"There is a fairy building in Baiyunsheng ( Find the latest chapter!

With a long laugh, the head of the mountain burst into golden light, jumped up, and went straight to meet the purple thunder waterfall.

Originally, the head of the mountain had always stood firm on the top of Jinmai Peak, and his aura was already connected to the sky of Jinmai Cave. It can be said that he has a deep foundation, and with his golden body, no matter how powerful Zilei is, he should be able to fight.

But the head of the mountain, who has released himself, now only feels that his heart is at ease, and there is no fear in the future, so what if he gives it a go.

After hundreds of years of forbearance and tempering, there is a great momentum in the chest, and whoever says that a good guard does not have a sharp spirit.

A golden sword condensed instantly around Shan Zhang's body, and with the momentum of Shan Zhang's soaring sky, he slashed towards Zi Lei one after another.

Nine purple thunders were cut and passed by, but the purple thunders seemed to have transformed into shapes. The purple thunder light that was cut in half did not dissipate, but gathered into a thunder pool below.

The whole body of the mountain leader was also contaminated by the aura of purple thunder. For a while, the lightning flashed all over his body, and a kind of soul-eating pain kept disturbing the mountain leader's mind.

Looking at the group of disciples in the back mountain, the head of the mountain smiled gratifiedly, took a deep breath, jumped, and jumped directly into the thunder pond, which aroused bursts of thunder.

The figure of the head of the mountain seemed to melt into the thunder pool, and Baiyun Tower could only see the flashing and jumping purple thunder lights, forming a dazzling purple lightning light group, with the momentum of annihilating everything, standing proudly in the refining thunder pool. Dao figure.

It can be imagined that at this time, the mountain chief is in the pond of thunder, and his soul and body are being eroded by purple thunder, refined and calcined.

Suddenly, a slightly trembling reciting sound came from the thunder pool: "Heaven and earth have righteous energy, mixed with manifolds..."

"Shan Zhang, Hao Ran Jing..." For a while, the teachers of the academy were incoherent with excitement.

While thinking about it, Baiyun Loupan sat aside, his spiritual consciousness escaped into the sea of ​​consciousness, and he used the power of the primordial spirit to chant together with the head of the mountain: "...The bottom is the river and the mountain, and the top is the sun and stars. Yu Ren said Haoran, Peihusai Cangming..."

All of a sudden, the monks in the entire academy began to chant, their voices getting louder and louder, and their momentum soared into the sky.

When chanting, every monk seems to be immersed in it, that is the power of faith, and this is the true like-mindedness.

A road to the sky clearly appears in the heart of every monk. It is a kind of righteousness, a kind of perseverance, a kind of fearless sacrifice, and a kind of faith to go forward bravely.

Generations of monks are not afraid of thunder disasters, one after another, a loyal soul sacrifices his life to guard the Great Xia, and a doctor is not afraid of poison and tastes all kinds of herbs. These are the awe-inspiring righteousness of the human world.

Whoever said that the life of the human race is short, who said that the soul of the human race is weak, as long as the faith is not extinguished, no matter how short the life is, no matter how weak the soul is, they can shine brightly.

This belief showed its true form at this moment, without the need for clairvoyance, Baiyunlou's spiritual sense could also sense it, and the beliefs of everyone in the academy merged into one place, forming a pillar reaching the sky.

This pillar of luck seems to be solid, soaring into the sky, straight up to the sky, as if supporting the laws of heaven and earth, and supporting the avenue of the world.

While thinking about it, Baiyunlou Sea of ​​Consciousness faintly sensed that there was a spying intent coming from the robbery cloud above his head.

Baiyun Tower couldn't help but exert its full power of Tianyantong, and looked at Jieyun, only to see a giant eye with lightning flashing faintly in Jieyun, as if watching the tiny world.

As if aware of the strangeness, the giant eyes blinked, and a golden light flashed through the space, directly flashing into the Primordial Spirit of Consciousness Sea in Baiyun Tower, hiding between the brows of the Primordial Spirit.

After a while, the giant eyes seemed to be very satisfied, flashed twice, and disappeared suddenly, and then, the Jieyun in the midair also gradually dissipated.

The golden lightning flashed between the eyebrows so quickly that Baiyun Tower had no time to react. When he came back to his senses, he couldn't remember what happened just a moment ago.

