"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

Knowing that he could sleep as much as he wanted, Xia Zhaoyang let go of his thoughts for a moment, and fell directly to the bottom of the spirit pool and fell into a deep sleep.

Xiaohua Ling saw that although the little master was asleep, the aura in her body was constantly circulating, and she was still slowly devouring the fairy aura, so she was completely relieved.

This relaxation made the little flower spirit feel drowsy, and wanted to escape back to the flower palace of the sea of ​​consciousness of the little master, but the little master turned into a dragon behind him, and couldn't sense the existence of the flower palace. up.

Sensing more and more drowsiness, Little Flower Spirit had no choice but to spread her small wings and fly up to the smoke cloud of senior brother, and fell into a deep sleep with her.

The little red bird Ah Li also found the best place to practice, the Lihuo hexagram.

The Lihuo Qi derived from the Lihuo hexagram is extremely pure, and not as explosive as the Lihuo in the sky, it is very suitable for the little red bird to cultivate.

Sensing that Xiao Chaoyang fell into a deep sleep, Baiyunlou couldn't help but feel relieved, and immediately withdrew any thoughts left outside, and concentrated on cultivating with all his strength.

After two full days, there was gradually a sound in Jinghu Cave.

"Gululu..." There was a muffled sound from the bottom of the spirit pool, and then the transformed little white dragon gradually returned to the appearance of a charming woman, and slowly opened its eyes.

Xia Chaoyang woke up from hunger.

After waking up, Xia Zhaoyang habitually touched his growling stomach, only then realized that he was still naked, so he hurriedly put on the fairy clothes.

It's a good thing it's at the bottom of the pool, and it's a good thing Xiaohualing isn't there...

Huh? Where is Little Flower Spirit? There is no Sea of ​​Consciousness Flower Palace!

Xia Zhaoyang's heart shuddered, and he suddenly felt as if he had lost an extremely important relative, and he panicked for a while.

"Little Hualing..." Xia Zhaoyang stomped his feet vigorously, rushed out of the pool, and called out eagerly.

"Huh? Little Master..." On the cloud of smoke floating in the air, Little Hualing woke up in a daze. Now she finally had enough sleep and was much more energetic.

Seeing the weak and small figure on the cloud, Xia Zhaoyang's figure flashed, he jumped onto the cloud, and gently embraced the little flower spirit, a feeling of lost and found filled his heart.

Little Hualing was not used to such affectionate behavior, so she struggled a bit, and finally gave up.

The little master's strength is a bit stronger, and the little master seems to exude a unique aura, which can actually affect the mind of Xiao Hualing.

It's a wonderful feeling...

Is this the feeling of the human race?

Xiao Hualing seems to understand a little bit, but she still doesn't seem to understand anything, but she enjoys the feeling of being hugged tightly.

"Senior Brother..., Senior Sister Ziyan..." Seeing Senior Brother and Senior Sister Ziyan covered in smoke, Little Hualing shouted a little.

"Hehe... Senior Brother, Little Hualing actually fell asleep outside the Flower Palace..." Xia Chaoyang let go of Xiaohualing, turned his head and smiled silly at Senior Brother.

"Uh..." Xiao Hualing wanted to refute a few words, but she didn't have the will to refute, and lightly shook the little water droplets on her body.

With a doting smile in his eyes, Baiyunlou raised his hand and turned the water droplets around his junior sister into clouds and dispersed them.

"Chaoyang, two days of meditation, will there be any gains?"

"Harvest? ... Yes, ah ..., it seems that it is almost the middle stage of the golden core, so it is still possible to cultivate like this." Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help but said in surprise.

After thinking for a while, Baiyunlou said: "This fairy formation has just been formed, and it contains a large amount of fairy spirit. The two days of practice have almost consumed it. To achieve the effect of the two days of practice, it should be cultivated. It's been a while."

"Senior brother is right, Chaoyang, I just saw that you can dodge without using a sword, did you practice some kind of space magic?" Zi Yan asked her junior with some doubts.

