different opinions before? We haven't seen each other for a few years, so why did you become a junior?"

"Uh..." Yuan Bao was taken aback by the question, and then replied rather helplessly: "Master, I don't know something. Since the farewell that day, many important things have happened. After a life-and-death battle with the Black Fox Demon King, Master recognized the two senior sisters, Abi and Aqiong..."

"Shortly afterward, the Small World of Conferred Gods suffered a catastrophe and was almost overthrown. The last two gods and the passing Immortal Ruyi took action together and moved the Conferred Gods Realm to the Three Realms."

"After arriving in the fairy world, the two sisters became excited and went to the world to play incarnations. They met Master Aunt Yunxiao. The three of them had similar temperaments and became sisters. After some twists and turns, they found out that Master Aunt was actually Master Bai. My elder sister, so the seniority of the disciples is determined..."

Yuan Bao's crisp reply was very clear and clear, but Bai Yunlou was shocked by his casual words on the spot.

The Conferred God Realm has merged into the Three Realms... Upon hearing such a major event, Baiyun Tower couldn't help but feel refreshed, and immediately prepared to concentrate on sensing, but this place is separated from the Three Realms by hundreds of millions of miles, so it will take a lot of work no matter what.

At this moment, a thought of immortal consciousness suddenly came from the original consciousness, but it was Ziyan who escaped back to the human world just now, and found out quite detailed information.

Baiyunlou's heart warmed up, and then Shen Nian began to investigate.

If, as Yuan Bao said, the Conferred God Realm has been completely integrated into the Three Realms, to be precise, it should have integrated into the Immortal Realm.

The Immortal Territory is vast, and even though many stars from the Conferred God Realm have been incorporated, it does not look crowded. On the contrary, it adds a bit of calmness, making the Three Realms look extraordinarily dazzling in the chaotic heavens.

In troubled times, being dazzling also means trouble. The integration of the Conferred God Realm will definitely attract the attention of many powerful figures from outside the region, and the news of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox in the Three Realms will spread throughout the Ten Thousand Realms at some point.

The storm of calamity swept across the heavens, and the powerful existence that was lucky in the past also began to plan a way out, and the Three Realms were like a piece of extremely sweet pastry.

If Senior Sister Qingchi hadn't returned to the human world in time and pulled many strong gods to prop up the scene, the current Three Realms would have become a place of chaos for gods.

After learning about Elder Sister's attack, Baiyunlou no longer felt worried, and couldn't help but become curious about Xiao Chaoyang's whereabouts.

It stands to reason that because Chaoyang missed himself and Ziyan, he took Xiaojing and others to avoid the chaotic storm, and finally arrived here after several years of work, but at this time there was no trace of him in the small world of Buddhism...

While thinking about it, Yuan Bao also gave a general account of the experience of this long trip.

From Yuan Bao's point of view, this trip is just an accompanying experience. During this journey, he has seen many wonders outside the region and experienced many twists and turns, but none of them are dangerous.

Today's Yuan Bao, although his seniority is young, has already mixed into the top management of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, and is highly valued by the Nangong brothers and sisters.

It's just that his cultivation base is not high, and apart from the Chamber of Commerce, his knowledge is limited.

After arriving in the small world of Buddhism, everyone got along well with the Buddhist monks.

This time, Xia Zhaoyang was well-prepared for his escape from the realm. In addition to bringing a large amount of fairy materials as the cost of the astrolabe formation, he also specially brought Taibai Xingjun. He didn't know that this old Xingjun and those stubborn monks How to talk about it, and even got permission to open a shop in Lingshan.

(This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 1325 Old Friends Reunited

In less than half a day, the building of Chaoyang shop in Fomen was completed, and Immortal Ruyi left for some reason, and Yuan Bao was arranged here by Xiao Jing, who watched the branch shop while paying attention to the movement of Lingtai in Hengsha.

After some narration, Yuan Baoxiang invited the three of them to sit in a shop not far from the Lingtai, but Baiyunlou waved his hand and replied: "No hurry, Xiaojing will be back soon..."

Yuan Bao said disapprovingly: "Elder Xiaojing went to other star regions, and it takes half a day to come back..."

Before he finished speaking, the void in front of him suddenly split open, dazzling divine light burst out, and the Dragon Scale Immortal Sword flashed through the air, bringing back a space-breaking shuttle along the way.

"Xiao Jing...Elder..." Seeing the figure jumping out of the space shuttle, Yuan Bao couldn't help being a little dazed.

Nangong Xiaojing nodded slightly at Yuan Bao, and then looked at the two senior brothers and sisters with great brother and sister Ziyan, you can be counted back, and some time later in the evening, I will carry it Can't stop..."

"No way, you, the Great Elder, opened all the branch shops of the Chamber of Commerce to Lingshan, how could you be overwhelmed?" Seeing Xiaojing's figure, Baiyunlou suddenly felt kind, and couldn't help but joke.

Hearing Sect Master Bai's words, Xiao Jing couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, and sighed, "When I first came here, I heard that the sect master practiced some Buddhist skills and broke into the Arhat realm. In the world of mortals,..."

"The world of mortals is the foundation of my immortal practice, why see through it..."

As soon as Baiyunlou's words fell, Jin Chan chanted the Buddha's name in his ears.

"Namo Amitabha…"

At the same time, a Buddha's cry came from a distance, and it was Baoxiang Bodhisattva riding an elephant.

I have heard a lot of Buddha's words recently, Baiyunlou didn't take it seriously, and even wanted to reply a few words, but saw the small mirror on the side with a look of pain, and vaguely understood the reason why he couldn't bear the words just now.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being moved, and hurriedly asked Xiao Jing Chuannian about Chaoyang's whereabouts.

"Second sister is trapped in an unknown place, and it is difficult to escape for a while. We tried our best to escape, and there seems to be a powerful statue trapped in the Buddhist gate. During these days, I heard those Buddhas practicing and chanting Buddha's name. It's about to collapse..."

"Chaoyang is trapped?" Baiyunlou couldn't help but uttered in surprise, secretly thinking that he could still sense the aura of Chaoyang in his mind, full of vitality, and he didn't appear to be trapped at all...

Hearing this, Zi Yan couldn't help feeling puzzled, and whispered softly: "Could it be that Chaoyang has changed his temperament and learned to hide his troubles?"

Chapter 1325 Old Friends Reunited


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