There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 170: Bai Zhan's choice

"There is a fairy building in Baiyunsheng ( Find the latest chapter!

Hearing the senior brother's reply, Bai Zhan said with a firm expression, "Senior senior brother, I want to learn the supernatural power of broken thoughts."

"Oh, what Junior Brother means is that he wants to keep the remnant array for soul refining." Bai Yunlou said with some clarity.

"Exactly, now that the demonic way is raging, only if you are strong, can you follow the brothers and sisters to eliminate the demons, and instead of escaping those turbid qi, it is better to chop them up, maybe they can be used by me."

During Bai Zhan's speech, his spiritual consciousness seemed to become more and more firm, with a faintly sharp aura.

"Junior brother has a good idea, and what he said is true. Generally speaking, even if the magic thoughts have independent thoughts, even if they are crushed, it is generally difficult to accept them for their own use."

"However, this turbidity may be different. It is an unconscious thought in the chaos. After crushing it, it is also a piece of unowned divine thought. But you still have to try it before you can find out the details of this turbidity." Bai Yun The more Lou talked, the more he felt that this method was feasible.

Speaking of this, Bai Yunlou showed a happy expression, and asked Bai Zhan's junior brother with a smile: "Junior brother, this supernatural power of broken thoughts is the secret of Qingyun sect, and it is the secret of Qingyun for the time being..."

"Eldest senior brother, my junior brother wants to be at odds with Tianma. Is it because my junior aptitude is so low that I can't enter Qingyun sect?" Bai Zhan said with a bow.

Bai Yunlou went up to support Bai Zhan and said, "Junior Brother, now Qingyun Sect is eager to seek talents, regardless of cultivation level, just look at heart and mind. With the ambition of junior brother who is incompatible with the power of heavenly demons, he can be regarded as a member of Qingyun Sect."

After a short pause, he continued: "However, your senior brother, although I am the head of the Qingyun sect, for the new disciples of the Qingyun sect to get started, you have to nod your senior brother Feiyang, who is Qingyun's great elder Feiyang."

The little fat man on the side was stunned, nodded and said: "Brother, what you said, how can I not nod my head like Junior Brother Bai Zhan, but to enter Qingyunmen, you have to pass the test of Elder Xiaojing."

"Elder Xiaojing, haha, indeed, haha, you can pass the trial of Wenxin Pavilion, you, Senior Brother Feiyang, have to look at Elder Xiaojing's face..." Xia Zhaoyang, who was listening, couldn't help but interjected with a smile.

"Who is Elder Xiaojing? Is it difficult to ask Xin Pavilion?" Bai Zhan asked curiously.

Bai Yunlou patted Junior Brother Bai Zhan on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry about this, it's just a trivial matter to break through the remnant formation of the Consciousness Sea and the phantom formation of the Wenxin Pavilion."

"It seems that our Qingyun sect is going to have more junior juniors again. Hehe, Qingyun cave is getting more and more lively." Junior sister Xia said happily.

It was rare for Dongfang Ziyan to say: "Brother Bai Zhan, welcome to Qing Yun Sect."

There are no outsiders here, and there is a protective magic circle, Baiyun Tower sorted out the information a little bit, and then told several people the information obtained from the soul search from the transformed demon soul.

The transformational demon soul really has a big background, it is the magic mind split soul that was sent out by the demon body from the Nanzhou formation not long ago at a great price that day.

Among the thousands of demonic souls sent out, there were only ten real magical souls, and each true soul brought hundreds of souls to Zhongzhou to cause chaos.

These magical thoughts and true souls all obtained the Heavenly Demon Token of the Heavenly Demon body. One of the main magic orders was to wait for the opportunity at the Cultivation Conference more than two months later, and the other magic order was to set up an ambush to kill Qingyun Sword Immortal.

Restricted by today's laws of heaven, this small world does not allow the existence of demon souls at the demon infant level. Once they appear, there will be thunder disasters.

