"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

"This..., I didn't say it directly in my mind..." Bai Yunlou said a little speechlessly.

"How could this kind of thing be put directly in your mind? Brother, think about it, if Zhuo Yunfei is greedy for a mortal woman, if she follows the Kunlun sect rules, she will be expelled from the sect by abolishing her cultivation..."

"It turned out that he had only been facing the wall for ten years. That's not counting. The method of refining the Sun Golden Wheel was given to him while he was facing the wall. Just like what the brother said, he also left behind the immortal who made the Sun Golden Wheel in the big formation on the mountainside. material…"

"In the end, after Zhuo Yunfei betrayed Kunlun, Kunlun didn't chase him down, and even let the female cultivator go. It must be under the care of the Great Elder..."

Hearing this, Bai Yunlou nodded in praise and said: "Junior Sister really has a clear mind, even such a complicated matter can be guessed so clearly... Clear and clear, not bad..."

"Is it very complicated..." Xia Zhaoyang was taken aback by his senior brother's praise, and then he said in a second: "Also, senior brother, think about it, for a monk who betrayed his sect, the great elder couldn't help but hold him accountable, and left the fairy behind. Inheriting the tactic, even going to the mortal world to pass on the message..., this is not like what this is..."

"When passing on memories..."

Seeing that Junior Sister Xia was talking more and more vigorously, Baiyunlou had no choice but to stop the conversation and said: "Chaoyang, the man has passed away, and he is my senior. The reason for this has long since dissipated with the wind, so it is better not to talk about it..."

"Oh..." Junior Sister Xia responded obediently.

"Brother, I don't know what is the He Xian Jue that has been passed down?" At this time, Zi Yan asked softly.

Finally brought up the matter, Baiyunlou said with a dazed expression, "It's called Lieyang Jue."

"It turned out to be Lie Yang Jue, one of Kunlun's two top-ranking kung fu immortal formulas. This Great Elder is so courageous..." Zi Yan couldn't help but said in amazement.

"Could the other immortal formula be the Bing Xin formula?" Bai Yunlou asked suspiciously.

"Exactly, Bing Xin Jue is also the immortal art that the heads of the outer sects of Kunlun have specialized in. Another immortal art of the same level is Lie Yang Jue."

Zi Yan continued. "Kunlun has a well-documented inheritance, and those who practice Lieyang Jue and Bingxin Jue are qualified to be in charge of the outer sect Kunlun order, which is also the rule of Kunlun."

"It's just that Lieyang Jue and most of the pure yang exercises have been sealed in the Kunlun Immortal Realm. I didn't expect that they were brought out by this great elder and sealed under the lotus platform."

At this time, Xia Chaoyang couldn't help but interjected: "It seems that this great elder wants Zhuo Yunfei to take over the Kunlun Outer Sect, and he didn't hesitate to break the sect's rules for the sake of his disciples. This is already..., oh, Xiao Chaoyang said too much .”

"It doesn't matter, what Junior Sister said is also reasonable, this Great Elder is indeed too protective of this disciple." Bai Yunlou nodded.

"You can imagine how outstanding Zhuo Yunfei was back then. Not only could he practice Bing Xin Jue, but he could also practice Lie Yang Jue. It's no wonder that he was favored by his master."

Suddenly remembered something, Baiyunlou asked curiously: "Chaoyang, seeing that you are not interested in the fairy art, have you already practiced the immortal art?"

"Xian Jue? It seems to be practiced, wait a minute, I will call Xiaohualing out to ask..."

As soon as Xia Zhaoyang finished speaking, the little flower spirit came out from the Sea of ​​Consciousness Flower Palace, and said with a puffed face, "Miss, don't you know what you have practiced, the exercise that has been running every day for the past month..."

"Oh, it seems to be some kind of wood fairy formula. The magic formula is very convoluted. Didn't the little flower spirit help it to work?"

When talking about exercises, Junior Sister Xia naturally returned to a dazed state.

"If it wasn't for teaching you dozens of times and still running incorrectly, I wouldn't be helping you. What kind of wood fairy formula is there? Remember it, Yimu fairy formula." Escaped into the Sea of ​​Consciousness Flower Palace to cultivate.

I'm so worried...

"Yimu Xianjue, Yimu Xianjue..." Xia Zhaoyang closed his eyes and recited it several times.

"Senior brother, look, Chaoyang also memorized it carefully, but the formula is really too difficult, and I always remember it wrong, but Xiao Hualing helped guide it a few times, it will be fine." Xia Chaoyang felt aggrieved Said.

Bai Yunlou nodded in agreement: "Junior Sister is right, even immortals have things they are not good at."

Xia Zhaoyang hurriedly nodded and said: "Yes, that great elder must have thought that Zhuo Yunfei betrayed the sect because of the sect's rules, so..."

In the middle of the conversation, Xia Chaoyang suddenly stopped talking, looked at the elder brother with some embarrassment, and secretly stuck out his tongue.

Looking at the somewhat funny junior sister, Bai Yunlou rubbed the top of her hair, and said with a smile: "Okay, junior sister, just say what you want, I won't let you finish, I guess you can miss it all day and night."

Zi Yan also said with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "Chaoyang, just now you said what the Great Elder meant, Senior Sister also wanted to hear..."

Unexpectedly, this junior sister was also interested in this matter, Bai Yunlou couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

"Ah..., then junior sister will continue talking..." Seeing that senior brothers and sisters spoiled her so much, Junior Sister Xia was very happy.

"Uh..., where did you just say?"

This is a pleasure to forget what I said just now.

"School rules..." Baiyun Tower reminded a little speechlessly.

"Oh, the sect's rules and disciplines... Come to think of it, the Great Elder must have thought that his disciple didn't want to return to the Kunlun School because of the sect's disciplines~www.readwn.com~ and the Bing Xin Jue, so he took the risk to find Come to Lie Yang Jue."

"The Great Elder still hopes that Zhuo Yunfei can return to Kunlun and take charge of the Kunlun Sect. Senior sister Na Yujue will still be able to open the Kunlun Cave, which is probably the second hand left by the Great Elder."

"For the sake of doing everything like this, it can be seen that this Great Elder is a sincere person."

"I don't know... Maybe it's this heavy affection that Zhuo Yunfei can't bear, so much so that he just wants to escape."

These words left Baiyunlou and Ziyan speechless.

Seeing that the senior brother and sister were a little dazed, Xia Zhaoyang asked in a nasty voice: "Senior brother, senior sister is just talking nonsense..."

"Junior Sister, how did you come up with this? You didn't bother to think about it before." Bai Yunlou looked at Xia Junior Sister who had a look on her face and asked doubtfully.

Xia Zhaoyang chuckled, and said with some embarrassment: "Some time ago, my junior sister soaked in the medicine pool, and the pain was unbearable, so I thought about some love affairs, and distracted my thoughts, it was all random thinking..."

"So that's how it is... Maybe what Junior Sister said is the truth... Anyway, no matter how deep the affection is, it has disappeared, but there is still one obsession left, let's bury it here." Bai Yunlou said with emotion.

While speaking, he took out that half of the immortal consciousness with his thoughts, and sealed it again in the piece of jasper just now.

Zi Yan nodded slightly, and lightly waved the Kunlun Token in her hand, the piece of jasper was mixed with other jaspers, and they all sank towards the remaining pedestal of the main hall.

"Since Kunlun has this affection, the foundation of this hall should stay here." Zi Yan murmured.

Hearing these words, the corners of Baiyunlou's lips curled up. It seemed that if it wasn't for Xiao Chaoyang's words, the foundation of this entire suspended palace would have been completely demolished by Junior Sister Ziyan.

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