Listening to the legendary experience of the four senior brothers and sisters on the desert trip, all the young disciples couldn't help but look forward to this cultivation conference.

Accompanied by laughter and laughter, the flying boat galloped towards the Xuanyin Temple in the north, and the whole journey was only about a thousand miles away. With the current speed of the flying boat, it should be able to land and check in in the evening.

At noon, Baiyun Building took out various pastries and delicacies from the Sea of ​​Consciousness Barrier, and let the academy students on the flying boat have a good meal.

Xia Zhaoyang seemed to have forgotten about the parting, seeing the clouds piled up in front of him, he got excited and pulled his brother to the bow of the boat to look at the scenery.

After a while, the flying boat passed through the rain cloud, which was a dark cloud that was raining lightly, and the slightest trace of rain and fog was blocked by the flying boat magic circle.

When the flying boat passed through, it suddenly attracted several blue electric lights, which fell on the protective magic circle outside the flying boat, and immediately caused a group of young disciples to exclaim.

Xia Zhaoyang was also a little weak in fright, but now he was dressed in men's clothing, and there were a bunch of young academy disciples behind him. The image of his senior brother was quite caring, so he resisted his fear and supported the boat.

Gently patted Junior Sister Fear on the shoulder, and secretly activated the Baiyunlou Fajue, a small sweet rain technique immediately relieved Junior Sister's flustered feeling.

Turning around, Baiyunlou comforted the group of juniors and juniors: "Aunt Xia said before that when the flying boat passes through the rain clouds, it will attract thunder, but the protective magic circle of the flying boat can block it, so you don't have to worry about it."

At this moment, Baiyunlou suddenly felt heart palpitations, only felt that there seemed to be a bigger thunder light forming in the cloud, and he couldn't help but pause.

With a flash of two sword lights, Bai Yunlou took the Meteorite Sword with one hand, stepped on the Dragon Scale Sword, and stepped out directly with the sword, protecting the flying boat.

Sure enough, in a short while, a thick thunder light fell in response, Baiyunlou raised the meteorite sword in his hand, and Yang God moved it, attracting the thunder light.

With the Yangshen protecting the body, Baiyun Tower is not afraid of this intensity of thunder light at all. This dazzling thunder light disappeared in a flash, and was directly led into the sea of ​​consciousness by Baiyun Tower.

Baiyunlou didn't expect it to go so smoothly, and his sea of ​​consciousness could indeed store Leiguang.

That being the case, Baiyunlou was not in a hurry to urge the flying boat to pass through the rain clouds quickly, and continued to move forward at the original speed.

From the appearance of the gathering of the lightning, Baiyunlou faintly sensed that these lightnings were directed at Xiao Chaoyang, and he didn't know what the blood of the junior sister could trigger the lightning.

But it's better not to tell my junior sister about this for the time being, so as not to cause another disturbance in her finally calmed down.

Several lightning flashes in a row were easily caught by Baiyunlou. Those lightning lights were sealed in a corner of the sea of ​​consciousness, maybe they will be used in the future.

After walking forward for a while, it seems that the power of thunder and lightning contained in this rain cloud has been released, and there is no more flash of lightning.

Baiyunlou returned to the flying boat contentedly, and all the young disciples on the flying boat cast envious glances.

At this time, the rain clouds with a radius of more than ten miles gradually dissipated, and the sun shone into the flying boat through the thin clouds.

Suddenly, a rainbow of light came out through the clouds and appeared directly beside the flying boat, causing all the students in the flying boat to stand up and watch.

This majestic bridge of colorful light runs through the sky, and the other end seems to be connected to the endless starry sky, as if all the beautiful colors of the human world have been condensed into this rainbow light.

There was silence on the flying boat for a while, and everyone was shocked by the sudden rainbow light that pierced the sky.

Baiyun Tower stopped the flying boat slowly, and a subtle Yangshen power covered Nangong Xiaojing and Dongfang Ziyan. The two junior sisters looked at the rainbow light in the sky, and they had already entered the state of epiphany.

