There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 246: General Outline of Demon Refining

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After the mood was stabilized, the green ant secretly wiped away the tears from the corners of its eyes, bowed deeply to the owner of the valley, turned around and returned to the back of Mr. Bai, standing pretty.

Lord Tantaigu saw that the green ants had only worked for a day, and their mind seemed to have stabilized a lot, so he nodded slightly.

Baiyunlou asked in a deep voice: "Master Gu, I don't know what's important to come here, if you have any needs, please feel free to ask."

"Little friend Yunlou, I'm mainly here to see the green ants, and I'm relieved to see that the green ants are safe." Tantai Valley Master said quietly.

Baiyunlou was a little speechless, but he still said: "Master Gu, I heard that Biyun Valley has done a lot of research on the medicinal properties of some spirit grasses and immortal medicines. I want to ask for some advice when I have time."

"In addition, this disciple is quite interested in Biyun Valley's method of refining demons, and wants to study a little bit."

Tantai Valley Master seemed to have made a decision long ago, stood up, and said with satisfaction: "It is better to hit the sun than to choose a day, come to the courtyard of Biyun Valley after Xiafang City is over, and then I will call Lian from Shangbiyun Valley Elder Yao, let's talk together."

Then he took out a secret book from his sleeve, handed it to Baiyunlou, and said quite casually: "This is the general outline of demon refining, I will give it to the little friends of Yunlou for reference, and if you have any questions, you can also discuss it with Green Ant. "

"General Outline of Demon Refining..." Several elder supervisors in the quiet room couldn't help but exclaimed.

Baiyunlou casually raised his hand to take it, and put it into the barrier of sea of ​​consciousness.

If you dare to give away, you really dare to accept the other.

Tantai Valley Master nodded slightly, the demon light on his shoulder flashed, and one person and one demon escaped from the quiet room without a trace.

With the departure of Tantai Valley Master, the atmosphere in the quiet room became subtle.

Baiyunlou turned around quite indifferently, looked at the elders of the four forces, ignored them, but first greeted a disciple following behind the supervisor of the Kyoto Academy: "Luo Xiaoyu, we meet again..."

Luo Yu, who had been shy away from the aura of Tantai Valley Master, suddenly recovered a bit of his true colors when he heard this: "My son is not called Luo Xiaoyu, I am Luo Yu..."

"Xiaoyu, don't be rude." Supervisor He of the Kyoto Institute shouted softly.

Luo Yu's face became even more ugly when he heard it. Sure enough, the senior brother of the academy opposite him did not let him go.

"Brother Xiaoyu, both Xinlu Academy and Kyoto Academy have learned the way of academic study. They should be close to each other. Come and sit next to the elders, squeezed behind the elders. After a long time, they will lose their vigor." Baiyunlou took a photo He patted the wooden chair beside him.

The supervisor of He Yuan looked at the senior brother of the Academy, and was very satisfied with his conversation and words. He patted Luo Yu on the shoulder and said, "Go, you young disciples are so close."

Young Master Luo Yu had no choice but to step forward reluctantly, and bowed feebly: "Senior Brother Bai..."

"We brothers don't need to be so polite." Bai Yunlou raised his hand and pulled Luo Yu to the side of the wooden chair to sit down.

"Everyone who comes is a guest, Green Ant, come to make tea for the seniors." He raised his hand and released a set of tea-making utensils.

Green ants still know how to make tea. Although most of the instruments on this table have never been seen before, but with a little touch of Mr. Bai, the imperial envoy is familiar with them.

After several improvements in Baiyun Tower, today's tea-making instruments are more simple and easy to use. The small stove can be turned on by gently turning the body, and the fire volume can also change with the light rotation of the furnace body.

The small clay pot on the side can seep out the clear spring slowly, and it will stop slowly when it reaches the mouth of the pot.

There was a lovely little sister who made tea, and the atmosphere in the quiet room seemed to have eased a lot. Only then did Baiyun Tower start chatting with the elders.

The supervisor directly asked about the cultivation of the head of the mountain, but Baiyun Tower did not hide it. He said that the head of the mountain had successfully broken through more than two months ago, and now he is a monk in the Nascent Soul Realm.

In fact, the story of Shan Chang's crossing the catastrophe has long been rumored in the cultivation world, but in the past two months, Shan Zhang has hardly shown his face, and he did not come to the scene of this comprehension conference, which made several sects who didn't know much They are all very puzzled.

After receiving the affirmative answer from the big brother of the academy, the elder supervisors in the quiet room were quite excited.

At this time, Baiyun Tower did not hide it anymore, and directly mentioned that the academy had now refined the Yuanying Pill, and the Yuanying Pill had a remarkable effect on the evolution of the Broken Pill.

However, refining Yuanying Pill is not easy, and you can only refine up to three furnaces per month, so the academy only accepts reservations from monks who are at the late stage of Jindan and above.

Of course, if enough spirit stones and spirit grass fairy medicines are given, the best Yuanying pill can even be refined.

When they heard that the top-grade Yuanying Pill could be refined, the supervisors of these elders were not calm.

Especially after hearing that the head of the mountain broke into the Nascent Soul Realm after taking the top grade Nascent Soul Pill, and even the three pills that were given to Tantai Valley Master yesterday were also the top grade Nascent Soul Pill, these monks basically no longer have to make a choice up.

Even if it is five times the price of Lingshi Xiancao, these high-level monks will not hesitate to choose the best Nascent Soul Pill in the face of the temptation of breaking the realm.

Then Baiyunlou brought the special atlas from the quiet room, and introduced the elixir and magic weapon specially provided here to the elders like a few treasures.

Due to the limited number of these pills and magic weapons, and the extraordinary value of each piece, it is difficult for ordinary monks to afford, so they are not open to the public for the time being, and it is quite appropriate to recommend them to these elders of the big sect.

Looking at this complete variety of elixir and the magic weapon with wonderful usage, the eyes of these elders glistened. With this elixir, their cultivation base has not improved rapidly. With this magic weapon, their own strength can be instantly improved. skyrocketed.

Even Mr. Luo Xiaoyu, who was listening in the clouds, seemed to be attracted by these magic weapons. He stood up and stared at the album, wishing to have one or two immediately.

Baiyunlou gently pushed Mr. Luo Yu back to his seat, and said with a smile, "Junior brother Xiaoyu, at least the monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage can use the magical medicine here, so don't pay too much attention to it for now, so as not to damage your Dao heart."

"My son's name is Luo Yu..." Master Luo Yu replied in a low voice, but he cursed in his heart: This senior brother Bai is too If he is really afraid of breaking my Dao heart, he will specially pull me away When I came to this case, I boasted about this elixir magic weapon like an elixir artifact in front of me. If it weren't for my strong determination, I would have really understood the truth.

In the end, Baiyunlou took out four silver talisman cards and handed them to several elders' house supervisors, which were the B character cards of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce.

Baiyunlou told a few people about the functions of these silver medals. With this talisman, you can get a 10% discount when you go to any store of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce to buy items.

And you can take this character B card to ask Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce to set up a small shop in its sect, and you can enjoy convenient teleportation shopping service in the sect at any time.

Hearing that the silver talisman had such a function, the supervisors carefully put away the talisman. With this talisman, this comprehension conference was considered complete.

The desired message was answered, and the silver talisman from the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce was obtained again. The supervisors of the elders stood up very satisfied and said goodbye one after another.

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