"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

Thinking of this, Aunt Bai Zhan was in a good mood, picked up a large bowl of wheat grains, walked to the kitchen next to her, and said as she walked, "Zhan'er will wait with your brothers and sisters for a while, and mother will cook some home-cooked meals."

"Mother, I want to drink barley tea porridge, I want to drink barley tea porridge." Xiao Ni and sister Xia have already played well, and they no longer have the timid appearance before.

Seeing that the senior brother had finished chatting with Bai Zhan, Xia Chaoyang dragged Xiaoni over and asked curiously.

Seeing that Bai Zhan was still a little depressed, Bai Yunlou briefly recounted what happened last night.

Yesterday, Bai Zhan rode the fast horse of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, and rushed to the village that night, just happened to encounter a dog barking and fighting, Bai Zhan was worried about the safety of his home, so he hurried to his courtyard.

Seeing that her parents and Xiaoni are safe, she felt relieved. Hearing that the chamber of commerce had invited a famous doctor to see her father, she was so anxious that she fainted, and the meeting has already recovered.

Bai Zhan was worried, so he gave his father a medicine to soothe the nerves. After taking the medicine, Bai Zhan's father fell into a deep sleep.

After Bai Zhan settled down at home, he planned to go to the village to see if he could cheer up the fellow villagers.

Unexpectedly, before going out, Bai Zhan felt that something was wrong, there was a burst of magic sounds outside the courtyard, and black smoke and magic energy came out, and he sensed that there was a big danger approaching.

Bai Zhan hastily closed the doors and windows, but he didn't expect the billowing demonic energy to permeate the house and seep into the house.

Thinking of what the academy taught, Bai Zhan hurriedly shouted to A Niang and Xiao Ni: "The Haoran Sutra."

A Niang and Xiaoni hurriedly recited the Haoran Sutra, and the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce sent a copy of the Haoran Sutra to each student's home, and solemnly instructed that they must recite it every day.

I heard that this is the scripture that the students of the academy also recite, and the whole family doesn't recite it carefully every day, so it comes in handy.

The sound of scripture chanting protects a few people, and it is not a problem to know the spirit of the sea. The three of them, A Niang, are ordinary people without any cultivation, and the demonic energy is not interested in the three of them.

However, when the devilish energy penetrated Bai Zhan's body, he seemed to have discovered something, and immediately stirred up.

Bai Zhan sat cross-legged on the bamboo bed, guarding his mind, reciting the Haoran Sutra, his demonic energy surged, and for a while he couldn't get close to Bai Zhan's soul.

When the devilish energy was about to corrode Bai Zhan's body, Bai Zhan used the Burning Spirit Art, and the devilish energy dissipated like snow falling into charcoal fire, and it dissipated quite a bit in a short while.

All of a sudden, the devilish energy was absorbed, and there was no wisp of black smoke in the room.

Just as he was wondering, a powerful evil thought directly broke through Bai Zhan's mind, directly wrapped Bai Zhan's soul into the sea of ​​consciousness, and then sealed it with the remnant formation.

After doing all this, the evil thought didn't move Bai Zhan's dantian any more, let out a few ear-piercing laughter and then receded.

At that time, Bai Zhan fell asleep directly on the couch, Bai Zhanniang thought that the older son was sleepy, so she didn't check carefully.

However, he was quite frightened by those devilish laughs, locked the door tightly with a kitchen knife and shovel, and then carried Xiaoni to bed and fell into a deep sleep.

"It's no wonder that Xiaoni's family is relatively normal in the village. It seems that the Haoran Scripture is still very powerful." Junior Sister Xia said with emotion.

Xiao Ni has been listening to the big brother and big sister chatting, and has been wanting to intervene.

Now when I heard the familiar Haoran Sutra, I hurriedly said: "Xiao Ni can also recite the Haoran Sutra, I will recite it to you, there is righteousness in the world, and mixed forms..."

Then, Xiaoni really recited the Haoran Sutra verbatim, and Junior Sister Xia couldn't help hugging Xiaoni lovingly.

Listening to Xiaoni's recitation, Baiyunlou looked outside the courtyard and had some thoughts.

At this time, Aunt Bai Zhan called a few people at the door of the main room, and went to eat wheat porridge.

Baiyunlou secretly thought, it's more important to eat, he turned around and followed his junior sister to the main room.

