There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 166: Sword array show power

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Recently, Baiyun Tower spent three whole days and nights deducing the Five Elements Sword Formation, and finally created the first form of the Five Elements Sword Formation - the Demon Extinguishing Form.

During this period of time, Baiyunlou's understanding and perception of the Five Elements Dao and the changes of Yin and Yang became more and more thorough. Using the method of observing the sea of ​​​​memory, he used the Five Elements Sword Formation to try to create a soul-killing sword move countless times.

Sleepless for three days and nights, he repeated his sword moves and deduced the sword array, and finally integrated the five elements' mutual generation and restraint and the power of Yin and Yang into one sword move, creating the strongest way to deal with demon souls.

But the demon soul in front of him is too powerful, even if it is locked by Baiyunlou's spiritual sense, it can still escape at any time by teleporting.

Although Baiyun Tower can sense the direction where the demon soul appears, and then use the demon-killing method to seal and obliterate the demon soul, the chance is still too slim. .

Now that the transformational demon soul has stepped into the demon infant realm, the Soul Explosive Jade Talisman has little effect on it. After some senses, he roughly sensed that if he directly recruited the Five Elements Sword Formation, it would only be about 10% Opportunity.

After thinking about it for a while, the Qingyun Sword Immortal, who was incarnated by Baiyunlou with the transformation technique, showed a helpless look on his face.

Sure enough, the demon soul saw that Qingyun Sword Immortal on the opposite side was showing embarrassment, and couldn't help screaming, thinking of playing a bit.

A piercing demonic voice came out: "Sword Immortal Qingyun, I have repeatedly sabotaged the major events of this Heavenly Demon before, but this time I finally lured you out. Qingyunzi is also exhausted now, so today I will send you, Qingyun remnant, on the road first ,Hahaha…"

Then there was a burst of harsher laughter. Seeing the opportunity, Bai Yunlou raised his hand to take out the formation disk, and planned to use the Five Elements Sword Formation.

While concentrating on thinking, I only heard a crisp sound of slamming the door from below, and then there was a yell from my junior sister: "You devil, you can hit as often as you want, what's your name at night, and you won't let people sleep .”

Originally, Xia Chaoyang had always thought that his senior brother was omnipotent, a mere devil, and he could easily catch him, so he activated the spirit gathering array and coaxed Xiao Ni to sleep.

Gradually, Xia Chaoyang fell asleep beside the sleeping Xiaoni's bed.

Unexpectedly, Zhengxiang was sleeping, but was awakened by a piercing sound of magic, which could not be blocked even by the Spirit Gathering Formation.

Xia Zhaoyang was instantly furious, and directly summoned the Ruyi Pearl, which changed into the appearance of a big lotus seed, pushed the door open and walked out.

Looking at the black shadow demon soul all over the sky, and the transfigured demon soul in the mid-air exuding an extremely powerful aura, it seemed that this time he was in serious trouble.

At this moment, the demon soul in mid-air seemed to have seen a demon god, trembling all over, even the demon soul floated, and a trembling demon voice came out: "Ruyi Pearl...It turned out to be you..."

Such a great opportunity, how could Baiyun Tower let it go, get rid of all distracting thoughts, escape from the sword light directly from several directions, and take advantage of the horror of the demon soul, trap it in the Five Elements Sword Formation in one fell swoop.

In an instant, the five-element sword array was fully activated under the control of massive innate energy and powerful primordial power, and the five-color light was running non-stop.

The five-element intergenerational formation at the upper end of the sword formation encloses the most yang energy with the innate qi poured in from above the sword formation, and the five-element mutual restraint formation at the lower end of the sword formation attaches the most yin qi to the innate qi infiltrated below.

The upper and lower layers of innate qi rotate in opposite directions, like two grinding discs, grinding towards the transformed demon soul inside.

The transformed demon soul, who came back to his senses, only came to his senses at this time, and he didn't expect to fall into the opponent's sword formation after being lost for a while.

For a while, he couldn't see the path of this strange sword formation, and the demon soul began to flash his figure in desperation, but found that he couldn't escape the sword formation at all.

