There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 188: Straight into the sky

Senior Sister Qingchi once said that the gods are born with powerful souls, even if they have just been derived, the souls can be thousands of miles away from the body.

As long as there is a true spirit in the god's body, it will be able to return in an instant. Now it seems that Senior Sister Qingchi's dream and enlightenment this time is not as simple as she originally thought.

Thinking that I have already cultivated the Yang God, can I follow the aura above the senior sister's head to explore?

This idea can no longer be suppressed in Baiyun Tower with the sea of ​​consciousness. Yangshen is originally condensed from the primordial spirit, but it can escape from the body and hide.

Ordinary monks must cultivate to the state of leaving the body before they can cultivate the Yangshen, and then the Yangshen will leave the body.

And Baiyunlou refined countless soul fragments in the sea of ​​consciousness, and condensed the primordial spirit. This time, it incorporated a lot of immortal energy, and condensed the Yangshen in one fell swoop. Therefore, the soul of Baiyunlou far exceeds that of monks of the same rank. .

However, Yangshen's out of body is no small matter, if not fully prepared, it will be extremely dangerous.

Baiyunlou still decided to go to the sea of ​​memory first, to find out if there is any relevant information about Yangshen's out of body in the thoughts that Senior Sister Qingchi had poured into.

After greeting the two junior sisters, Baiyun Real Estate sat on the side and went to investigate in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

After some investigation, I really found the formula and experience of Yangshen's out-of-body experience in Qingyun's mind method.

There is a saying in the heart method, the Yangshen comes out of the body, not only to cultivate the Yangshen, but also to cultivate the innate body.

Only with the innate body can one retain a mouthful of innate qi, which can allow the body to enter the realm of fetal breath during the separation of the Yangshen.

After thinking about it carefully, Baiyunlou gradually made a decision in his heart. Not only did he cultivate the Yang God, but he was already a small completion of the innate body.

The most reassuring thing for Baiyunlou is that, more than a month ago, Baiyunlou practiced the inner breath technique, and with the help of a large amount of innate energy, this inner breath technique has already achieved great success.

Now that everything is in place, that idea is like taking root, and it has completely taken root in the sea of ​​consciousness in Baiyun Tower.

The spiritual thought came out of the sea of ​​consciousness, and Baiyunlou told the two junior sisters about this thought, and when he spoke the thought, he secretly sensed that there was no danger in going there.

Xia Chaoyang knew that his senior brother had a strong sense of spirituality, but his expression changed slightly, and he was quite worried about his senior brother's safety.

Knowing what the senior brother was thinking, Dongfang Ziyan's spiritual thoughts directly entered the sea of ​​consciousness, and she used the power of the primordial spirit to sense in the infinite light, but she couldn't feel the slightest danger.

So the consciousness returned to the body, and told Senior Brother Bai and Junior Sister about the induction of the primordial spirit.

Hearing the senior sister say the same, Xia Chaoyang was completely relieved. After all, senior sister Ziyan's sense of spiritual sense is also very miraculous. The senior sister also sensed in advance the last time she was in danger at the house of junior brother Bai Zhan.

Seeing that the two junior sisters nodded in support, Baiyunlou said in a deep voice: "I don't know how long it will take to go, it may take half a cup of tea, or it may be a few days, the two junior sisters don't have to worry about the body of the senior brother."

"Brother, my body is nourished by almost endless innate energy, even if the Yang God is away from the body for several months, it will be fine. I will bring the Primordial Spirit Sword Gang with me when I go, and my safety should be safe."

"I have a sword intent in the Sword Qi Hall. If something happens, shake that sword intent three times. If there is no problem at that time, I will shake it back three times."

"If something really happens, I will keep shaking the sword intent, and you can use the sword intent to make peace, and even with this sword intent, my Yang God will be able to escape back to Qingyun Cave."

After explaining to the two junior sisters, Bai Yunlou sat aside, calmed down, circulated the innate qi in the sapphire to protect the acupoints all over his body, and then used the supernatural power of the inner breath technique, the breath gradually became gentle and long.

