The miscellaneous treatise in the hands of the old teacher starts with an astonishing statement that the human body is divided into yin and yang and five elements, which correspond to the acupoints, internal organs and six internal organs of the human body.

This is not the most important thing. In Miscellaneous Theory, a chapter is dedicated to discussing the operation of yin and yang and the five elements.

Yin and Yang are derived from the five elements, and the five elements are naturally divided into yin and yang. Everything in the world can be divided into two categories according to their attributes, yin and yang.

Yang means upward, hair growth, and clarity, while Yin means weakness, restraint, and tranquility.

Everything has both yin and yang, that is, there is yang within yin, and yin within yang, and the human body is just like this.

Most of the previous medical books imposed the principles of the five elements on the veins of the human body, and there were always things that could not be identified.

At this time, when I got this book on Yin-Yang and Five Elements, the old teacher seemed to feel that the doubts and dust in his heart were swept away, and he couldn't help shouting happily.

Moreover, the veins of the human body also fluctuate with time, like the ebb and flow of the tide.

"So that's how it was, so that's how it is. Haha, my Department of Medical Economics and Economics got this treatise, and the road can be expected." The old teacher became more and more excited when he read it, and jumped up excitedly.

The old teacher of the medical classics has studied the five elements of medical classics for many years. At this time, he took a quick look, and there seemed to be a road to the sky in front of him. He was waiting for him to step forward, and he felt full of strength.

Excitedly, he stepped forward, grabbed Bai Yunlou's hand, and said in a trembling voice: "Yunlou must have worked hard for a month to compile this treatise. It's really hard work."

Bai Yunlou was stunned, thought for a while and said: "Uh..., the student did check a lot of medical books and treatises of the seniors, and also learned a lot from the old teacher. Recently, I really learned something, so I compiled it into this volume. I don't know if I can conclude it. class."

"Of course, of course." The old teacher shook Baiyunlou's hand repeatedly, remembering another handwritten copybook on the table.

He ran to the table in two steps, watched the detailed operation of the acupoints in his body, his eyes were filled with infinite anticipation, and he gently opened it devoutly.

I saw that it is full of simple drawings and detailed diagrams of the movement of the whole body's acupoints. This is not a martial arts secret book for the movement of true energy. Only a doctor can see the difference.

These are mainly the subtle differences in the body acupoints and veins of ordinary mortals that change with age, seasons, and time.

It also accurately depicts the exact position of each acupoint, which is described by men, women, old and young.

Even some hidden acupuncture points are marked one by one, and their functions are also carefully noted.

The old teacher stroked these delicate lines lightly, as if the patterns on them were the texture of the avenue.

After a long while, I realized that this talented and beautiful disciple was still waiting for me, so I hurriedly picked up the ink pen and wrote down the word "Jia Shang" carefully, took out the seal of the medical scriptures, and printed it firmly on the test paper of the hospital.

After coming out of the School of Medicine and Economics, Baiyunlou felt relaxed, completed two consecutive courses, and gained too much enthusiasm.

Walking up the mountain, listening to the birds chirping in the forest and the cool autumn wind blowing, Baiyunlou suddenly felt in a good mood. While walking, he thought about which courses to enroll in next.

This time in the Yunxiao Manor, I saw the criss-cross chessboard, with black and white pieces all over it, and the Dao Yun was in order. Baiyunlou wanted to study it, but there was some fluctuation in his heart.

At this moment, there was a sound of breaking the wind, Baiyunlou raised his hand and squeezed, firmly pinching a streamer between his fingers, it was a feathered arrow.

Turning his head to look, he saw a figure coming towards him. Looking at his figure, it turned out to be the younger brother Jiang Feng.

It was only after Jiang Feng fell down that he saw the senior brother in front of him, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Jiang Feng took a step forward, clasped his fists and saluted, and said in a somewhat nasty way: "Brother, this arrow... was an accident."

Then he quickly explained.

It turned out that Jiang Feng had just enrolled in archery today and practiced the basic skills for half a day. The instructor finally allowed him to try shooting. Unexpectedly, a ray of sharpness entered the arrow tip inadvertently during archery.

This arrow directly pierced through the archery target and shot through the bamboo forest, fortunately, it was gently caught by Baiyunlou.

Bai Yunlou gently pinched the ordinary feathered arrow, and there was a sliver of determination in his heart.

The way of strategizing on the chessboard is still not in line with my temperament. It is okay to talk about a game once in a while when I am in the mood. Let the big sister think about the layout in advance.

With this in mind, Bai Yunlou went up and patted Junior Brother Jiang Feng on the shoulder, handed back the arrow in his hand, and said, "Let's go, Junior Brother, Senior Brother happened to be going to apply for archery today, and it happened to be the same way."

"Ah... that's great, senior brother, come with me, Jianzhai will be very lively now, hehe." Jiang Feng started walking excitedly after being stunned for a moment.

The two came to Jianzhai a while later, and Jiang Feng enthusiastically brought Senior Brother Bai to the archery teaching office, and quickly completed the course registration.

Baiyunlou received a longbow made of 100-forged fine iron, dozens of feathered arrows, and followed the somewhat lame archery instructor to the archery range.

Seeing the arrival of the senior brother, there was a burst of cheers at the scene, and several familiar juniors stepped forward to say hello.

The archery instructor raised his hand to calm down the disciples, and ordered them to return to their positions to continue practicing.

Although this senior brother of the academy is well-known, the archery instructor didn't take it seriously at all. He asked Baiyunlou to stand on the side of the new students, and first explained the rules of Jianzhai.

The instructors here are all excellent archers selected from the wounded and retired veterans, and by the way, they also brought over the habits of the army, and the head of the mountain is also very supportive of this.

When you arrive at Jianzhai, you have to abide by the rules of Jianzhai, and you have to accept the punishment if you don't follow the rules. At this moment, Junior Brother Jiang Feng has already been punished there.

The archery instructor also deliberately took Baiyun Tower aside to let him watch the scene of being punished.

There are two archery ranges in this Jianzhai, one is set in the bamboo forest, and the other is set in a huge cliff cave next to the mountain.

When practicing in the bamboo forest, one cannot use the slightest amount of mana or true energy. Once used, it is a violation of the rules and will be punished.

Just now, Junior Brother Jiang Feng was practicing archery at the archery range in the bamboo forest. He didn't pay attention, and a trace of sharpness penetrated into the tip of the arrow, and it penetrated the target.

This was considered a violation of the rules of Jianzhai. Junior brother Jiang Feng had already taken the initiative to occupy the front of the target, and the archery instructor stood behind the target.

At the command of the archery instructor, arrows with feathers shot out through the air in turn, shooting towards Jiang Feng's body.

Jiang Feng closed his eyes and concentrated, listening to the sound of piercing the sky, as if locked by multiple arrows, his whole body was chilled, but he was ordered not to move rashly.

For archery practitioners, this is an unbearable torment, but it can also exercise arrow intent.

Of course, the archery teaching behind will not really hurt the students who are punished, just let the students experience the taste of the arrow.

Dozens of feathered arrows flew past, and before reaching the body, they were picked up one by one by the archery instructor, which was clean and neat.

After being punished, Junior Brother Jiang Feng's face turned pale slightly, but he calmed down a little, and continued to follow the instruction and returned to the side of the new disciples to stand up and accept the guidance.

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