Through the phantoms of the power of rules, Baiyunlou actually sensed Junior Sister Xia's aura.

My mind jumped suddenly, and I couldn't help but release the power of Yangshen. Tianyantong looked carefully, and it was indeed the soul of my junior sister. Although she was only eleven or twelve years old, how could Baiyun Tower not recognize it.

Junior Sister Xia's small soul body was holding her forehead outside the wall of a law courtyard, looking dizzy.

Xiao Hualing sat on the shoulders of her junior sister, with multicolored celestial light radiating all over her body, protecting Xiao Chaoyang perfectly.

It's just that at this time, the same small hand was covering his forehead, and the other small hand was tightly pulling a few strands of hair of the little master's soul, and he also looked dizzy.

All of a sudden, the power of the rules fluctuated around, and everything in the villa appeared real, and Tianyantong couldn't see through the walls after they turned into real objects.

"Anything you want." Suddenly there was an ethereal voice in my ear.

Bai Yunlou looked back, and saw that the beautiful woman who didn't even look at him had disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the direction in which Senior Sister Qingchi raised her cup, it seems that the "casual" just now probably wasn't meant for herself.

Baiyunlou didn't care about these things, since the junior sister is here, it's better to go out and connect her to the manor.

Asking Huo Ling'er to accompany Senior Sister Qingchi here, Baiyunlou's figure flashed, and he sprinted towards the gate of the manor.

When I got to the gate, I saw my junior sister's small soul body looking around.

"Xiao Chaoyang..." Baiyunlou couldn't help shouting.


Xia Zhaoyang jumped up, rushed in through the gate, and threw himself into Baiyunlou's arms.

Suddenly, a feeling of fusion of soul and soul penetrated into the souls of the two of them.

A strong feeling of longing poured into the sea of ​​consciousness in Baiyun Tower, and a real feeling of love and care was deeply imprinted in Xia Shimei's heart.

It was the first time for the two to embrace each other with the body of the primordial spirit, and the magical feeling of soul-soul contact made the two of them immersed in it for a while.

"Okay, how decent is it..., I can't see it anymore, little master, that's enough..." The little flower spirit was so frightened that it hid behind the little master's back, tightly clutching the little master's bun, almost unable to get off.

Hearing the little flower spirit's scream, Baiyunlou remembered that there was a little flower spirit on the junior sister.

Slightly let go of Junior Sister, but Xia Junior Sister hugged her even tighter. Bai Yunlou habitually raised his hand to rub Junior Sister's hair, but put it down embarrassingly.

At this time, the little flower spirit is still hanging on the hair of the junior sister.

"Little Chaoyang, well, Senior Sister Qingchi and Huo Linger are still waiting inside..." Bai Yunlou said softly.

Only then did Xia Zhaoyang reluctantly move out of his senior brother's warm embrace, but his little hands still tightly held onto his senior brother's warm big hand.

Said tenderly: "Brother, my name is Xiyue, it's still dark out here, hehe..."

"Xiao Xiyue... let's go in, there are a lot of delicious spiritual fruits inside." Baiyunlou pulled his junior sister and walked inside.

Seeing that the little master finally calmed down, Xiao Hualing jumped to the other shoulder, straightened the messy little clothes, and then sat down safely.

Perhaps during this period of time, Xia Chaoyang practiced diligently, and Xiao Hualing became much more magnanimous, except for muttering a few words that seeing is pure, so she no longer cares about it.

"Senior Sister Qingchi and Huo Linger are here? It's great." Xia Zhaoyang finally realized.

"Senior brother's hands are so warm, the way up just now was so cold, it was almost frozen into ice cubes..."

"Fortunately, there is little flower spirit to help, otherwise those terrible winds would have blown junior sister away, hehe..."

"Brother, is there anything delicious in it? Little Hualing said this is not a fairy garden, so what is this place?"

It's been a long time since I talked to my senior brother, and Xia Chaoyang never stopped talking all the way.

Knowing that the junior sister had really suffered a lot when she came up, Baiyunlou slightly released a trace of pure yang energy to wrap the junior sister's primordial spirit body.

It was quite cold here too, feeling the warmth sent by his senior brother, Xia Zhaoyang's frowning brows relaxed from the cold, and he seemed to speak a lot more fluently.

The little flower spirit seemed to be very useful, and her two little feet began to dangle.

"I don't know where I am, senior brother. The master here doesn't like me very much, so I'd better ask Senior Sister Qingchi." Baiyunlou replied helplessly to the last question.

While talking, the two walked to the courtyard of the corridor, where the senior sister and Huo Ling'er were waiting at the pavilion.

Seeing Sister Xia, Huo Ling'er ran over from a distance, looking at Sister Xia who was a little smaller, she suddenly felt much more cordial.

It's just that the little flower spirit on Xia Zhaoyang's shoulder hurriedly retreated to hide.

"Little sister Hualing, you are fine too." Huo Ling'er smiled softly.

"Call my sister..."

"But Senior Sister Xiaojing said that in the Qingyun Sect, anyone who is older than me, I have to be called elder sister or elder brother, so Xiao Hualing is younger than me, of course I am younger sister." Huo Ling'er tilted her head and said thinking.

As he spoke, he passed a red fruit in his hand to Xiao Hualing.

Little Hualing's big eyes flickered, but she still stretched out her arms to hold the red fruit, and muttered: "Okay..."

Xia Chaoyang took Huo Ling'er's little hand, walked up to Senior Sister Qingchi, and gave a light salute: "I've met Senior Sister."

Senior Sister Qingchi smiled slightly: "Xiao Xiyue, not bad, not bad, it's been a long time since I saw you, and the primordial spirit has been cultivated."

"Little Hualing is also good, it seems that she has received a lot of benefits recently."

Some lazily pointing to the stone table at the side: "The owner of this place said, just do whatever you want..."

Hearing this, Xia Chaoyang bowed his hands in a random direction, and said crisply, "Thank you for the hospitality..."

After speaking, he picked up a verdant fruit and ate it, praising the deliciousness all the time.

The little flower spirit was also hugging the fruit and sucking it Seeing the different varieties of spiritual fruits on the stone table, Baiyunlou couldn't help reaching out to touch an attractive spiritual fruit.

At this moment, I only heard my junior sister say: "Hey, there are fish in this big pond in the clouds."

"No way, I've seen it just now. The water in this pool is crystal clear, and I didn't see a single small fish." Bai Yunlou was a little surprised, turned around and walked towards the edge of the pool.

Xia Zhaoyang was also a little surprised. While eating the fruit, he ran towards the pool and said, "Just now I clearly saw a small golden fish flashing by in the pool. Could it be... ah..."

When Baiyunlou turned his head to look, the junior sister seemed to be stepping on a piece of fruit peel, and tripped over the low fence again, she tilted her body and fell directly into the pool.

Before he had time to change his mind, Baiyunlou wanted to stand up to catch his junior sister, only to find out that the rules in the pavilion made it impossible to use any spells or movements.

After this delay, Xia Zhaoyang and Xiao Hualing fell into the pool together with a splash.

Fortunately, the water in the pool was not very deep, Xia Chaoyang stood up in the water in a panic.

Little Hualing was fine, although she fell into the water, but her little skirt floated on the water like a lotus leaf.

Without thinking too much, Baiyunlou was about to jump into the water to rescue his junior sister from the pool, suddenly he realized something in his mind, and turned his head to look at Senior Sister Qingchi.

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