"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

Eating freshly baked scallion pancakes and drinking hot hot and sour soup, Bai Yunlou couldn't help but sigh: "I don't know if such a convenient teleportation circle is a good thing or a bad thing?"

"If the monks develop this extravagant habit and use up all the spirit stones, what else do they use for cultivation?"

The little fat man laughed and said, "Elder brother, you don't need to worry too much, now the spiritual stone bags of the monks are getting bigger and bigger."

"Since the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce began to issue missions, more and more monks have accepted missions, and even most casual cultivators are frantically accepting missions to do."

"Just like our table earlier, it is worth nearly ten spirit stones. This kind of task is the favorite for casual cultivators. You can earn a spirit stone by running a short distance, which is not a small sum of money. income."

"Almost every commoner in Great Xia now knows about the existence of monks, so few of the monks are jumping and flying, and even Yujian is rarely exclaimed. That's why this table can be delivered here so quickly."

The little fat man became more and more excited as he talked, and continued: "Moreover, this teleportation circle not only didn't consume too many monks' spiritual stones, but also helped them earn a lot."

"Nowadays, the Alchemy Pavilion and the Artifact Refining Pavilion of the academy distribute a lot of tasks every day. The monks in the cultivation world rush to pick them up, and then go to the barren mountains to collect elixir, or go to remote mountains to find concentrated ore."

"In the end, most of the monks came to snap up the small teleportation circle. With this teleportation circle, it can save a lot of time on the way back and forth, and bring more spirit stone income to the monks."

"For example, a monk searched for several days and finally found a piece of spiritual grass. If he brought it back to the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, it might take another few days. Not only did he spend several days on the road, but the medicinal properties of the spiritual grass would also dissipate a lot. To sell at a low price."

"With this teleportation circle in hand, it's different. When you meet elixir, you can immediately teleport it bundle by bundle, and you can immediately exchange it for a lot of shiny spirit stones."

"If you find a concentrated ore, you can either send the ore back, or send a message to the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce. The Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce will send experts and professional miners to the mine to receive it. The share of the spirit stone will not be less."

"In the past, the cultivation world seemed to have disappeared, and everyone stood on the top of the mountain, practicing silently. There was often a lack of resources such as spirit stones, and the cultivation was extremely slow."

"Now that everyone has a way to earn spirit stones, they are full of enthusiasm, and their cultivation speed is also increasing rapidly."

The little fat man's words subverted Baiyunlou's thinking. He secretly thought that the little fat man is indeed a genius in business. With a set of business guild tasks, the whole cultivation world has been inspired by cultivation, and by the way, he has made a lot of money.

Seeing that the little fat man was still talking, Junior Sister Xia on the side was not happy, and said crisply: "Okay, little fat man who talks a lot, do you want to have breakfast, brother? I heard you showing off there early in the morning. You're the one who talks the most."

After finishing speaking, he lightly pinched a crystal osmanthus cake with his fingers and handed it to Senior Brother Bai's mouth, and said with a smile: "Brother, try this, it's delicious."

Bai Yunlou smiled and opened his mouth to take it, and gently pinched his junior sister's small face.

The little fat man muttered beside him: "Aren't I praising senior brother's teleportation circle..."

"That's about the same. Next time you speak, focus on the key points. Don't say a lot of things, and in the end, others don't know what the key points you want to express." Junior Sister Xia said confidently.

"Understood, Second Senior Sister."

After some twists and turns, each of them had a breakthrough in cultivation, and the four people in the small courtyard started their busy and orderly college life again, practicing, studying, and occasionally chanting the Haoran Sutra with the students on the top of the mountain.

During this period of time, several disciples from Houshan also enrolled in courses at Qianshan.

The cultivation disciples in Houshan and ordinary students study and compete in the same classroom. No cultivation disciple is proud of his outstanding aptitude, and no ordinary student is discouraged because he has no aptitude.

Perhaps it is the inspiring awe-inspiring scripture that made the students of the academy cultivate the awe-inspiring righteousness of self-improvement. Today's academy students are full of energy and have a kind of resilience that is neither arrogant nor discouraged in victory or defeat.

Recently, the Student Union has also played a big role in promoting it, organizing a lot of novel activities, so that the students of the academy have grown in their hearts and strengths without knowing it.

In addition to reciting the Haoran scriptures every three days in the morning at the peak, the student union also held a primary election for martial arts competition two days ago, divided into two groups of martial arts and swordsmanship.

The monks in the Qi Condensation Stage can also participate together, but the spells are forbidden during the competition, and there is a big brother from the academy in charge, so no student dares to be presumptuous.

Generally, the body of a monk in the condensing stage has been nourished and refined by the spiritual energy, and his physique is better, and he has more advantages in terms of strength and speed.

Warriors without cultivation qualifications cannot be included in spiritual qi cultivation, they can only learn martial arts mental methods, refining and transforming qi, so as to refine true qi.

True Qi is the martial artist's essence, which is more pure than ordinary spiritual energy, but it is not as inexhaustible as spiritual energy.

Of course, there are also some martial arts geniuses who have condensed their true energy to the extreme, and can even transform their innate true energy, directly break through the limits of martial arts, enter the Tao with martial arts, and embark on the road of cultivation.

Today is the final match of the first academy martial arts competition planned by the student association.

After the first two days of primary selection~www.readwn.com~ several martial arts and swordsmanship teachings, sixteen students with extraordinary martial arts and swordsmanship were selected from hundreds of students who signed up. Eight people each.

The final location of the martial arts competition was chosen on the top of Xinlu Mountain. Early this morning, a two-foot-high martial arts arena was set up on the top of the mountain. The martial arts arena is next to the Qingshi high platform on the north side.

The student union arranged long tables and wooden chairs on the bluestone high platform, and the martial arts and swordsmanship instructors were already seated on the platform.

Sixteen students stood on both sides of the ring, and the students in the audience were crowded, looking expectantly at the competition ring, waiting for the start of the competition.

At this time, four figures walked into the entrance of the square, and it was the three people from the small courtyard who surrounded the mountain leader and strode towards the high platform.

As the first competition planned by the student association, Baiyunlou and Xiao Fatty, as the principal and vice president of the student association, of course got to attend, and the lively Xia junior sister would not miss it.

Dongfang Ziyan said that she had just obtained the supernatural power taught by her senior brother, and she needed to practice in meditation these few days, so she didn't accompany a few people to watch the competition.

After the three of them finished their breakfast, they made a detour to invite the head of the mountain, so they came a little late.

On the way, Junior Sister Xia whispered to the little fat man, "It's all because you talk too much, little fat man, it's too late now."

"Senior sister also took a lot of time to feed the senior brother." The little fat man muttered in a low voice.

"What, what's wrong with me?" Junior sister Xia looked at the juniors and younger sisters in the square making way for her and the others, feeling a little agitated, and couldn't hear clearly for a while.

The little fat man had no choice but to speak a little louder: "I mean, what the senior sister taught me."

"It's good to know." Junior Sister Xia boasted casually as she walked: "The layout of the martial arts arena is quite proper."

It was rare to hear the praise from the senior sister, and the little fat man suddenly laughed so that his eyes narrowed.

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