There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 148: Donghai Pavilion Swallow 7

"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

The demonic energy around him disappeared, and when Baiyunlou looked down at the demon's body again, he couldn't help being startled. The phantom of the fairy fire had already burned the demon's body, but it didn't dissipate. half empty.

Baiyunlou tried to take it back, but the phantom of the fairy fire moved as expected, directly escaped into the sea of ​​consciousness of Baiyunlou, and re-integrated into the three-color fairy fire.

The aura of the immortal fire in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly rose a lot, but the sea of ​​consciousness in Baiyun Tower felt even more burning.

It is a good thing that Xianhuo can skyrocket. It seems that Xianhuo's rations will also be available in the future.

Spiritual thoughts came out, and there was no trace of demonic souls in Linjiang County within a few miles, and Baiyunlou couldn't help feeling relieved.

At this time, there was a burst of hearty laughter from behind, Baiyunlou turned around, and it was the bearded monk walking this way.

"Brother Daoist is very good at it. Seeing this demon cultivator's demonic flames soaring into the sky, he originally wanted to bite the bullet and come forward to help him. Unexpectedly, Fellow Daoist Qingyun beheaded this demon on the spot in a short time, which made me very impressed." The bearded monk said with a smile as he walked.

"Brother Tai is also very courageous, and he will not back down in the face of the catastrophe of killing himself. The power of that stick also breaks my heart."

After finishing speaking, Baiyunlou raised his hand and put all the flying swords into the transformed sword pouch, and bowed to the bearded monk.

"My name is Yan Qi, just call me Yan Lao Qi, haha." The bearded monk smiled heartily.

Seeing that in front of the Dragon King Temple, more and more county residents gathered, Baiyunlou said: "Friend Yan, this is not a place for chatting, although the demon cultivator was beheaded, my brother is worried that there will be demonic thoughts mixed into the body of the water monster, so I have to find it as soon as possible." fan."

"Brother Dao doesn't need to worry about this, my younger brother has already picked it up, and now it is placed on the deserted beach on the other side of the Qianjiang River. It should be fine for a while." The bearded Yan Qi said, patting his chest.

"Fellow Daoist Yan went to see what happened together. The demon cultivator has become extremely cunning, so we can't let him lose a trace of his demon soul." Bai Yunlou said hastily.

"Brother Qingyun said yes, then let's go quickly, it's on the other side of the Qianjiang River, and my younger brother will lead the way."

After speaking, he threw the big yellow wooden mallet into the air, jumped on it, and flew directly to the opposite bank.

Baiyun Tower didn't delay, raised his sword light to follow, but after a short pause, he said loudly to the county people below: "The monster is gone, everyone should go home as soon as possible, the five people in the temple are innocent people, please don't make things difficult."

After finishing speaking, he turned his sword light and chased after Yan Qi's figure.

Within a few breaths, the two came to the opposite bank of the river, where two huge water monster bodies were lying alone on the rocky beach.

Seeing that the body of the water monster was still intact, Baiyunlou used Tianyantong to inspect it carefully, and nodded slightly.

From the two parts of the demon body, it can be seen that this water monster shows no signs of being demonized, and its body cannot hold the demon soul.

At this time, the bearded Yan Qi took out a purple pill-like thing from his bosom, and said with some hesitation: "Brother Dao, there is also this demon pill, let's take a look together."

"Is this the demon pill?" Baiyunlou asked in surprise.

"Exactly, this water monster is originally a monster of the East China Sea, but it is actually a sea monster. It often makes waves in the sea and capsizes fishing boats. When I met it when I was hunting for treasure, I wanted to kill the monster to get the pill, but unexpectedly, a demon cultivator came out halfway. .”

"After the fight between the two of us, the sea monster fled far away, and I chased it all the way along the Qianjiang River."

"In the end, it was still controlled by the demon cultivator's secret means, and it was hidden in the mouth of the sea monster. If it wasn't for the help of fellow daoists, I would have confessed to Qianjiang."

While speaking, Baiyunlou took a closer look at the Yaodan, and saw that it really contained powerful alien spiritual power, but did not detect any trace of demonic energy, so he casually handed the Yaodan back to Yan Qi.

"Brother Dao is not interested in this demon pill?" Yan Qi asked in surprise, but also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'm not interested. If Fellow Daoist Yan Qi is interested in this sea monster, he can handle it on his own. I have other important things to do tonight, so I have to go first."

Seeing that fellow Taoist Yan Qi cared a lot about the sea monster's body, Baiyun Tower was also happy with the beauty of an adult.

It was the first time I saw the Jindan monk outside the academy, and Baiyunlou admired his personality. Baiyunlou really wanted to have a chat with him, but today is really not the time.

When she went out, Xiao Xiyue was still lying softly on the bed, and she didn't know if she was better at this time.

Thinking of this, Baiyun Tower left in a hurry, and was about to leave with his sword. Yan Qi shouted brightly: "Fellow Daoist Qingyun, I am a monk of Donghai Pavilion, and I am on the East Sea. If you pass by, don't forget Come and have a drink."

"I will bother you at that time. Qingyunmen is still closed. If the gate is opened someday, fellow Daoist Yan Qi, don't forget to come and get together."

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Qingyun is really a sword cultivator of Qingyun sect, and now Qingyun sect has entered the world to eliminate demons, it is really a blessing in the world." Bearded Yan Qi smiled happily.

Baiyunlou cupped his hands and saluted, said that there will be a period of time, then lightly tapped the Dragon Scale Sword, and crossed the river with his sleeves fluttering.

Looking at the graceful figure of Baiyun Tower, Yan Qi couldn't help but praise secretly.

Turning around, he touched the magic weapon in his hand, and took out a short knife from the handle. The blade was scarlet.

Unexpectedly, Yan Qi touched the short knife while salvaging the sea Qi held the scarlet short knife and walked towards the body of the sea monster. A trace of black air leaked out, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Saying goodbye to Yan Qi, Baiyunlou Yujian flew away, and returned to the sky above Linjiang County in a moment.

After clearing away the evil, the popularity of Linjiang County gradually recovered. People in the market cleaned up the messy streets one after another. After all, they had to open their doors to set up stalls to make a living tomorrow.

I caught a glimpse of the candles still burning in the old shop at the end of the alley, and couldn't help but recall the deliciousness of the fish soup. Baiyun Tower didn't hide its figure, pressed down the sword light, and flew slowly across the long street.

In a short while, some county residents cried out in surprise when they saw the floating figure of the Immortal Chief walking with his sword.

The county residents involuntarily put down their work and followed behind the fairy, wanting to follow up to see what happened.

Unexpectedly, the immortal leader didn't care about the people who followed him, and a sword light fell at the entrance of the old fish bone soup shop at the end of the alley.

With a slight smile, Baiyunlou walked into the shop. Although Baiyunlou changed into a fairy-like outfit, the old man looked up, but he didn't respond.

He just asked lightly: "Guest officer, would you like a bowl of fish soup?"

"Old store, do you have any clean crock pots? I want to take one away. I have a glutton at home. I have to bring some back for her to taste, and take two vegetable cakes by the way." Bai Yunlou said with a smile.

"The guest officer is waiting." As he said, the old man quickly took out a small open pot with a height of more than half a foot from the back kitchen, and scooped up the fish soup from the big pot.

This time it was quite real, the fish bones with meat were filled into three large pieces.

After receiving the small pot and vegetable cakes, Baiyunlou wanted to withdraw some money.

The old man said: "Guest officer, you don't need money anymore, what you brought is already enough." He raised his finger and pointed at the county residents outside the door who were looking inward curiously.

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