After a while, Xia Chaoyang opened his eyes, saw his brother's concerned gaze, nodded slightly and said, "This time it's the power of germination..."

"Well, this can be regarded as a collection, the power of germination, the power of flower blooming, the meaning of perfection, the harvest of junior sister is really..."

Bai Yunlou was speechless for a while, then suddenly raised his hand and shook the sword gang in his hand three times and said: "Junior Sister Dongfang has been guarding the lower realm for more than 20 days, there is no longer any delay, let's go."

Hearing what his senior brother said, Xia Chaoyang also shook the sword energy in his hand, and walked out of the courtyard behind his senior brother.

As soon as the three of them left the courtyard, Senior Sister Qingchi was already waiting outside the courtyard, and it seemed that she had already bid farewell to the woman named Xiao.

Seeing the questioning expression in Baiyunlou's eyes, Senior Sister Qingchi nodded slightly and said, "It's over here, junior and senior sisters follow me back to the lower realm."

How could Baiyunlou and the others have objections, they nodded repeatedly.

Sister Qingchi smiled at the corner of her mouth, showing a lazy face, she turned her head and nodded slightly to a deserted place, then lightly waved her light gauze cloud sleeves, wrapping up several people and turning into a rainbow and leaving.

Xiao's figure appeared not far away, stepping lightly on a piece of soft cloud, watching the rainbow light dissipate in the sky, his eyes were faint, he raised his sleeve and stroked, the place where Baiyun Tower stepped in the manor turned into fluorescence and dissipated.

With a flash of his figure, he came to the Yuchi courtyard of Consummation, glanced over Yuchi, and murmured: "I didn't lure those two here."

The cloud floated under the tree, and Xiao looked at the shivering fruit tree, but didn't dissipate it. He raised his hand, and a red fruit fell into his palm. After a little hesitation, he put it in his mouth and ate it.

A rainbow shadow wrapped several people and returned to Qingyun Cave in an instant. When the rainbow light fell, the sword energy hall was in front of them.

Baiyun Tower looked up, only to see the stars shining brightly, and there was no trace of the Yunxiao Manor.

Xia Zhaoyang was a little dazed, he didn't expect to come back so quickly, but thinking of Senior Sister Dongfang, he ran and jumped into the Sword Qi Hall: "Senior Sister Ziyan, we are back..."

A white shadow flashed past, and Dongfang Ziyan's figure appeared at the entrance of the hall.

The icy sword intent came out through the body, and seeing the primordial bodies of the senior brothers, senior sisters, and junior sisters all appearing at the entrance of the hall, they quickly calmed down and restrained their sword intent.

In a moment, all the sword intent surging around him was absorbed into the body of the ice crystal sword.

"Junior Sister has worked hard." Bai Yunlou nodded.

"Senior brother, you don't need to be polite. Junior sister has also gained a lot in this sword energy hall during this period." After speaking, Dongfang Ziyan stepped forward and bowed to Senior Sister Qingchi.

"It seems that the night is dark now, let's go back to the main body to rest today, senior sister, I have to sleep well, so it seems that I haven't fallen into a deep sleep for more than a month, I really miss it." Qing Chi said sleepily. appeared.

Bai Yunlou asked with some surprise: "Senior sister, it's hard to ask at the top just now, I don't know when the senior sister got that manor?"

Senior Sister Qingchi leaned on the clouds, and said lazily: "Isn't it because Xiao Chaoyang called out that he wanted to improve his cultivation level that day, which aroused my thoughts. Although the spirit was still in a dream at that time, the main body raised his hand and cast a Undisguised magic."

"So I was sensed by Sister Xiao, and she cast a trail of breath, leading me to her Yunxiao Manor."

"So that's how it is." Thinking about the identity of that woman, Baiyunlou didn't want to talk nonsense, and after saluting to Senior Sister Xiang Qingchi, he brought a group of juniors and juniors to Lingzhu Peak.

