"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

Qing Chi smiled slightly, but said nothing.

Seeing the look on the senior sister's face, Baiyunlou realized that there must be some kind of aura on him, which she didn't want to contaminate.

Forget it, the one who allowed me to enter the garden for a look was already a great fortune. With such a cultivation level now, I think it's a bit too far away.

Thinking of this, Baiyunlou mentioned to his senior sister that the cultivation conference will be held in more than a month.

"Junior brother, don't worry, if there is something urgent, you can send a message to the master Qingyu. Senior sister has left a divine sense in the big Qingyu. As long as you are in this small world, you can feel it."

"Oh? Senior sister has made another breakthrough in her cultivation?" Baiyunlou asked in surprise.

With a bit of drunkenness, Qingchi lazily said: "It's not considered a breakthrough, but some time ago I realized the Tao in a dream, and played a game of chess with sister Xiao, and my spirit and body have recovered a lot."

"Nowadays, the cultivation base should be at the level of the great consummation of the human race. As for the soul, it is really a bit uncertain. At least in this small world, except for a few forbidden areas, as long as there is a big spiritual fluctuation, it can be sensed. .”

Hearing this, Baiyunlou felt relieved, since this is the case, he can let go and fight the group of demon souls, even if he can't win in the end, there is still a senior sister.

Seeing that the senior sister was getting more drunk and drowsy, Bai Yunlou greeted the senior sister and went down from the small bamboo building.

Hearing that the senior sister had fallen into a dream, everyone's voices became quieter.

Caiwei asked: "Master, with such a cultivation level, how could she be drunk?"

Xia Chaoyang replied with a bit of drunkenness: "That's because of this wine... Oh, Sister Caiwei, you just said that you are not good at wine, so it seems like you haven't tasted a glass of fruit wine yet."

"Xiao Jing, take out your newly brewed sweet, sour, bitter, spicy four-flavored fruit wine, and let sister Caiwei, who is not good at wine, try something new."

"En." Xiao Jing took off the sapphire gourd from his waist, and poured four glasses of crystal clear wine into four empty glasses.

Looking at the four glasses of amber-like fine wine in front of her, Miss Caiwei hesitated for a moment, and picked up the leftmost glass.

This glass of light blue wine, once in the mouth, is like biting into a green plum, with a hint of sweetness in the sourness.

Before tasting it carefully, the sweet and sour taste seemed to disappear without a trace, except for a little more drunkenness, leaving only a few sweet and sour memories lingering in the consciousness.

This feeling is very memorable, and Caiwei couldn't help but want to have another drink, but when she stretched out her hand, she realized that her hand had changed a different color.

The glass of wine was slightly pink, and with a bit of expectation and curiosity, Caiwei drank it slowly.

A unique fragrance, rich and long-lasting, sweet wine but with the fragrance of spring petals, the beautiful feeling that makes people intoxicated can not be dissipated for a long time.

After a while, Caiwei opened her eyes. This feeling is really fascinating.

Seeing a few pairs of eyes staring at him, he was suddenly speechless. These Qing Yun disciples are good at everything, but they have a temper that likes to watch the excitement.

However, he still raised his hand to pick up the third glass of wine. This glass of wine was like amber with a light brown color.

Picking up the glass of wine, taking a sip, Caiwei almost threw the glass away, this is not wine, it is clearly bitter medicine.

Seeing all the juniors and juniors looking at him, he was a little embarrassed to spit out the wine in his mouth, but at this moment, a sudden feeling of bitterness and sweetness flooded Caiwei's consciousness, and he was almost moved to tears.

Can't help but ask Xiao Jing: "What kind of wine is this?"

"Bitter wine, a glass of bitter wine, half lovesickness..." Nangong Xiaojing replied quietly.

"Bitter wine... yes, these two poems are also good." Caiwei was very satisfied with Xiaojing's two poems and the taste of the wine.

The little fat man suddenly interjected: "Little sister, who did you learn this kind of poetry from? You are so young, how can you talk about these feelings and loves?"

Taking a blank look at the second brother, Xiao Jing couldn't help but replied: "Second brother, you look down on people too much. The poems and essays I have read are as high as a small bamboo building."

"Love has existed since ancient times, and it's not a matter of shame. Now that the academy's library is so big, how can it be taught? Second brother, have you taken the poetry class in the academy?"

The little fat man shook his head and said, "Poetry, what's the use, those that go around and rhyme in a flat tone, it's a bit dizzy to see."

"If it wasn't for the elder brother who used his spiritual sense to transmit sound on the top of the mountain last time, that Haoran Sutra would probably be enough for me to recite for a month."

Xiao Jing sighed, and said: "Second brother, you should practice your swordsmanship, you are like a log every day, when will you be able to open your mind, find a second sister-in-law to show me, look at senior brother..."

Just as he was talking, the atmosphere suddenly felt a bit stagnant, and Xiao Jing continued calmly: "You see, senior brother already knows the power of poetry and prose, and he has already studied poetry and prose at the Academy of Arts yesterday, right senior brother?"

Bai Yunlou looked at Nangong Xiaojing with a smile, nodded and said, "Yes, Junior Sister Xia and I have both enrolled in poetry and prose yesterday."

After a little thought~www.readwn.com~ Baiyunlou continued: "Xiaojing's words are very reasonable, and I have also felt something recently. I feel that most of the poems left by the ancients are full of true meaning, and love is also a must. A matter of words."

"Just say that these four flavors of fruit wine, if you don't have some understanding of the true feelings in the world, it is really difficult to make such delicious wine."

With the affirmation of the elder brother, Xiao Jing's eyes suddenly brightened like stars.

Quickly took out four cups, poured another four glasses of fruit wine for senior brother, and said with a smile: "Brother, apart from bitter wine, the other three fruit wines don't have names yet, please help me to come up with a name."

Bai Yunlou nodded and smiled slightly, picked up the green fruit wine, drank it in one gulp, and said leisurely: "I've had a few cups of this glass of fruit wine just now, and there is a hint of sweetness in the sourness. First love, you can call it Ome."

Then he picked up the second cup of light pink fruit wine, drank it and praised: "It is fragrant and sweet, with a long aftertaste, such as... Forget about this, you will slowly appreciate it. The name of the wine is Lingling."

"I don't need to talk about this third cup of bitter wine. I have tasted it before, and the head of the academy praised it as a good wine." Bai Yunlou drank the bitter wine in one gulp, nodded and said.

Then he picked up the fourth glass of extremely clear wine, looked at it, and Bai Yunlou said: "I haven't tasted this glass yet, Xiao Jing, is this the fruit bar that was brewed recently?"

"Exactly. It was brewed with five grains half a month ago. I gave Senior Sister Xia a taste before, but I couldn't make it too spicy." Xiao Jing nodded and replied.

Slightly nodding his head, Baiyunlou poured the clear wine with a strong aroma into his mouth in one gulp, and suddenly a sense of pungentness penetrated directly into his consciousness, and even the Yang Gods in the sea of ​​consciousness reacted, as if they were burning.

The thoughts of destroying demons surged in his heart, Baiyunlou stood up suddenly, and said in a deep voice: "This wine is called Burning Soul."

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