Baiyunlou has always been interested in double-nested magic circles. He tried seal cutting with the power of the primordial spirit before, but found that the talisman array was too complicated and the seal carving with the power of the primordial spirit was also very laborious, so he put it aside for the time being.

Now that Yangshen has been cultivated, seal cutting is no longer a problem, but a new problem has been discovered.

The so-called double-nested magic circle is to use a layer of spirit-gathering circle to replace the supply of spiritual power from the spirit stones. The position of the spirit stones in the original teleportation circle will be replaced by the eyes of the spirit-gathering circle.

Originally, the eyes of the spirit-gathering formation were generally made of high-quality jade materials, and ordinary jade materials, after being engraved with the magic circle runes, could hardly withstand the instantaneous spiritual impact of this double nested magic circle.

In the end, I had no choice but to come up with the idea of ​​a large sapphire. Fortunately, I was just trying to refine a small set of thousand-mile communication talisman, and there were not many sapphires used in the eyes of the array.

After some refining, a brand new set of double nested teleportation circles was really refined.

This teleportation circle also needs to be inlaid with five spirit stones to activate the spirit-gathering circle, but with the assistance of the spirit-gathering circle, the effect of low-level spirit stones can make the teleportation circle have the effect of middle-level spirit stones.

Baiyun Tower proudly inlaid the middle-level spirit stones on the two communication talismans, because with the help of the spirit gathering array, the two communication talismans can not only transfer ink marks, but even some small objects.

After a little induction, the transmission distance of these two communication talismans can reach more than 3,000 miles under the blessing of the spirit-gathering circle.

Baiyunlou handed one of the strengthened thousand-mile communication talismans to his junior sister, and explained its functions.

Xia Zhaoyang asked strangely: "Brother, what's the use of taking such trouble to refine this set of communication talismans? If you need to send something, you can go to the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce. It's also very convenient there."

With a smile, Baiyunlou took out a jade slip, which was the jade slip that fell from the fairy world.

Seeing the jade slip, Xia Chaoyang couldn't help but his eyes lit up. He had already understood what the elder brother was thinking, so he couldn't help but take the jade slip from his senior brother, put it between his eyebrows unconsciously, and a ray of spiritual thought penetrated into it.

I thought it was empty inside, but I didn't expect a scene to emerge inside.

But this scene is very simple, a calm lake with a scorching sun hanging high above it, as if there is nothing else.

Xia Chaoyang couldn't help but look back, and finally saw the figure of the senior brother, it should be said that it was the body of the senior brother's Yang God.

Although most of the trip to Yunxiao last time was vague, how can I not remember what my senior brother looks like.

Seeing his brother's appearance, Xia Chaoyang was about to touch it, when he suddenly realized that this was a scene from the jade slips, and he couldn't control it.

While I was thinking, the voice of the senior brother came from the spiritual mind: "Little Chaoyang, what are you doing, have you completed today's training?"

Oh, this jade slip can retain the sound and scene, Xia Zhaoyang became interested, and the previous gloom disappeared immediately.

If I have this jade slip and the new communication talisman, I will be able to transmit sound with my senior brother even if they are thousands of miles away. The jade slip has a picture, so it seems that the separation of more than a month is not so difficult.

However, how to take a picture of this jade slip and keep it in mind, I have to ask my senior brother for advice.

In a flash of thought, he realized the jade slips, and before he could ask, Baiyunlou explained the usage of the jade slips in detail.

It is also because Baiyun Tower has already cultivated the Yang God, so it is possible to keep a clear picture in the jade slips, and it is much more difficult for Xia Zhaoyang to take pictures in it.

However, the scenes of the Jade Slips are all stored in the spiritual thoughts of the Baiyun Tower, and you can observe them many times without clearing them all. You only need to visualize an additional object or your own soul body, and then send your thoughts into it.

Xia Zhaoyang thought it was very fun, but temporarily it was difficult to visualize the body of the primordial spirit, so he decided to try to visualize a big lotus seed first.

The big lotus seed is simple and familiar, Xia Zhaoyang visualized it very easily, and then sent a divine thought.

Baiyunlou took the jade slips handed over by his junior sister, inspected it, and felt the big lotus seeds visualized by his junior sister shaking, and there was a sound coming out, he suddenly burst out laughing.

It seems that the junior sister has already mastered the method of keeping thoughts on the jade slips.

Seeing that Xiao Chaoyang had returned to his usual expression, Baiyunlou was relieved, and picked up the tea from the case table and drank it.

After a group of disciples from the academy circled back and forth on the flying boat for several times, they finally calmed down and sat down in front of the table.

Seeing the disciples sitting down, Baiyunlou said aloud: "Dear brothers and sisters, this time representing the academy to participate in the three-year comprehension conference, there may be some twists and turns."

"But since I came out to practice, I have to go through these twists and turns, juniors and sisters, don't you think so?"


"It's only fun when there are twists and turns." Miss Caiwei also interjected with interest.

Seeing the high spirits of the younger brothers and sisters, Bai Yunlou smiled slightly and continued: "Although that is the case, you have to be prepared."

"I learned from the head of the mountain that there will be a big competition in the comprehension conference this time, and it may be necessary for the younger brothers and younger sisters to show the demeanor of the academy students."

"What are the techniques or abilities that the younger brothers and sisters are good at? Let me tell you one by one here. If you encounter challenges in the group battle arena or the like, there will be a support when you cooperate with each other."

Hearing this, Xia Chaoyang was the first to stand up and said, "Let me talk about this first..."

Baiyunlou gave a helpless smile, gently pulled his junior sister back to sit on the futon, and said: "We don't need to talk about the few of us who have cultivated in the foundation If you don't make a move, try to keep a low profile."

"After leaving the academy this time, the head of the mountain also said, let the young disciples have more experience, so let's start from Xiaojing."

Nangong Xiaojing was not stage-frightened, she stood up and said crisply: "My name is Nangong Xiaojing, I am in the middle stage of Qi Condensation, and I am good at using illusion. If there is a group battle arena, as long as the cultivation base is in the Qi Condensation stage, I can give it to me." .”

A disciple of the Alchemy Pavilion asked suspiciously: "Junior Sister Xiaojing, what is illusion?"

Nangong Xiaojing raised his hand and cast it, a cloud of mist gathered around the disciple of the alchemy pavilion, the others didn't feel much, but the disciple of the alchemy pavilion was stunned for a moment, and he was already pulled into the illusion.

Seeing the Alchemy Pavilion disciple's face alternately frightened and frightened, the other disciples suddenly understood the horror of this illusion.

Once you are accidentally tricked, you will end up involuntarily.

As soon as Nangong Xiaojing Fajue was withdrawn, the cloud and mist cleared, and the disciple gradually came to his senses.

Seeing everyone's eyes, this disciple finally realized that he had already fallen into the illusion of Junior Sister Xiaojing, and couldn't help admiring the horror of the illusion.

But Xiao Jing said aloud: "If the team challenges, it's actually not very useful. As long as the people around him wake him up, the illusion will be broken."

Baiyunlou pondered: "As long as you cooperate well, this illusion can still have miraculous effects. Xiao Jing, with your strength, how many people can this illusion trap at the same time?"

"Those of the same level should be able to trap two people at the same time, and those stronger than me can only trap one person. Although the monks who have condensed their energy and completed the trap can trap it, it will only take a breath at most before they will sense it and break free. Come out." Nangong Xiaojing thought for a while and said.

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