Nangong Feiyu immediately felt a burst of warmth when the younger sister was able to come to see him off, but what was going on with this kid Bai Zhan, he was able to fall into the younger sister's eyes, so he couldn't help but take a second look.

However, Bai Zhan can be regarded as his disciple, and he won the first place in the swordsmanship competition last time, which can be regarded as a face for himself. Nangong Feiyu couldn't help but speak a few words of encouragement.

Seeing the elder brother's rather bleak expression, Nangong Xiaojing felt a little impulsive and wanted to pull him into Qingyun Sect.

However, when he saw the firm look in his elder brother's eyes, he suppressed this idea. The elder brother is going to travel soon, so he must have made a lot of determination. If he mentions it at this time, it will inevitably disturb his mind.

The two sent Nangong Feiyu out of the academy's mountain gate. Seeing the once famous teacher Nangong drift away, Bai Zhan couldn't help asking, "Junior Sister Xiaojing, why did Professor Nangong leave the academy?"

"Because of being seriously injured by the second brother's tricks, he decided to go out to the mountains to practice and sharpen his swordsmanship." Xiao Jing said mercilessly.

Bai Zhan sighed and said, "Senior Brother Feiyang is now under the guidance of Senior Brother, and his swordsmanship is extremely sharp. It is normal for Nangong Jiaoxi to lose for a while."

"Senior brother Bai Zhan, if you're okay, let the senior brother learn more about swordsmanship. As the master of Qingyun, the senior brother can give you some pointers, which is much better than working hard by yourself." Xiao Jing said with a faint sigh.

"Thank you for your advice, Junior Sister Xiaojing. I heard from the elder brother that the breakfast in Zhuangyuan Lane is delicious. Since it's still early in the morning, why don't you try it together?"

"Well, let's go, I would have known that Big Brother would be together, so I wouldn't have to spend money." Xiao Jing murmured.

After the two walked away, a cloud of mist appeared beside the mountain gate, and when the cloud cleared, the figures of the four people in the small courtyard appeared.

The little fat man murmured: "Brother, I don't know if we can make a breakthrough. In fact, safety is the most important thing. At this time, the demon soul is raging. I hope nothing will happen."

"Feiyang, you worry too much about this matter. Brother Fei Yu's cultivation base is not bad at all, but he has too little experience in the world. If you go out and experience it, you will gain something." Bai Yunlou said with certainty.

In fact, what Baiyunlou didn't say was that ever since Nangong Feiyu decided to go out of the academy to practice, his luck on his head had skyrocketed, so this trip should have some chances.

After thinking for a while, Bai Yunlou said: "Also, the golden feather sword that I entrusted the head of the mountain to pass to Senior Brother Fei Yu is a magic sword that I specially picked out in the sword mound in Jinmai Cave."

"Moreover, I have sealed a pure Yang Sword Intent in this dharma sword. As long as I carry it with me, it can not only trigger my swordsmanship occasionally, but also protect my life in critical moments."

The little fat man was surprised and said: "It turns out that the elder brother has already made arrangements, and the younger brother is here to thank the elder brother for the elder brother." After speaking, he wanted to salute.

Bai Yunlou went up and hugged the little fat man's shoulders: "We senior brothers don't need to be so polite, isn't my sect of kendo also introduced by Big Brother Nangong?"

Hearing Senior Brother Bai's careful arrangement, Dongfang Ziyan couldn't help but secretly nodded, and sighed slightly when she saw the direction where Senior Brother Nangong left, feeling a little relieved.

Xia Zhaoyang came over and said: "Xiao Feiyang, don't worry, the senior brother also said that those demon souls are now gathered in Zhongzhou, senior brother Fei Yu is going to Donghai County, don't worry about the demon souls, and there are still Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, you can keep track of Brother Fei Yu's whereabouts at any time."

Looking at the backs of the two senior brothers and sisters, Xia Zhaoyang turned his head and said with a smile, "Senior brother, should we also go to Zhuangyuan Lane? It's been a while."

Baiyunlou couldn't help laughing and said: "Xiao Chaoyang, I haven't been there these few days, but with the teleportation circle, you have breakfast in the morning these few days, and nearly half of them are not from Zhuangyuan Lane."

Seeing the eyes of the younger sister, Baiyunlou understood a little, and said with a smile: "Okay, what's so interesting about having dinner with the younger junior sisters, if they meet, we will spoil the good time of the meal. "

"Let's go, go back to the courtyard, tell Feiyang what you want to eat."

"Okay then..." Xia Zhaoyang replied resentfully, and turned his head to glance at the two figures who had already entered the city.

During this period of time, Xiao Jing's illusory path has already been completed in a small way, and she no longer needs to rely on the large array of the Wenxin Pavilion, but can also build an illusion to help Bai Zhan cultivate his soul.

Hearing this, the little fat man bought two abbots in the courtyard next door to the small courtyard in the middle of the mountain, and moved both Bai Zhan and Nangong Xiaojing to a small courtyard, so that they can take care of each other.

With the addition of two juniors and younger sisters, the small courtyard is more lively, but it is Miss Caiwei who really makes the small courtyard lively.

After returning to the Xuanling Sect from Qingyun Cave that day, within a few days, Caiwei returned to the academy and began to study in the academy as a student.

Knowing that there were two vacant houses in the courtyard next door to them, he more boldly booked the remaining two rooms.

The arrival of Miss Caiwei not only made the small courtyard more lively, but also made the study atmosphere of the entire academy more intense.

Especially the poetry and martial arts that Caiwei reported to study, the male students who studied with her seemed inexplicably excited.

As soon as Caiwei enters the gate of the martial arts academy every day, you can see a group of students dancing and practicing with joy.

Caiwei couldn't help but lament that the academy is really extraordinary. All the juniors are full of energy, enthusiastic and eager to learn. The seniors in her sect only have spiritual pets in their a spiritual grass of spiritual pets, the brothers and sisters Sometimes they can turn their faces and fight each other.

Look at the students in the academy, they respect each other and love each other, not to mention the warm-hearted junior sister Xiaojing, which junior in this martial arts academy is not vying to point out her underachiever.

Also, the young juniors in the Academy of Arts are also full of vigor, and the cadence of reciting ancient poems and prose can be heard everywhere.

Although Miss Caiwei didn't understand most of the poems, but because of that momentum, it gave people a feeling of ignorance.

This past month of study made Caiwei feel her own inadequacy even more. In terms of poetry, even though she has been studying for a while, she still feels like listening to heaven.

Xia Zhaoyang was very enthusiastic to help him give advice several times, but finally gave up, but he still encouraged him a few words, saying that anyway, there are still more than two years left, and he just needs to study slowly from the beginning.

In addition to poetry, what makes Caiwei feel inadequate is martial arts. If she hadn't cultivated to the middle stage of foundation establishment, her own skills would really be a little insufficient.

This also has something to do with the Xuanling Sect's skills and spells. The entire sect raises spiritual pets, and when fighting with outsiders, they always shout: "Big mouth, come on, spray him."

With spiritual pets standing in front of them, the monks of the Xuanling sect generally neglected to practice martial arts.

After arriving at the Martial Arts Academy, Caiwei fought with several juniors, especially the junior named Shi Qingshan, whose moves were very powerful, if it wasn't for Caiwei secretly using the kung fu to block a few moves, she hurriedly shouted to stop , It is estimated that serious injuries will inevitably occur on the spot.

However, this also allowed Caiwei to see the true style of martial arts, so she began to practice traditional martial arts with all her heart.

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