A moment later, taking advantage of the decisiveness of the thought, Baiyunlou left a spiritual thought in the sea of ​​consciousness, pinched the magic art of the Yang God's exit, and the Yang God held the pure Yang sword, and escaped directly out of the sea of ​​consciousness .

As soon as Yangshenfang escaped from the sea of ​​consciousness, Baiyun Tower suddenly felt like a winter sun rising from a warm pool, and a biting chill hit instantly.

With a movement of Baiyunlou's mind, pure yang power enveloped the entire body of the Yang God, and it was filled with warmth immediately. Sure enough, only the Yang God can be obtained through cultivation.

Dongfang Ziyan suddenly sensed a kind of yang aura appearing in front of her, and she could see the faint outline of the yang **** of her senior brother through her Tianyan.

As soon as the mind moved, Baiyunlou simply borrowed the power of pure yang to perform the transformation technique, and transformed into the main body of the Yang God, which was almost the same as the main body of Baiyunlou, except that it was a little clear, with a reddish glow of the sun.

The body of the Yang God in Baiyunlou held the pure Yang sword gang, nodded slightly to the two junior sisters, then turned around to escape the aura above Senior Sister Qingchi's head, and disappeared in an instant.

Xia Chaoyang was a little dazed, but regained his energy in a flash, and said to Dongfang Ziyan: "Senior sister, during this period of time, junior sister has been cultivating in this small bamboo building."

"This Lingzhu mountain is the most suitable place for me to cultivate in the entire cave, and the spirit bamboos all over the mountain can help me cultivate."

Knowing that the junior sister actually wanted to stay by the elder brother's side, Dongfang Ziyan nodded slightly and said: "Then senior sister goes to the sword energy hall to guard, and condenses the sword intent by the way."

"Over there at the academy, the senior sister will ask the head of the mountain for instructions, and the junior sister can rest assured to practice."

After finishing speaking, Dongfang Ziyan took a slight look at her senior brother, and saw that he was surrounded by fresh air, she was relieved a lot, then raised her hand and drew out the ice crystal sword, floated up, escaped the light of the sword and went to the hall of sword energy.

After the Yang God of Baiyun Building escaped into the aura above the senior sister's head, the rules of this small world seemed to be temporarily unlimited, and the memory that disappeared before came back, and this aura was actually the same as the aura of the eyes in the robbery cloud.

Knowing the basics slightly, Baiyunlou also had a slight guess. Since the divine sense has no warning signs, this divine object should have no malice towards him, so it's okay to go through this.

Where God's Mind Moves The Yang God followed the breath and fled straight to the sky.

Breaking away from the shackles of the main body, the speed of the Yang God's escape is extremely fast. After a little induction, it is more than three times the speed of the current flying sword.

It was several miles away in a thought, and in this moment, he escaped for more than thirty miles. As he escaped through layers of floating clouds, Yangshen felt that the sky above the clouds became more and more icy cold.

Baiyun Tower protected the body of the Yang God with the pure Yang Sword Gang, and continued to escape above the sky.

When I escaped to forty miles, it seemed that the surrounding air suddenly calmed down a lot. Baiyun Tower slowly stopped the light, turned to look down, and saw a scene that was unimaginable before.

It is recorded in ancient books that the sky is like a dome, but now I realize that there is indeed a dome above the clouds.

A boundless and vast mask of clear air firmly covers the human world, in which the clouds and mists are transpiring, the breath is circulating, and all living things are endlessly growing.

Standing high in the sky, looking at the human world, it is a land full of vitality, comfort and peace, and gradually there is a kind of throbbing overflowing in the heart of Baiyun Tower.

The place where you give birth, you should sacrifice your life to protect it.

The spiritual sense sensed it slightly, this place should only be the innermost layer of the dome, Baiyunlou raised his eyes and looked up, the aura of that divine object went straight up, and it was unknown how far away it was.

Sighing for a while, the Baiyun Tower regained the light and continued to escape to the depths of the dome along that aura.

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