Therefore, this group of demon souls cannot directly break through the demon infant realm, but can only be split into a group of demon souls in the demon core realm, and the cultivation base is shared by the number.

The demonic true soul killed today led the sub-souls north to Zhongzhou, devouring the luck of the human race along the way. In just a few days, thousands of demonic sub-souls have been separated.

We also know the details of the large formation set up by the transformed demon soul. It turns out that its prototype is the Nine Palace Soul Refining Formation that seals the entire Nanzhou.

The body of the Heavenly Demon was trapped for more than 3,000 years and was refined by the formation day and night. Although most of the body was refined, it survived abruptly by virtue of its insight into the formation.

Moreover, with the help of the spirit refining rules of the Great Soul Formation, he realized a trace of the spirit of the Great Formation, and only then did he have the Remnant Formation in Bai Zhan's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The matter of the cultivation conference is not surprising in Baiyun Tower. The real body of the demon in the Nanzhou formation may have known about the conference from other channels.

But this time the shape-changing demon soul used Bai Zhan to set up a trap to kill Qingyun Sword Immortal.

However, in the remnant soul there was an aura imitating the yin and yang sword moves. Bai Zhan had been practicing this set of sword moves recently, so he was naturally very familiar with the aura of this sword move.

From this point of view, it must have been two times when he used the figure of Qingyun Sword Immortal to eliminate demons, he let go of a demonic thought.

Bai Yunlou thought back secretly, making sure that there were no mistakes in Zhaojiaji that time, and Senior Sister Qingchi also cleared away the hidden demon soul after she arrived.

Then there was only an omission in Linjiang County, and after a little thought, there was a slight induction in his spiritual thoughts.

It turned out to be that Yan Qi. I was in a hurry to go back to the academy, and that Yan Qi's temperament was quite to my liking, so I didn't check him carefully.

It must be the devil soul hiding beside Yan Qi, which gave the devil soul the opportunity to plot this time.

Thinking of this, Bai Yunlou asked the little fat man: "Feiyang, your Nangong family has always lived in Donghai So have you heard of Yan Qi in Donghai Pavilion?"

The fat man thought for a while and said, "I've heard of it in Donghai Pavilion. I sent it to the Haoran Sutra according to the master's list of cultivation sects some time ago."

"Even though Donghai Pavilion is not one of the nine major sects of cultivation, it is still famous in the East China Sea. It's just that I don't know much about its sect. I'll make arrangements to investigate Yan Qi's details."

"That's the only way to go. Just investigate secretly. If there is any news, please let me know as soon as possible." Bai Yunlou nodded.

The little fat man patted his chest and said, "Senior brother, I'll take care of things, so you can rest assured."

Hearing what his senior brother said, Xia Chaoyang realized why every time his senior brother turned into the Qingyun Sword Immortal, it turned out that it was to cover up the demons' eyes and ears.

Thinking of rushing out of the back room just now, still wearing the academy uniform, if the identity of the academy student was directly exposed, fortunately, Senior Sister Dongfang arrived, and together with her senior brother, killed all the demon souls in the formation.

Seeing Xiao Xiyue's face, Baiyunlou knew what she was worried about, and walked over to put his arms around his junior sister.

Wen Sheng said: "Xiyue, don't worry about this, sooner or later the academy will be exposed to the eyes of the demon, after a while, the head of the mountain may have to go through the four or nine days of calamity, and may also attract the covetousness of the demon soul. "

With the comfort of his senior brother, Xia Chaoyang felt much better.

Bai Yunlou went on to say: "It's also thanks to Xiao Xiyue this time, when he came out of the room, he shouted loudly, the demon soul seemed to be frightened, and his magic thoughts were sluggish, so I found an opportunity to trap him with the Five Elements Sword Formation. "

"So that's the case, hahaha, brother, you must take me with you next time you go, it seems that I am still very useful." Xia Zhaoyang immediately put the devil soul matter behind him when he heard that there was still this matter. .

"Bring it on, bring it on." Bai Yunlou said dotingly.

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