When he looked up again, the robbery clouds in the sky had cleared away, Baiyunlou was a little surprised, thinking that he must have seen something extraordinary just now, it seems that his cultivation level is still too low now, it would be useless to think about it.

However, it can be seen from the dissipation of the catastrophe cloud that the head of the mountain should have successfully passed the four or nine days of catastrophe this time, but the thunder pool is quite miraculous, and there is no sign of dissipating at this time.

Baiyunlou was a little surprised, he couldn't help returning to his body with his spiritual consciousness, and turned his sky eyes to look at the thunder pool of the main peak of Jinmai.

Just as he was wondering, Baiyunlou's spiritual consciousness suddenly sensed that there was another vision in the midair, and an ethereal aura slowly drifted down along the pillar of luck and escaped.

As if aware of the aura of the mountain chief, he floated towards the thunder pool as if attracted, and then easily passed through the purple thunder lights and escaped into the mountain chief's body.

Then several streams of misty air floated down from the pillar of luck, some of them went towards the Thunder Pond, and the other two drifted towards the direction of Baiyun Tower.

Just as he was wondering, an ethereal qi escaped into Xia Zhaoyang's eyebrows, and another one fell into Baiyunlou's eyebrows.

This wisp of misty air is clear and invisible, as if slow and weak, but it can directly escape into the sea of ​​consciousness primordial spirit in Baiyun tower.

Baiyun Tower had a slight sense that these misty qi should be the chance that came down after the catastrophe, so he let this misty qi float into the Yuanshen.

As soon as he touched it, Yuanshen sensed the special breath of this misty air, and he was lucky enough to experience it before.

Ethereal, misty, it is the immortal energy above the nine heavens, which is purer than the immortal energy of the nine heavens.

Now that these immortal qi are contaminated with the aura of this pillar of luck, as long as they are monks who have contributed to the pillar of luck just now, they can refine it.

Baiyunlou was not in a hurry to refine the immortal energy, but used the power of the primordial spirit to transmit a sound to the spiritual consciousness of the monks present, saying: "There is a chance to come down, calm down, and sit cross-legged to refine the spiritual consciousness."

After the sound transmission, I took a look at Junior Sister Xia~www.readwn.com~ and saw that she looked very useful, so I knew that there was a little flower spirit, and I would not miss such benefits.

Dongfang Ziyan is now in the realm of enlightened Dao Xin, and she has already sensed it. When the pillar of luck was condensed, she used the Sea of ​​Consciousness Lotus to investigate.

When the misty air falls, although its shape cannot be seen, the ethereal dao marks can be clearly seen.

Sensing the sound transmission of the senior brother's spiritual thoughts, Dongfang Ziyan immediately sat cross-legged on the side, concentrating quietly.

As soon as the divine consciousness penetrated into the Sea of ​​Consciousness Xianlian, a misty air followed into the sea of ​​consciousness, and after a slight pause, it floated towards Dongfang Ziyan's spiritual consciousness.

After thinking for a while, Dongfang Ziyan's spiritual consciousness escaped into the bud of the fairy lotus, and the ethereal aura also escaped.

As soon as Fang touched the fairy lotus, the misty air melted into the petals of the fairy lotus, and the fairy lotus couldn't help trembling, as if drinking fine nectar and jade dew, the whole fairy lotus swayed suddenly.

The fairy lotus nourished by the misty air immediately released streams of pure fairy air, nourishing Dongfang Ziyan's soul.

Dongfang Ziyan also sensed that this wisp of misty air was originally immortal air, which was the same as the breath sensed in the jade slips left over from the fairy world.

Then came the second and third, one after another fairy energy melted into the fairy lotus, and the fairy lotus gradually grew a few new lotus leaves, and the bud grew a little bit, ready to bloom, and the fairy light was overflowing.

Feeling the fulfillment of the little master, Xianlian stopped absorbing the immortal energy, and directly used the immortal energy to refine Dongfang Ziyan's consciousness.

Dongfang Ziyan felt a tingling unbearable tingling in her soul, not only became more solid, but also gradually refined into a physical form.

With the nourishment of the fairy energy, the soul was gradually refined into the primordial spirit, and it became clearer and more transparent, with infinite light shining through the whole body, and it looked like five or six years old in a short while.

Where the mind moved, a light blue dress gently covered Dongfang Ziyan's body of the primordial spirit.

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