The power of the Dao Dao sword formation, with the supernatural power of broken thoughts, kept killing the evil thoughts of the transformed demon soul in the formation.

Seeing that the closer the upper and lower disc-shaped true energy is, the faster the magic will be consumed, and the demon soul directly manifested the sky-supporting demon body, using the condensed figure of the demon soul to try to prop up the sword array.

But how could Baiyun Tower give the demon soul trapped in the sword formation a chance? The primordial spirit in the Sea of ​​Consciousness waved his small hand resolutely, and the transformed sword energy that had been refined for many days escaped directly from the Sea of ​​Consciousness. In the middle, an incomparably bright sword light radiated.

The demon soul in the sword formation seemed to be aware of the boundless crisis, and wanted to burst out of the sword formation, only to hear a burst of shouting: "Explosion!"

The Primordial Spirit Sword Qi, which had been transformed for many days, just exploded in the Five Elements Sword Formation. Although it was a pity that the Primordial Spirit Sword Qi was condensed after spending countless soul fragments, the effect was really good.

The metamorphosis demon soul was riddled with holes by the broken thoughts supernatural power brought by the sword energy of the primordial spirit. After re-condensing, it no longer had the cultivation base of the demon baby, and fell directly to the demon core realm.

After finishing all the demon removal tasks, Baiyunlou took the opportunity to concentrate, reunited with the Five Elements Sword Formation, trapped the stunned transformed demon soul in the sword formation again, and then operated the sword formation to continue obliterating the demon soul.

Xia Chaoyang in the courtyard saw his senior brother suddenly displaying supernatural power and trapping the powerful demon in one fell swoop, he shouted excitedly.

Seeing countless demon souls rushing towards the senior brother, knowing that the senior brother was concentrating on killing the devil and not caring about him, he escaped from the sword light and protected the senior brother around him.

In a moment of thought, Xia Chaoyang turned the Ruyi Pearl into a ten-foot-long green vine, and swept it back and forth. The green vine carried a series of soul-breaking magical powers, and he did not hesitate to shatter the divine soul, crushing a flying demon soul and pumping it. scattered.

Helplessly, there are so many demon They can’t be killed for a while, and the demon souls in the distance are not under the control of the transformed demon souls, and they rioted and devoured each other. The demon soul of the demon realm.

After fighting just now, Baiyunlou could see that the key point was the demon soul trapped in the Five Elements Sword Formation, and his sanity was far clearer than other demon souls, even the formation was set up by him.

Only by completely beheading the transformed demon soul in the Five Elements Sword Formation can this hidden danger be truly eliminated.

However, this demon soul is really powerful. Although it was unprepared, it was knocked down to the demon infant realm with the sword energy of the primordial spirit that had been refined for many days, but this demon soul was very tenacious, and it took a long time before it was wiped out A small and a half magic thought.

The demon soul in the sword formation was still struggling fiercely, and the magic knife that took shape smashed into the Five Elements Sword Formation with Dao Qi.

In order to control the Five Elements Sword Formation, Baiyunlou almost used most of his mind.

Seeing the ferocity of this demonic soul, Baiyunlou also thought about using the phantom of the true fire of samadhi to burn the demonic soul, but now the five-element sword array is self-contained, if the breath of the immortal fire penetrates, it may lose its balance in an instant, and instead let the demon go away. soul.

Seeing the demon souls around her devouring each other, and the demon souls in the demon core realm getting stronger and stronger, it was already difficult for the junior sister to deal with it.

Enduring the pain of broken thoughts, Baiyunlou controlled the Five Elements Sword Formation with all his strength, and at the same time managed to hold out several spirit bamboo swords, guarding the junior sister, ready to help the junior sister out of the siege at any time.

Now that the junior sister showed up in front of these demon souls, Bai Yunlou simply dispelled the transformation technique, restored his original appearance, and decided to kill the demons with all his strength, not letting a ray of demon souls escape.

Fortunately, the shape-changing demon souls were trapped, covered by the formation, these ordinary demon souls would not be able to get out of the formation for a while.

However, it seemed that they sensed the crisis of the transformed demonic souls, and these ordinary demonic souls became even more frenzied. After wantonly devouring them, they all rushed towards the two of Baiyunlou.

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