The demon king fell, the avenue shook, and there were waves of fluctuations from outside the domain. It was the breath of seven or eight demon king-level powerhouses hiding in the dark.

The abnormality of Proxima Nebula caused the Green Snake Demon King to take action, and these powerful beings were all watching from a distance.

Lord Bai Daxian made a decisive move, causing several strong men to vent their anger at the same time to express their dissatisfaction.

After cultivating to the realm of the demon king, what he sees and feels is different. Just like what Baiyunlou said just now, the Green Snake King has lost his mind due to all kinds of evil deeds and has been entangled in karma, so he broke into the neighboring star field alone.

If it is in the void outside the territory, Baiyun Building will probably have to use some means to deal with this demon king, but it is just in time for the Proxima Star Territory to merge into the Three Realms, and it is really doomed for him to catch up.

And most of the powerhouses in the heavens watching from a distance are sane, and although they are captured by the aura of the seal of heaven and immortality, they are not too afraid.

After all, he is outside the territory, not subject to the suppression of heaven, and can advance or retreat.

At this moment, the celestial music suddenly rose, and countless virtual images of flower petals fell from the void.

The petals gradually emerged, flying with the wind, holding up a void avenue.

Several figures then manifested and came on the flower path.

The Three Realms were incorporated into the Proximity Star Domain, and Senior Sister Qing Chi appeared together with Yun Xiao and Huo Ling'er, all of whom were acquaintances.

Tao Yao and Huo Tong followed behind on one side, and Lan Ling'er and Shui Ling'er on the other side.

Shui Ling'er is the little sister Jie Ling picked up by Baiyun Tower in the sea of ​​stars, and was later brought back to the Three Realms by Qing Chi, and that's how she got the name Shui Ling'er.

Seeing Shui Ling'er, the corners of Baiyunlou's mouth could not help but bend slightly, secretly thinking that it was all due to Chaoyang's bad taste.

Before that little scaled beast was named Tu Ling'er, and then the golden-haired monkey was forcibly called Jin Ling'er, and now there is another Shui Ling'er, it seems that there is only one wood Ling'er missing, and the five elements are all gone. Already...

As soon as Fang thought about it, Chaoyang's laughing words came from his mind: "Senior brother, Mu Ling'er is also there. The Jianmu seedling we planted in Dongjitian has now developed a true spirit consciousness, which just fits the name. .”

"You're just being naughty..." Baiyunlou replied dotingly, and then led the crowd two steps forward, saluting Senior Sister Qingchi who came slowly.

"Yunlou, you are now an immortal of the Three Realms, senior sister, I can't bear this gift." Qing Chi raised his hand and said with a slight smile.

But Baiyunlou still bowed and saluted, and casually replied: "I've troubled Senior Sister these days..."

"It's indeed a little annoying... Now that the junior brother in charge is back, I can finally be quiet, senior sister."

After saying that, Qing Chi turned around and bowed to the Buddha as a Taoist friend of Qing Yun Sect.

After everyone saluted, Qingchi opened the dome enchantment with a flick of his sleeves, raised his head and sighed: "Since you are unwilling, why don't you fight together and divide the ranks, or the Three Realms can be re-assigned..."

As soon as these words came out, the restless aura just now calmed down immediately.

After a while, there was still no response. At this moment, the reckless bull demon who was holding his breath suddenly stood up and said in a muffled voice: "Immortal Bai, since the snake demon has subdued the law, the little demon should return to the demon realm..."

After saying that, he waited to run away, but was stayed behind by Baiyun Tower.

"Fellow Daoist, please wait... Now that the catastrophe has come, it is difficult to find a safe place in the heavens. Even if it is as strong as the Demon Realm, it may be precarious..."

Although the words were straightforward, the Golden Horn Demon King could hear the sincerity from it, and then sighed: "What the fairy said is true, there is no way to hide from such a catastrophe, and there is no way to stop it with all means." With the invasion of the chaotic storm, in just a few years, less than 30% of the aura in my demon domain has collapsed, and it is precisely because of this that the little demon came to the Three Realms to seek a solution."

After the Golden Horn Demon King had finished speaking, Baiyunlou raised his eyebrows slightly, and praised freely: "Fellow Daoist Jinjiao really has unique insight. Since I came here with good intentions, I will definitely not let Fellow Daoist return empty-handed."

After a short pause, Baiyunlou asked in a deep voice: "I don't know if you have heard the name of the Immortal Emperor?"

"The great Tianzun is so powerful that he knows it, but he just heard about the battle between immortals and demons..."

In the middle of the conversation, the Mang Niu Yao stopped talking, worried that what he said would hurt the face of the Xian family.

However, Baiyun Tower shook his head and replied: "You can't believe what you hear. Even though the fairy world almost collapsed in the battle of the immortals and demons, it was not enough to kill the true soul of the demon itself. Even after thousands of years of cultivation , and failed to recover too much, and was finally completely wiped out by my human monk."

"In fact, the immortal emperor and the fairy queen did not really fall, but they saw the future trend in the long river of time, which left a trace of the demon's soul behind, and then fled to an unknown alien world. That alien world should be another time and space. I am waiting for the current state, it is difficult to see clearly..."

"At the time of parting, both the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Empress left behind inheritances, among which the Immortal Emperor left behind a method to deal with this calamity, if you are interested in Daoist friends, why not stay and witness together? "

Such a top-secret matter, the reckless cow demon still couldn't get enough of it. Hearing the question, he quickly woke up and replied: "Interested, interested..., the method of the Great Tianzun is definitely extraordinary."

Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, turned around and asked the Tathagata with words: "I don't know if Your Majesty is willing to go with you, the Immortal Emperor's method of cultivating the three realms is extremely vast, I guess you have to do it with your Majesty..."

Tathagata nodded and said with a smile: "This is a matter of From now on, our Buddhist sect will be the living beings of the Three Realms. If Yunlou can help the Three Realms survive this catastrophe, the old monk and Buddhist sect will respect fellow Taoists As the **** of heaven, help and protect all spirits within."

"Your Majesty..." The Golden Horned Demon King was a little confused, secretly thinking that there are not many strong people who can win the honorary title of Immortal Bai, this Buddhist eminent monk...could it be...

"Old Monk Tathagata..." Sensing Golden Horn's curiosity, Tathagata did not hide it, but displayed the Buddha's light, turning into a virtual image of ten thousand zhang, directly stunned the Mang Niu Yao on the spot.

"Tathagata...Buddha!" ​​Mang Niu Yaowang recognized the true form of Tathagata, and immediately stepped forward to salute again.

Tathagata laughed, and said freely: "You don't need to be so courteous, you don't need to be so polite. I see you as a buddha, and you should have a relationship with my Buddha. I don't know if you are willing to enter my Buddhist gate..."

This guy was really not polite at all, and directly invited everyone in front of everyone in the fairy world.

The Golden Horn Demon King was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to reply, but he heard Bai Daxian uttered a word to relieve the siege: "Buddha, you old man, don't embarrass Jin Jiao, Jin Jiao was enlightened by the Supreme Dao Lord, but now the Supreme Returning to the Immortal Realm, so in my view, Fellow Daoist Golden Horn is destined for my Immortal Family, haha..."

The Buddha also laughed when he heard the words, then nodded slightly and replied: "It turns out that he is a disciple of the Taoist monarch, no wonder his mind is so extraordinary..."

The two chatted very happily, and the atmosphere in the field became heated for a while. While everyone was chatting, the barrier opened above their heads had been quietly closed, and the entire Proxima Starfield was completely integrated into the Three Realms.

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