Noodles, pickles, and a large pot of barley tea porridge were already set up on the square table in the main room. They all looked like home-cooked meals, but the portions were not small.

Bai Zhanniang wiped her hands on the hem of her skirt, and said a little embarrassedly: "I dare not go to the village, so I can only cook some homemade meals. It's very simple. Don't dislike the two students of the academy."

Xia Zhaoyang took two steps forward, pulled Bai Zhanniang to sit down at the table, and said, "Xiao Nicole said, the barley tea porridge made by her aunt is delicious, and I'm craving it."

At this time, Bai Zhan's father came out from the back room very energetically, and Baiyunlou hurriedly stepped aside, and invited Bai Zhan's father to the main table, and Bai Zhan also introduced the two senior brothers and sisters from the side.

So a table of six people ate breakfast lively, the barley tea porridge was really fragrant and delicious, they praised Junior Sister Xia for drinking it, and asked Aunt Bai Zhan how to make the barley tea porridge.

The method is simple, that is, fry the wheat grains in a pot until they are slightly browned, and then boil them in water until the wheat grains explode.

This barley porridge is not sticky at all, it is burnt yellow in color, refreshing in the mouth, with a slight burnt aroma, it is really delicious in the world when served with pickles and noodles.

Baiyunlou also ate a lot, and was glared at by his junior sister, thinking that his senior brother ate too much.

After breakfast satisfied, Baiyunlou stretched, walked to the courtyard, and asked Junior Brother Baizhan about the situation in the surrounding villages and towns.

Knowing that the surrounding villages are not far away, most of them are within five or six miles, the head of Baiyun Tower laughed and said: "The Heavenly Demon has only a little ability left, if you dare to come tonight, let my dragon scale Let’s meet with the sword.”

After finishing speaking, Shen Nian pulled out the Dragon Scale Sword, raised his steps and dodged up, and the Yu Jian went straight up to the clouds.

Bai Zhan in the courtyard stared blankly at the elder brother's figure floating into the clouds, and murmured: "I know that the elder brother's cultivation is advanced, but I didn't expect to have cultivated to such a level."

While Bai Zhan was talking, Senior Sister Xia at the side asked Xiaoni in her arms softly, "Xiaoni, do you want to go and see inside the cloud?"

"Okay, okay~www.readwn.com~ Xiaoni has wanted to go for a long time." Xiaoni said softly.

Xia Chaoyang smiled coquettishly, picked up Xiaoni, and in a blink of an eye, he flew several feet into the air, a blue light appeared under his feet, and a Lingzhu sword manifested.

Just as Bai Zhan's exclamation came out, Senior Sister Xia had taken Xiaoni Yujian to flee to the clouds, and Xiaoni's cheers and giggles could be heard from afar.

"We all practiced together. Why do senior brothers and senior sisters have become so powerful now? I don't know when I can really protect my family..."

With this in mind, Bai Zhan sat cross-legged on a bluestone slab in the courtyard, and began to meditate.

Seeing Zhan'er practicing in the courtyard, Aunt Bai Zhan, who had just walked out of the kitchen, hurried into the room, and told Bai Zhan's father not to go out to disturb him.

Liuyun passed by, thinking for several miles, Baiyun Tower stood in the clouds, and the spiritual sense carefully probed the popularity and location of the nearby villages.

There are still few people in these villages. After a little exploration, Baiyunlou moved and found a suitable position, sitting cross-legged on the dragon scale and sword light.

Xia Zhaoyang led Xiaoni to look for the light of his senior brother's sword. After calling out to senior brother crisply, the Lingzhu sword under his feet changed for a while, turning into a round and transparent blue light cover nearly ten feet in size.

Smiling in satisfaction, Xia Chaoyang took Xiaoni and sat firmly in the cover, floating beside his senior brother.

During this period of time, it seems that Junior Sister has been exploring the functions of wishful beads, and now she is very proficient in using them. Baiyunlou smiled happily and nodded to Junior Sister.

Looking at the village below for a moment, Baiyun Tower's spiritual thoughts slightly retracted, and he began to recite the Haoran Sutra.

"Heaven and earth have righteous energy, mixed with manifold..."

The sound is not loud, but with the infiltration of the power of the primordial spirit, the sound of chanting seems to penetrate directly into the soul, clear and shocking.

The villagers in the village below walked out of the courtyard door one after another and looked towards the clouds in the sky.

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