Outside the main hall of sword qi, Qingchi looked at the sword qi in the hall for a moment, and the clouds under his feet slowly floated into a small bamboo building next to the main hall of sword qi, and flashed to the second floor.

The cloud turned into a soft cloud bed, and Qing Chi gently lay on his side, with one hand resting on his temple, and muttered: "I've been playing chess for a month, I'm really tired, I need to catch up on a good night's sleep..."

In a blink of an eye, I fell asleep.

Several people returned to the small bamboo building in Lingzhu Peak, and the souls fled back to their bodies one after another.

After regaining his senses, Baiyunlou recalled his trip to Yunxiao, as if it was a memory in a dream, which gradually seemed to dissipate.

Bai Yunlou hurriedly sat down on the couch, and his consciousness entered the sea of ​​memory in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the power of pure yang sealed the sea of ​​consciousness at the same time, found the memory that was about to disappear, and condensed it again.

Thinking that there is nothing else going on at this time, I observed this piece of memory over and over again.

Although it took nearly a month to enter the clouds this time, it seemed that there was no great opportunity, but for Baiyunlou, everything he saw and felt was a harvest.

The power of those rules is the original power of this small world, as long as one or two original laws are realized, they can be used endlessly.

The twelve manors seem to be just beautiful scenery, but they actually hide the great mystery of the rotation of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

I don't know how long I've been observing it, but when Yangshen came out of the sea of ​​memory, I saw the breath of spring in the sea of ​​memory.

Although the breath is faint, everything in the Consciousness Sea seems to have undergone new changes.

Following the flow of these breaths, the celestial fire light ball in the sky above the Sea of ​​Consciousness slightly absorbed the scorching heat.

As the breath of spring flows, the air of the wood line gradually becomes active.

Thinking back to the Tao obtained just now, seeing the changes in the breath of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Baiyunlou suddenly realized something.

Watching the cycle of the four seasons gives the energy of the five elements a sense of life.

Spring inspires the breath of wood, summer inspires the breath of fire, autumn inspires the breath of gold, and winter inspires the breath of water.

The breath of earth is contained in the four seasons, and it produces all things.

In the midst of comprehension, the sea of ​​consciousness fluctuated, and it stabilized after a while, and the sea of ​​consciousness expanded to a radius of more than one hundred and fifty miles.

Yangshen moved his mind to observe the sea of ​​consciousness, and Baiyunlou felt relieved. Today's sea of ​​consciousness is more and more like a small world.

Although I don’t know what miraculous function it will be if a small world is really, but this is a small world that belongs to itself completely, even if you only use it to understand the origin of the Dao and deduce the magical powers, it is too convenient .

With a movement of his mind, his mind returned to his body, and he saw Junior Sister Xia lying on the side of the couch, curled up next to her, and had already fallen asleep.

There was no one else in the small bamboo building, Junior Sister Dongfang seemed to have taken Huo Ling'er to rest somewhere else.

The cool moonlight shone on Xiao Xiyue's face, and her hair fell into the pillow.

Bai Yunlou raised his hand and gently brushed away the loose strands of hair. Looking at the pretty face of his junior sister, he couldn't help pinching his little baby face.

Junior Sister Xia in the dream seemed to sense it, she turned her face slightly, and gently rubbed against Baiyunlou's palm twice.

With a slight smile, Baiyunlou gently embraced his junior sister, lay down on the couch, and Shen Nian fell asleep.

This sleep was very deep, and when I woke up, the sun was already high.

Sensing that the junior sister was busy downstairs, Baiyunlou couldn't help smiling, walked to the window, looked at the busy and bustling world outside the small bamboo building, stretched his waist, and shouted downstairs: "Xiao Chaoyang, you got up early, have you eaten?"

"Waiting for senior brother..." Xia Zhaoyang replied crisply downstairs.

"Here we come, haha..." He casually cast a small cloud and mist cleansing technique on himself, and walked down the bamboo building.

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