This is a very strange ancient poem, which has the charm of ancient poems, but is more straightforward. A few lines seem to cover the world.

The artistic conception of the last two sentences is even more lofty, making Baiyun Tower think of that journey into the sky.

That time, because I was eager to find my senior sister, I didn't investigate the truth of this small world very carefully, so I fled to the top of the clouds. It seems that I have to go up to observe it again when I have a chance.

Although this part of the memory is still sealed in the sea of ​​memory, but with the body of the Yang God, he can go to Yunxiao to observe it at any time, but he doesn't know if the manor on Yunxiao is still there.

In a moment of thought, the Yang God of Baiyun Tower escaped from his body and escaped into the midair, several tens of feet above the ground.

The Yang God hangs in mid-air, overlooking the quiet valley. In the eyes of the Yang God's body, the valley is full of aura. It is worthy of a practice resort. Although it is not a cave, it is a blessed place.

Next to the Xuanbing River, the black ice shattered after passing through the waterfall, and most of the spiritual power contained in it was scattered in the surrounding mountains, so the spiritual power here is continuous and pure.

After a while, Yangshen escaped to a height of several miles, and the crescent moon was like a hook, with a faint silver light, sprinkled on the mountains around the waterfall.

Originally, Baiyun Tower just wanted to experience the artistic conception and charm of the poem, but Tianyantong looked around casually, and suddenly discovered a big secret.

During this period of time, Baiyun Tower has been deriving the changing ways of Yin-Yang, Bagua and Five Elements, and is very familiar with the changing atmosphere of Yin-Yang in this world.

Sure enough, only by standing high can one see some of the truth clearly. From the altitude of several miles, overlooking the Xuanbing Waterfall and Xuanyin Mountain are strikingly opposed.

One mountain and one water, one to yin, one to yang, not only that, but also several mountain peaks, canyons, and streams, forming a natural formation.

It looks like a large formation of Yin-Yang and Eight Diagrams, but Baiyunlou is still unable to comprehend it, but it took a lot of effort to memorize this natural formation.

At this moment, Baiyunlou felt a slight sensation in his mind, so he removed the Yangshen enchantment outside Junior Sister Dongfang's room, and then the Yangshen flashed back into the fragrant room.

Gathering his thoughts back to his senses, after a while, the two junior sisters led the green ant little nun and knocked on the door.

As soon as she entered the door, Junior Sister Xia took Green Ant's hand and came to the front. When Baiyun Tower saw it, she couldn't help sighing secretly, it seemed that there was another Junior Sister in Qingyun Sect.

Encouraged by the two elder sisters, the young female cultivator seemed to have a little more courage, she calmed down her very disturbed state of mind slightly, and spoke out about her situation.

Speaking of the life experience of this little green ant female cultivator, it is actually not too bumpy. It is a story of a little girl wandering in the streets of Dahe Country, who was taken into the valley by the passing Tantai Valley Master to practice.

The green ant had no name when it was left behind when it was a child. After being brought to Biyun Valley by the valley owner, it got a name after choosing a demon pet. The green ant chose a big ant with a dark green head.

In fact, there are many demon pets to choose from, some are very powerful, but most of them are very terrifying and highly toxic.

The green ants resist these poisonous insects and reptiles from the bottom of their hearts, but the owner of the valley is right, his aptitude is limited, if he doesn't practice the method of refining demons in the valley, how can he survive in these 100,000 mountains.

Having experienced a wandering life for several years since childhood, green ants understand very well that only when they become strong can they make choices.

Facing a bunch of strangely shaped little pets, Green Ant finally chose a big ant that looked a little stupid, and that's how Green Ant got its name.

Biyungu's cultivation method is rather peculiar. At the beginning of cultivation, it was to train the demon soul into its own divine soul. Since the little ant demon chosen by the green ant was of mediocre aptitude, it took two full years to successfully refine it.

After refining the demon soul, the Biyun Valley female cultivators can use the demon soul and demon pills to cultivate, so the qualifications of the demon pet are very important.

If a little demon pet wants to improve its qualifications, it has to devour other monster pets of the same kind. Biyun Valley has raised many monster pets of the same kind in order to improve the qualifications of its disciples.

There are quite a few green-headed little ant demons like this, but when it comes to devouring them, the green ants are hard to kill.

One reason is that they can't bear to face innocent creatures, and the other reason is that when Biyungu's devouring skill is used, the green ants will clearly feel the feelings of their own demon pets, as if they are going to devour an animal one by one. similar.

This feeling almost broke the green ant, and finally chose to give up devouring. In Green Cloud Valley, disciples still have the right to choose, and if they choose to give up, they have to bear the corresponding price.

According to the rules of the Biyun Valley, the monsters refined by the disciples must break into the Void Core Realm within five years, otherwise they will be ruthlessly devoured by the demon pets of the law enforcement elders.

It took two years for the green ant's demon pet light to refine the soul, and three years later, this big ant has only cultivated to the late stage of alchemy, which is a long way from the virtual alchemy state.

After returning from the comprehension conference, it will be five years, and the green ants' demon pets will be devoured according to the rules. At that time, the green ants will have to face the pile of strange little monster pets again and make a new choice.

Thinking of the ending of the little ant demon, Green Ant felt full of despair.

At this comprehension conference, the master's demon pet unexpectedly crossed the catastrophe, and saw that the senior brother in the academy generously sent three miraculous pills to help the scorpions in the demon core realm overcome the catastrophe of transformation~www.readwn. com~Green Ants felt as if they saw hope.

It's just that I have limited spiritual stones and no long-term possessions, so I really don't know how to find the academy to exchange for the spiritual pill for cultivating the little ant demon.

Unexpectedly, just after returning to the courtyard, Master Gu called his disciples to one place, and asked which disciple would be willing to be the maid of the master brother of the academy, to repay the grace of the master of medicine at the cultivation conference for Master Gu.

The group of disciples were still hesitating, but the green ant agreed in a strange way, and only after the answer did they start to feel uneasy.

Before he had time to regret it, the owner of the valley had already patted the green ant on the shoulder and told him that he would leave Biyun Valley from now on and serve the senior brother of the academy with peace of mind in the future.

The green ant only felt a little dizzy, and the words of the valley owner were more like voices from the outside world. When he was escorted out of the courtyard by the valley owner, his heart was very empty.

Bi Yungu, who had lived in practice for five years, just left her like this, and the green ant felt like a dream.

When walking all the way to the courtyard of the academy, he was blown by the cold wind and gradually woke up, but he didn't have much regret.

Now that I think about it, Biyun Valley is really not suitable for a monk like me to survive, it's just that I can't adapt to the status of a maid for a while, not to mention that the other party is a strange man.

Although Green Ant didn't directly describe the bewilderment at that time, Baiyun Tower already had some understanding.

However, thinking back on Tantai Valley Master's actions, Baiyunlou was speechless for a while, as expected he was worthy of being the head of a sect, and he really did everything.

Sending a disharmonious disciple here not only has the meaning of repaying the favor, but also helps this disciple by the way, so that it is also related to the academy, and it really kills multiple birds.

From this point of view, the green ant was expelled from Biyun Valley by Tantai Valley Master in front of all the disciples, there is no room for turning back, Baiyun Tower thought for a while, and then kept the green ant.

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