There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 176: 1 Sword Breaks Illusion

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The demon soul seemed to be becoming angry from embarrassment, suppressing his demon thoughts violently, Bai Zhan's whole body trembled, and his bones seemed to be in danger of shattering at any moment.

But Bai Zhan didn't care about it, and concentrated on refining the golden light on the tip of the sword.

After a while, the demon soul seemed to have no intention of playing with the ant, and directly slapped it.

At this moment, the golden light on the tip of the sword seemed to have a spirituality, and directly brought Bai Zhan's figure to slash towards the big palm of the demon soul.

The seemingly extremely powerful demon soul was shattered by this golden light, and the illusion dissipated.

At the same time, a sword light flashed from the Wenxin Pavilion, cutting off the light curtain at the entrance of the main hall, and took Bai Zhan directly out of the main hall of the Wenxin Pavilion.

Bai Zhan stared blankly at the senior brothers and sisters in front of him, and at the long sword in his hand, he realized something in his heart.

Bai Yunlou stood up and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Bai slashed the illusion with his sword, and directly broke out of the Pavilion of Questioning Heart. Now he is a disciple of Qingyun sect."

All the disciples of Qingyun sect stepped forward to congratulate him. Seeing senior brother Feiyang, Bai Zhan couldn't help but twitched his brows as he recalled the scene of a fantasy.

Nangong Xiaojing on the side rubbed the center of his brows, stepped forward and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Bai Zhan, how does the magic array set up by the junior sister taste?"

Bai Zhan was stunned when he asked this question, he didn't expect that the illusion just now was set up by this humble junior sister.

"Thank you, Elder Xiaojing, for your mercy." Bai Zhan hurriedly bowed.

After the little fat man and Bai Zhan congratulated him, he muttered to his little sister with some displeasure on his face.

Nangong Xiaojing immediately raised her eyebrows, and said in a crisp voice: "Yo, second brother, you can't stand it if you make your appearance look ugly, then who do you think is suitable for the illusion, senior brother, two senior sisters, or Xiaohuo?" Ling... don't tell me you let me transform myself."

Hearing this, the little fat man turned pale, hurriedly waved his hands, smiled all over his face, and said flatteringly: "It's because the second brother is too stupid, the younger sister is right, I look like this, from now on, younger sister, you can illusion ,hey-hey…"

"It's almost the same. Don't you see that senior brothers and sisters are also **** and thrown aside? Do you think senior brothers and sisters care..."

Glancing at her second brother, Nangong Xiaojing said in a deep voice: "Second brother, it seems that your cultivation base has increased recently, but your state of mind still hasn't kept up. Why don't you go to the Xin Pavilion to refine it now?"

"No, no, it was just a momentary thought just now. Look at how good your second brother is in a good state of mind. Junior brother Bai is a newcomer today, and we have to take care of a lot of things." The little fat man hurriedly persuaded his family little sister.

Hearing Bai Zhan was mentioned, Nangong Xiaojing suddenly remembered something, took out a jade talisman from the treasure pouch at his waist, and handed it to Bai Zhan.

Seeing this exquisite jade talisman, Baiyunlou remembered, isn't this the photo jade talisman that Junior Sister Xiaojing asked him to refine a few days ago.

This jade talisman is not very useful, it is only half the size of a palm, and if it is injected with spiritual thoughts, some simple patterns can be manifested on the front of the jade talisman.

Before, I asked Junior Sister Xiaojing what the purpose of doing it was, but Xiaojing kept secretive.

While thinking about it, Nangong Xiaojing said crisply: "Brother Bai Zhan, this jade talisman is used to record the number of times you have come to the Wenxin Pavilion to ask the heart to refine the soul. You take it back, it will be of great use in the future."

Bai Zhan turned the jade talisman to the front, and sure enough, he saw the imprint of the character "one" in the middle of the jade talisman.

Then Nangong Xiaojing took out another photo jade charm and handed it to the little fat man.

The little fat man hurriedly said: "Little sister, I don't need it." But seeing Xiaojing's eyebrows raised, he immediately took it.

In the end, the jade talisman was empty, and he couldn't help but asked in doubt: "Little sister, that... I didn't try it once in the Wenxin Pavilion before, look..."

"That time doesn't count. I haven't taken over the Wenxin Pavilion that time. Second brother, you have to practice hard. Come to Wenxin Pavilion to practice a few more times. Don't even be inferior to Junior Brother Bai Zhan."

Seeing her second elder brother staring at the treasure bag at her waist, Nangong Xiaojing curled her lips, and continued: "Don't look, you two have this jade talisman for the time being, there is no need for senior brothers and sisters to come to the Xin Pavilion Soul refining, Senior Sister Chaoyang and Little Flower Spirit..."

Right at this point, Xiaohua leaped out of the young master's eyebrows, and asked with sleepy eyes: "Who is calling me Xiaoxian?"

Nangong Xiaojing stepped forward and saluted, "Sister Xiaohualing, I haven't seen you for a few days, how are you doing these days?"

"Oh, it's Sister Xiaojing, hehe, do you still have the spirit fruit? I still have a lot here. I'm happy to see Sister Xiaojing, and I'll give you another basket." The flower basket is full of spiritual fruits of various colors.

Nangong Xiaojing took it with both hands with a smile on her face, and she kept praising her, making Xiao Hualing no longer sleepy at all.

The Baiyun Building on the side was speechless for a while, seeing Xiao Hualing for a while, when did he get so close with Nangong Xiaojing.

There is also this little mirror, who always has a sullen face on weekdays. In front of Xiao Hualing, it seems like a different person. I can't stand it for a Seeing Xiaojing is like meeting a confidant, Xiaohualing vomited bitterness to Xiaojing, talking about how hard she has taught the little master recently, she was tired all night last night, and her back is still hurting.

Nangong Xiaojing took out a small jade jar from the treasure bag, handed it to Xiao Hualing, and said that it was specially brewed nectar for her.

Picking up the little jade pot, Xiao Hualing happily circled around the small mirror in Nangong.

Hearing that Xiao Chaoyang was tossed by the little flower spirit all night last night, Baiyunlou was very distressed, quietly held the little hand of the junior sister beside him, and secretly sent a small rain spell.

Senior sister Xia benefited greatly from senior brother's concern, she couldn't help leaning gently on senior senior's shoulder, watching Xiao Hualing chatting with Xiao Jing.

Huo Ling'er at the side, looking at the little jade pot in Xiao Hualing's hand, couldn't move his eyes away, stepped forward and wanted to hug Xiao Hualing, and said softly, "Sister Xiaohualing, I want to taste the nectar too... "

Seeming Huo Ling'er pounced, Xiao Hualing became anxious for a moment, and four small transparent wings appeared on her back, and flew up into the air.

Seeing Huo Linger's greedy look, Xiao Hualing finally couldn't help taking out a small ball from the small jade jar and throwing it at Huo Linger.

Huo Ling'er caught it in one gulp, and a smile bloomed on his face.

Seeing the young master's appearance, the little flower spirit in mid-air couldn't help snorting softly, spread its wings and landed on Xia Chaoyang's shoulder, and whispered in the little master's ear: "Little master, image, pay attention to the image."

Xia Zhaoyang had no choice but to stand up slightly, and straightened his head on his senior brother's shoulder.

Baiyunlou felt relieved, he laughed, and raised his hand to inject a piece of fairy wood energy from the original source of real water into a bunch of watery grapes on the long table.

She smiled and said: "Little Hualing, you have worked hard these days, and I will give you this bunch of grapes."

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