There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 456: fire tree silver flower

"There is a fairy building in Baiyunsheng ( Find the latest chapter!

After chatting for a while, Baiyunlou couldn't help asking: "Father, why are you delving into this again in the past few days? You don't want to take this year's Fuxia class exam, do you?"

"No, it's just that I got interested recently, so I casually flipped through the content of previous years' class exams, and thought it was a bit interesting, so I thought about it." Old Bai replied a little embarrassingly.

It would be weird if you could believe it, Baiyunlou thought to himself, the previous exam questions were generally kept secret, and now only the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce has the ability to collect all previous exam questions.

My father must have made a special inquiry with the Tianzi No. 8 brand. A little fat man said hello, so he can find everything he wants to check.

The old man actually still had this idea, Baiyunlou said with a smile: "Don't worry, old man, I have a recommendation from the academy for your son, he doesn't need to take the class exam, and he will directly take the palace exam."

"The imperial examination? That's not going to the imperial city... let me count the days." Old Bai couldn't help but uttered a voice in surprise, but then calmed down and began to count.

"Father, what are you?" Bai Yunlou asked suspiciously.

"What else can it be? At that time, the baby in your mother's belly will be full-term, and now it's a bit hard to walk away."

"Ah..., father, you should stay at home with peace of mind. My son can rest assured with you always watching over my mother's side. Otherwise, if the palace exam is tense, it may be abolished." Baiyunlou hurriedly replied.

"That's it..., forget it, I'll stay at home. If I win the list, I'll let you know in time. Don't let your mother worry about it." Father Bai warned.

"Of course, now that the teleportation array is installed at home, it only takes a few breaths to send a message." Baiyunlou sighed secretly, and replied seriously.

He secretly thought in his heart, this old man of his family said that his fame is like floating clouds, so he still hopes that he can get a fame in the exam and earn face for Lao Bai's family.

However, I planned to take part in the palace examination, if nothing unexpected happens, this cloud is already in my bag.

After receiving his son's reply, the matter in the father's heart was settled, and suddenly he felt that there was no more worries in his heart, so he took two steps forward to enjoy the lantern with the baby and his mother in a leisurely manner.

Looking at the backs of his father and mother, Bai Yunlou frowned, and also took two steps forward, holding Huo Ling'er with his left hand and Junior Sister Xia with his right hand.

As for the lanterns..., I have to bring beauty along with me.

Junior Sister Xia looked over with a smile on her eyes. Under the reflection of the beautiful lanterns, Baiyun Tower was dazzled. Compared with the lanterns, Junior Sister was the prettiest.

Huo Ling'er looked at Xiaoni who was getting further and further away, and muttered a few words, but was directly ignored by the two senior brothers and sisters who seemed to be in an illusion.

Appreciating the lanterns, the moon and the beauties, I turned back to the Liuhua River without knowing it.

When they were approaching the Green Bamboo Pavilion, the crowd stopped. They didn't expect that nearly a hundred neighbors surrounded the Green Bamboo Pavilion in such a short time.

Papa Bai thought something happened, so he hurried forward to ask, only to find out the reason. It turned out that they all came to the gate of Bai's house to watch the fireworks.

The fireworks on the last New Year's Eve are still fresh in everyone's memory. This time, in addition to the lanterns, of course there will also be fireworks to add to the fun. When mentioning fireworks, these neighbors and folks came to the Baijiayuan, waiting to see the soaring sky. The gorgeous fireworks.

That's how it turned out, Papa Bai cheerfully asked everyone to give way, saying that there are too many fireworks, and that's enough for tonight.

It's not enough, Baiyun Tower was startled, although I bought some while shopping today, it can't be enough.

"Yunlou, go in quickly and bring out the fireworks from the academy in the warehouse. The neighbors are still waiting to see." Father Bai stood at the door and said with his hands behind his back.

Powerful, Dad is exhaustive, and he has already prepared for it.

Entering the goods room and seeing that there were several baskets of fireworks, Baiyunlou was a little speechless, and sighed to his father that he moved the fireworks shop to his house.

Holding a basket in each hand, he moved the fireworks to the Green Bamboo Pavilion in several batches, which drew cheers from the crowd.

Amidst Xiaoni's cheers, Huo Ling'er showed off her supernatural power, and her supernatural powers of controlling fire were displayed superbly.

For a time, beside the Liuhua River, the fire trees and silver flowers never ceased.

The breathtaking and beautiful fireworks bloom in the full moon night sky, which makes you feel intoxicated.

After watching the fireworks for a while with his junior sister, Baiyunlou walked to his father and asked softly, "Father, isn't it a bit extravagant to set off fireworks like this?"

"Extravagance and waste? That's not going to be..." Looking at the sky filled with fireworks, Father Bai came to talk about sex, and said softly: "Yunlou, you use some kind of enchantment to cover it, some words are not good for the neighbors to hear. "

This is simple, Bai Yunlou raised his hand and cast a Yangshen enchantment around the two of them, then nodded to his father.

Father Bai understood, cleared his throat and continued: "Beautiful things are always pleasing to the eye, and even more exciting to the minds of ordinary people."

"Maybe these fireworks are just a little effort for monks, but they are miraculous existences for these ordinary county residents. Although your father and I are not monks, after the fireworks are set off on New Year's Eve, I can still see them." Come out, those neighbors in the neighborhood are obviously full of energy..."

"I respect your father even not only meet and greet, but the etiquette is even more comprehensive..."

"Our business has improved a lot."

The thought-provoking words of the old man, Baiyunlou heard half of the thought-provoking words, and was shocked for a moment, and even used the eyes of the sky to see, and saw the luck of the county people around him exploded with the fireworks that shot up into the sky, trembling slightly, unexpectedly There is a sign of condensation.

While he was sighing, he heard those... plain words behind his father, Baiyunlou almost forgot how he and his father got into this conversation just now.

While thinking about it, I heard my father continue to conclude: "That's why although I spent some money and set off these external things, it not only made me happy, but also promoted the atmosphere of the entire Luoshui County, and even made Luoshui County famous. Attracting talents from all walks of life, it may be promoted to Fucheng in the future."

"Fucheng..., Dad, how dare you think..." Baiyunlou sighed.

"It's not that Dad dared to think. A few days ago, I went to the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce for nothing. I saw some signs. Although our Luoshui County is small, it is very livable. The land and water transportation are very convenient. The Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce plans to Luoshui County has been set up as a large-scale freight transfer station." Papa Bai talked eloquently.

"No way, the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce has informed you about all these sales?" Baiyunlou asked in surprise.

Father Bai said with a bit of complacency on his face: "They didn't tell me these things, but they sat together to discuss them. Don't underestimate your father. After the Lantern Festival, you may go to the county government to take office immediately."

"County office? Dad, you don't plan to live a leisurely life anymore? Why do you want to go to the government?" Baiyunlou was even more surprised.

"It's not a high-ranking official, it's just a postman, recommended by the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, and the magistrate was very kind, so he immediately accepted." Father Bai said in a rather indifferent tone, but there was a bit of excitement in the eyebrows. color.

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