"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

Comparing the Nahun Orb in his hand, Bai Yunlou nodded and said, "Ziyan, don't be polite to Chaoyang, this Xuanyin Orb is much better than the Nahun Orb, and it can also accumulate spiritual consciousness. By the way, Erniang's spiritual consciousness is also included Contain it."

"Hmm..." Zi Yan took the Xuanyin Bead, looked at her mother for a while, and began to refine the Xuanyin Bead.

A moment later, Zi Yan placed the Xuanyin Pearl between her mother's eyebrows, and slowly introduced that obsession and soul into the Xuanyin Pearl.

As one after another of Xuanyin Qi poured into the Xuanyin Pearl, the Xuanyin Pearl revealed a faint light blue halo, and the Xuanyin Pearl hung steadily above Zi Yanniang's body, and the light blue halo shone down, but the body was There is still a trace of anger, as if the spirit has never left the body.

This top-level spiritual weapon-level Xuanyin Orb was really extraordinary, it was so miraculous that the three of them secretly marveled at it.

"Zi Yan, Xiao Yu and the others must be waiting outside the barrier..." Bai Yunlou reminded softly.

Zi Yan nodded slightly: "Mother is fine for the time being, Junior Sister will call them in now..."

After saying that, Zi Yan gently hugged Xia Chaoyang, then walked out of the room.

Looking at Ziyan's back, Junior Sister Xia leaned over and said softly: "Senior Sister Ziyan seems to be a little different..."

Xiao Chaoyang only realized his feelings at this time, it was really belated.

"Finally living up to Xiao Chaoyang's entrustment, Junior Sister Zi Yan's state of mind will no longer be troubled by her pulse and kung fu." Bai Yunlou nodded.

"Ah, that's great, can I play with Sister Ziyan again?"

"Chaoyang, have you played around in the past six months?" Baiyunlou asked with a smile.

"It doesn't seem to be. Alas, it's not fun to grow up. I can no longer play carefree like when I was a child..." Xia Zhaoyang said sullenly.

Seeing the sullen look of his junior sister, Baiyunlou frowned, and said with a smile: "After Erniang is settled down, senior brother will take you to a wonderful place, where you can have as much fun as you like..."

Since the senior brother said so, that place must be extraordinary, Xia Zhaoyang immediately felt itchy, and secretly looked forward to it.

At this time, there was a noise from outside the house, Patriarch Dongfang and Father Ziyan walked in, followed by Ziyan and Dongfang Yu.

They were all acquaintances, and after greeting each other, they looked at the couch together.

Patriarch Dongfang and Ziyan's father are both knowledgeable people, and they were not too surprised when they saw the smoke cloud in the room and the Xuanyin Pearl shining with cold light, but turned to Ziyan and asked about the second lady's condition.

"Mother has been tormented by obsession for many years, and she is a little mentally and mentally haggard. Now she has seen through it, but she is too tired and wants to sleep for a while. My daughter temporarily sealed her soul and body with magical powers, and cultivated for a while." Zi Yan said calmly. Said.

"So, Erniang just fell asleep..." Dongfang Yu put away the sword in his hand and said quite calmly.

"Exactly..." Zi Yan didn't mention the matter of obsession, so as not to worry about her father.

Zi Yan's father sighed: "It's good to sleep for a while, but if you continue to torture like that, no amount of panacea will work."

Zi Yan nodded and continued: "Father, my daughter took her mother away first, and went to a blessed place to cultivate her soul. My daughter also has to concentrate on cultivation. It may be several months, or it may be several years..."

"Go, there is no need to worry about family matters, just don't forget this ordinary family..." Father Ziyan said with emotion.

"Father, don't worry, now Zi Yan is no longer troubled by her mood. In recent years, her temper has become a bit colder, which made her father and grandfather worry about her." Zi Yan bowed slightly to her father and parents.

Zi Yan's father looked very excited, gently helped Zi Yan, and sighed: "It's good, it's good... It's because my father neglected your mother back then, and let the eldest daughter give birth to you." Although she has a talent for cultivation, as a father, I would rather my eldest daughter be free from illness and disaster."

"Everything is due to fate, and my father doesn't need to worry about it anymore. Ziyan's going to practice is not a complete retreat. If she has time, she will return home to visit her father and grandpa." Ziyan said.

Patriarch Dongfang was also very pleased, he nodded and stroked his beard and smiled.

"Brother..., if nothing happens, let's go." Zi Yan turned to Baiyun Tower and said.

"Okay..." Bai Yunlou nodded in response, and when he looked at Dongfang Yu, he paused slightly, but didn't say anything.

While thinking about it, the sapphire mist on the side steamed up and spread to the couch, gently lifted Niangzi Ziyan, and slowly floated out of the room.

A few people came to the courtyard, Baiyun Tower took the two junior sisters up Yanyun, and after saying goodbye to Zi Yan's father and Dongfang Patriarch, they were about to hide away, and Dongfang Yu on the side made a sound.

"Eldest brother, Dongfang Yu wants to enter the Qingyun sect to practice." The voice was calm, but it was extremely firm, obviously thinking for a long time.

"Yu'er, you... where do you have the qualifications for cultivation..." His father asked in surprise.

An immeasurable light fell on Dongfang Yu, and after a while, Zi Yan said: "I really have some aptitude, divine sense... so that's the case, brother, look..."

"I made an agreement with Mr. Yu before. If Mr. Yu is interested, he can come to Qingyunmen at any time. I think it will be difficult for Mr. Yu to come to Xiaojing's phantom array, but I don't know if Patriarch Dongfang is willing to let go?" Baiyunlou smiled and looked at Patriarch Dongfang. go.

Patriarch Dongfang looked at the pair of children for a while, and then looked at Ziyan's father at the side, and sighed: "Since Xiaoyu has made such a decision~www.readwn.com~, then go, it is also Dongfang who can enter Qingyunmen." It is a blessing for the Dongfang family, but I did not expect that the Dongfang family has not produced a monk in several generations, and this one is a pair, which is really touching."

The owner of the Dongfang family is also a decisive person. He has protected the only seedling of the Dongfang family for more than ten years. Even Jiangling City is reluctant to let him take a step. Unexpectedly, he is willing to let him go to an unknown place.

"When does Xiaoyu plan to go to Qingyunmen? If there is no rush, it will not be too late after the Shangyuan Festival." Now that Patriarch Dongfang agreed, Baiyunlou asked Dongfang Yu.

"If it's on the way, junior brother thinks this will go with senior brother..."

This one was a little impatient, the corners of Baiyunlou's mouth curved slightly, and he nodded in response, the smoke cloud spread out, wrapping Dongfang Yu into the cloud head, turning into a stream of light and going away through the air.

"Qingyunmen..., such a great opportunity, how can I miss it..." Patriarch Dongfang murmured looking at the distant sky.

"What about Yu'er's homework?" Ziyan's father asked with a sigh.

Patriarch Dongfang looked at Zi Yan's father speechlessly, and then said: "Most of the disciples of Qingyun Sect are students of Xinlu Academy, so I'm still worried about this."

"Now you don't need to worry about Yunjiao's affairs anymore, you have to take care of yourself, you have to take care of the business in the family, and you should fully cooperate with the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce in maritime trade, and you should know, Ziyan But the third head of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce." Dongfang Patriarch exhorted a little angrily.

"Ah, and this thing..."

"There is one more important thing. Now that there is no bondage, you and the Qin family will have two children while you are young. The Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce seems to have a lot of panacea..."

"It's a bit..."

"Don't do this and that, the old man can see that you are not very talented, and all the babies you give birth to are very promising..."

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