"Just now... it seems to be true. The junior sister didn't know how to do it at the time. Hey... it doesn't seem to be possible..."

After being reminded by his senior sister, Xia Zhaoyang remembered that in a hurry, he seemed to have used the teleportation magical power that an earth immortal monk could display, but after trying again, he could no longer display it.

At this moment, Xiao Hualing suddenly flew down from the cloud of smoke without saying a word, Xia Chaoyang was startled, thinking that something was wrong with Xiao Hualing, in a moment of desperation, he used his supernatural power of dodge.

This time the dodge was performed quite smoothly, Xia Zhaoyang could sense it clearly, it seemed that he could really...

While thinking about it, Xia Chaoyang's figure fell to the spirit pool below.

It turns out that the supernatural power of flashing body just has a clue, but it seems a bit incomprehensible, and it takes a while to practice to use it proficiently.

Junior sister Xia, who was in a slumped figure, had just come out of the Ruyi bead, but Baiyun Tower had sent Yan Yunfei to escape, and she was caught firmly.

"Chaoyang, do you still want to practice this flying escape method? If necessary, senior brother can accompany you."

"Oh, there's no rush for this, let's practice slowly on the way back." The feeling of being ineffective at times made Xia Zhaoyang somewhat uninterested.

"Senior brother, a few days ago you said that you would take your junior sister to a wonderful place... Is it the Kunlun Cave?"

"Wonderful place? You're not talking about the Kunlun Cave..." Baiyunlou was startled, and suddenly remembered that he had indeed said this two days ago.

While speaking, Baiyunlou sent Yanyun to the water pavilion platform in front of Xiaozhulou, then put away the sapphire Yanyun, raised his hand and released the Linglong Tower.

Sensing the breath of the small tower, the little red bird Ah Li, who has been practicing in the Lihuo hexagram, immediately woke up from the practice ~www.readwn.com~ Spreading its fiery red wings, it flew to the front of the Linglong small tower .

"Two junior sisters, this is the mysterious magic weapon refined by Senior Sister Qingchi. I don't know what grade it is, and eighty-one small worlds have been derived from it..."

After spending a cup of tea, I finally explained the function of this small tower clearly.

"It's so fun, Senior Brother, hurry up and take Junior Sister inside to have a look..." Looking at the exquisite and exquisite little pagoda, Xia Chaoyang couldn't wait any longer.

"It's just the small world at the first tower gate. Senior brother has already been there once, and the breath of the tower gate has left behind. I don't know if I can go to this small world with my junior sister. I will wait for senior brother to ask Fellow Daoist Linglong..."

"Who is Linglong?" Xia Chaoyang asked suspiciously.

"Linglong is the tower spirit..." While speaking, a cloud of mist rose in front of the little tower, and the tower spirit Linglong emerged from the cloud.

"Is it Senior Sister Qingchi? Does she look like it?" Xia Chaoyang asked with some doubts.

"The name of this pagoda is Linglong..." the little pagoda replied crisply.

Looking at Linglong, who was about the same age as her, Xiao Hualing also became interested, and walked around the small tower a few times, seeing Ta Ling smiling and greeting herself, she immediately fell in love with her.

"Little Hua Ling, do you want senior sister to take you into the small pagoda?" Linglong invited with some enthusiasm.

"Oh?" Although Xiao Hualing was a little curious, she was still cautious about this unknown place, so she turned her head to look at Senior Brother Bai.

"Since Fellow Daoist Linglong is inviting you, it's okay for Little Hualing to go for a stroll." Bai Yunlou nodded.

"Little master, is Xiaohualing going to visit the small tower first?" Xiaohualing still asked the little master.

"Go, let's go, senior sister and I will go in and look for you later, hehe." The senior brother said it's okay, Xia Zhaoyang was relieved, and promised Xiao Hualing to follow Ta Ling to see and see.

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