Senior Sister Qingchi had passed on the Rainbow Transformation Technique to the two Junior Sisters before, and by chance today, I finally saw the rainbow light above the clouds, which was confirmed by the Rainbow Transformation Ability that I had comprehended before. Not a surprise.

Looking at the rainbow light all over the sky, Baiyunlou sensed his spiritual sense and felt it carefully.

With the powerful Yang God, he can see more thoroughly, ranging from tens of miles around, to tiny water droplets between clouds and mists, all of which can be fully sensed by Baiyun Tower.

It turns out that the rainbow light that fills the sky is the true light of the Zhao Zhao Lie Yang.

The sun shines all over the earth, and there are lights of all colors inside, which are revealed by the clouds and mists of different shades, which is really wonderful.

In the final analysis, the so-called Rainbow Transformation Art is actually a variation of water escape. Clear water transpires and turns into clouds, and clouds can escape by light through the power of the sun's appearance.

Only those who understand the way of water and the way of changing clouds and mists can comprehend this magical technique of turning rainbows.

Suddenly blessings came to his heart, a subtle feeling lingered in his heart, Baiyunlou remembered the scene at Qingyu Peak that he used the magic technique of Senior Sister Qingchi to comprehend the Dao of Water.

At that time, he was eager to condense the divine pattern, so he sealed most of the perception of the Dao of Water in the depths of the sea of ​​memory.

At this time, the perception of the rainbow light between the clouds and mist was just a chance to think of it. In a moment of thought, Baiyun Tower took out the perception of the road of water, and punched it into the eyebrows of the body of the Yang God to realize it.

Today's Yangshen body is very powerful, and when the divine sense is penetrated, it can already be distracted and multi-purpose. Half of the divine sense can comprehend the miraculous and extraordinary avenue of water, and half of the divine sense can simultaneously observe the changes of the rainbow light between the clouds and mist.

Water, an indispensable thing that can be seen everywhere in this small world, the mystery of its essence is gradually revealed in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness in Baiyun Tower, in the divine mind of Yangshen.

The original intention of Baiyunlou's practice is to see through the truth of the laws of all things in this This burst of insight not only allows Baiyunlou to see through a trace of the law of heaven, but also corresponds to the original intention.

The so-called harmony between man and nature is just like that.

When one person attains the Tao, it will naturally benefit the same way. In a moment of thought, Baiyunlou slowly scattered one after another perceptions, turning them into voiceless voices of spiritual consciousness, floating gently in the flying boat.

Nangong Xiaojing's frown, which was slightly frowned when he realized it, gradually relaxed.

Dongfang Junior Sister seemed to have gained a lot of enlightenment. Sensing her senior brother's Enlightenment Qingyin, she nodded slightly to Baiyun Tower, and then confirmed her own perception with this ethereal Enlightenment Qingyin one by one.

All the disciples on the flying boat seemed to have entered the realm of enlightenment.

This is the most common avenue of water in the world. Even though most of the disciples here do not have water veins and spiritual roots, all methods are unified, and the comprehension between different methods can also be understood by analogy.

After a long while, the rainbow light gradually disappeared as the clouds and mist dissipated, and all the students on the flying boat woke up from their sudden enlightenment.

With the end of the epiphany, most of the disciples have gained a lot, and they all sat on the futons in front of the table and began to practice quietly.

Even Xia Chaoyang took the initiative to cultivate.

Perhaps it was mainly Xiaohualing's sound transmission in the Sea of ​​Consciousness that moved Xia Chaoyang. Xiaohualing said, "I should be able to arrive at Xuanyin Temple in the evening. I heard that the vegetarian restaurant there is truly amazing."

Although he knew that Xiaohualing was telling him to listen to him on purpose, Xia Chaoyang still obediently accepted the words, greeted his senior brother, calmed down, and went to practice with Xiaohualing.

Seeing that most of the disciples began to practice meditation, Baiyunlou took out the re-refined strengthened spirit gathering array, and opened the magic circle casually.

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