"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

"So that's the case, Sister Caiwei, the group of spirit beasts brought back by the elder sister last time, none of us are very good at disciplining them, and we are all very timid now."

Xia Zhaoyang started chatting, he had already forgotten his manly attire, and said casually: "If you have time, go somewhere with my little sister, and help discipline me..., uh..."

Bai Yunlou, who was eavesdropping on the side, couldn't help but raise his forehead. This confused little Chaoyang had been with him for a long time, and recently he would always forget that he was still dressing up as a man.

"Ah oh, it really is a girl, haha, I just listened to it for a long time, and I always feel that something is wrong, it turns out that the handsome junior is actually a junior sister, haha..." That Caiwei couldn't help laughing in a low voice.

While the two were chatting, the discussion in the field was still going on. The elders and high-level disciples of the three sects, as well as the instructors from the back mountain of the academy, took turns to show off their special skills on the sand table. Also brilliant.

Miss Caiwei is no longer interested in performing those spells, but she is very interested in this little junior sister who can transform.

Looking around, seeing that all the monks were seriously watching the magic show, Caiwei came to Xia Chaoyang's side with the futon in her arms, and then started chatting with each other just now.

For Xia Chaoyang's invitation, Caiwei would not refuse. When she came back from the last trip, she found that there were quite a few spirit beasts in the sect. After asking, she found out that there was a goddess in the sect.

I heard that the goddess is so graceful that she can attract divine light just by raising her hand, and directly raise the master's cultivation level from the early stage of Golden Core to the middle stage of Golden Core.

The goddess was very enthusiastic, and wanted to improve the cultivation level of the head teacher, but was politely declined by the head teacher.

The head teacher bluntly said that he wanted to stabilize the realm, and then many spirit beasts were given to the goddess, and he sent them off with great gratitude.

The goddess was very satisfied with getting so many spirit beasts, and with a long laugh, all the rare birds and beasts turned into rainbows and went away.

It is a pity that Caiwei did not have the chance to see the Goddess's demeanor. When she learned of the Goddess's whereabouts today, she was invited to go, so she would not refuse.

Hearing that Xiao Chaoyang invited Caiwei to go to Dongtian, Baiyunlou would not have any objection, as long as the junior sister is happy.

Qingyun Dongtian said that the gate of the mountain has not been opened yet, but in fact, Senior Sister Qingchi wants to stay pure for a while, and is too lazy to deal with fellow cultivators who come to visit.

As for the demon avatar, Qingchi is not worried at all about finding the location of the Qingyun Mountain Gate. The person who let go last time actually did it on purpose, to see if he can use this person to attract the avatar of the demon. If he really attracts the avatar of the demon Easily lead it into the cave and kill it.

It's a pity that after the past two months, there was no movement from the demon clone.

Having been in contact with the senior sister for a period of time, Baiyun Tower still knows the senior sister's preferences.

Although Senior Sister Qingchi likes to be clean, she generally won't refuse one or two interesting visitors.

Judging from Caiwei's speech, behavior, and appearance, she should be quite popular with the senior sister.

As he was thinking about it, his divine sense felt a little bit. He looked up and saw the head of the mountain looking towards him. He turned his head and saw that the sand table magic circle had stopped. It seemed that it was his turn to play.

Baiyun Tower hurriedly greeted the three younger brothers and sisters, getting ready, they might be going on stage for a moral performance.

Sure enough, the head of the mountain introduced the four people sitting on the seats of the academy to the monks in the audience, and said that the four young disciples would perform on the stage together, which immediately caused a burst of commotion among the monks in the audience, who all cheered.

When exterminating demons in the back mountain last time, the performance of these four disciples was too eye-catching, especially the long river of sword energy of Baiyunlou and Dongfang Ziyan, which surprised everyone.

In the end, the three of them sneaked into the formation and helped the head of the mountain to destroy the demons and resolve the crisis. In the hearts of all the monks of the academy, they were no longer ordinary academy disciples.

Now that I had the opportunity to watch a few human performances, I immediately became energetic, and even some young disciples of the academy even called out the names of the academy's senior brothers and senior sisters.

The monks of the three major sects did not expect the prestige of these four academy disciples to be so high in the academy, so they couldn't help but look forward to it.

Facing the eyes of everyone, the four people in Baiyun Tower stood up, walked slowly to the sand table, bowed to everyone, stepped up to the sand table formation, stood up, and got ready to get up.

There are five formations on the sand table, Xia Chaoyang went to the wooden formation, Dongfang Ziyan went to the water formation, the little fat man went to the earth formation, and Baiyunlou went to the fire formation.

Baiyunlou is the pulse of the five elements, you can go to any formation plate, and this magic circle is made by Baiyunlou, so you are very familiar with the magic and dao performance in it. It can also be used in a subtle way.

The four people on the magic circle looked at each other, each cast a magic formula, and the sand table suddenly changed.

When the scene stabilized, the young monks on the mountain behind the academy couldn't help but exclaimed. What appeared in the sand table was exactly the scene when the catastrophe came and the demon spirit struck a month ago.

Fangcai Shanchang only realized some changes under Jieyun, and now the four of them recreated the situation where the demon soul attacked from another angle.

The faint robbery cloud was flashing and brewing, and amidst the ups and downs of the mountains, a black smoky demonic energy came from a distance, and when it got a little closer, the figure was clearly visible, it was the ugly demon soul.

All the monks of the academy on Gulu Mountain moved forward and directly rushed into the demon soul.

At this time, the scene gradually drew closer, and several monks appeared in turn~www.readwn.com~, vividly showing their methods of exterminating demons.

Powerful spiritual weapons, spells to restrain demonic energy, and miraculous pills are all means for monks to deal with these demonic spirits.

During the transition of the scene, the bright light of the spirit weapon and the scene where the monks stopped to replenish the elixir were particularly shown, which deeply impressed the monks who watched the Taoist performance under the stage.

These scenes are actually the personal experience of most of the monks present, but when I rewatched them now, I gradually realized them.

It turned out that the situation was already extremely critical at that time, and most of the endless demon souls were cultivated in the magic core realm. If there were no powerful spiritual weapons and well-prepared medicine pills, it would be really difficult for the monks in the back mountain to persevere.

In the end, of course, nearly half of the demon souls were successfully beheaded, and most of the monks in the academy were unscathed except that they had almost exhausted their true energy.

The monks of the three major sects in the audience were in an uproar, and they couldn't help being interested in the spirit weapons and the magical medicine in the hands of the monks of the academy. It seems that with these spirit weapons and medicine, the demon soul is not so terrible.

At this time, the scene on the sand table changed again. This time, the scene of four people facing a transformed demon soul at the same time appeared.

It was the scene of beheading demons in the small courtyard of Junior Brother Bai Zhan, and it was just adapted after some discussion.

The four people in the sand table were trapped in the formation by the transformed demon soul, and each of the four used their means to kill the demon. Judging from the fluctuation of breath, they all used the cultivation base of the foundation building period.

However, the four of them cooperated tacitly, and Baiyunlou and Dongfang Ziyan's swords were unparalleled in sharpness, and the sword energy with the burning spirit made the shape-changing demon soul very afraid.

Xia Zhaoyang's wood movement technique was also very handy. The endless green vines kept bounding towards the demon soul. Although it was easily torn off by the powerful demon soul, the constantly exploding spell made the demon soul lose its shape. Much slower.

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