"There is a fairy building in Baiyunsheng ( Find the latest chapter!

Baiyunlou looked funny, teased Xiao Chaoyang for a while and said: "Then find a place to sleep peacefully later, junior sister can sleep, senior brother will go around alone first, can you leave junior sister alone?"

"Don't worry, brother, my sister is now an adult..."

While speaking, the clouds and mist in front of him gradually dispersed.

"Brother, you see that there is an inn in front of you, it can't be done, junior sister is too sleepy, and I feel sleepy when I see the word inn." Xia Zhaoyang said lazily.

"That's right, Mountain Inn..., it's really wild enough, junior sister, don't run around when you wake up."

"Don't run around, wait for brother..."

When I arrived at the inn, I asked for a side room on the second floor. There is no room in this barren mountain. It would be nice to have a clean place.

When he arrived in the room, Xia Chaoyang swayed for a moment, emitting a body of immortal light, fell down on the couch, and lazily said: "Brother, don't worry, hehe..."

As soon as he finished speaking, his laughter gradually weakened, and he fell asleep just like that.

Looking at the fairy light protecting the body of the junior sister, Baiyunlou was very satisfied, indeed relieved a lot, and was even more emotional.

This small world suppressed supernatural powers even more, not to mention the concealment, even the transformation.

If one can figure out the power of the rules of this small world, with the supernatural power of the Sword Domain, Baiyun Tower will be able to move freely again by then.

However, the power of rules in this small world is intricate and complicated. I explored it alone yesterday, but I didn't make much progress.

The power of complicated rules is nothing, and Baiyun Tower enjoys it when deriving and exploring.

The power of deriving the rules is secondary, Baiyun Tower mainly wants to find some evil things that are not particularly bloody, but can still arouse people's indignation, so as to wake up the junior sister.

Swordsman Bai is jealous of evil, and he draws his sword to help when he sees injustice along the way.

Although supernatural powers and spells have been completely suppressed, swordsmanship and sword moves are all there, and even the cultivated sword intent of piercing the sky can be displayed smoothly.

All the way to explore, although the exploration of the power of rules has not made much progress, but the situation in this small world has been roughly figured out.

In this world, there are human races, monster races, and demon races.

The human race built a city, the demon race occupied the demon cave, and most of the demon race lived in groups and occupied mountains, rivers and forests.

The most powerful one is the demon race. I learned from an old monk who was rescued that there were only humans and monster races here, and life was relatively stable. One day, some monster races changed for unknown reasons and possessed powerful monsters. Devour supernatural powers.

That group of alienated monsters acted recklessly, not only causing trouble to the human race, but even their own monsters.

In the end, the group of monsters completely transformed into monsters, and one by one they built demon lairs and called themselves demons.

Originally, although the demons were powerful, their numbers were limited. With an accident, the demons grew stronger.

At that time, a human monk with a strong physical body killed a monster, took out a black and bright crystal bead from its body, and kept it after seeing its miraculous appearance.

The crystal bead seemed to have magic power, and it kept tempting the human monk to swallow it. In the end, the human monk couldn't resist the temptation and swallowed the crystal bead.

That crystal bead is really very powerful. Not only did the cultivator's strength skyrocket, but he also got a magical power of the demons - devouring.

In a small world full of body training, he actually obtained supernatural powers. The cultivator was ecstatic. With the newly acquired supernatural powers, he practiced secretly, and his cultivation level skyrocketed.

That demon cultivator originally wanted to mix in the human race, but he couldn't stop the desire in his heart from churning. With his strong strength, he recruited a group of subordinates to collect Luo Demon Pill for him.

From then on, the news about the magic pill spread instantly, causing the whole small world to become distraught, and gradually lost its original order and tranquility.

During the escape, Baiyun Tower has seen all kinds of **** storms. When encountering demon clans or demon cultivators who have been deeply possessed by demons, they will be wiped out easily.

However, there are too many villains in this small world, and there are many demons. It is almost inexhaustible. Finally, in the barren mountains and mountains, I finally found this rather eye-catching 'sinful place'.

For this reason, Baiyun Tower deliberately asked the younger sister to step into the tower first, so that the progress of this small world can be restarted, and asked Linglong to help, and when entering the tower, the two of them were directly sent to the mountain inn.

While his junior sister was asleep, Bai Yunlou found a quiet place outside the inn to derive the power of rules.

This deduction went on for nearly two days, Baiyunlou couldn't bear it anymore, and called out Linglong, Huo Ling'er and Xiao Hualing also appeared at the same time.

"Little Hualing, Xiao Chaoyang has been getting more and more lethargic recently, why is he so sleepy today." Bai Yunlou asked with some doubts.

"Should be waking up soon, maybe the speed of time in this tower can't act on his sleeping consciousness..." Xiaohualing said after a little feeling.

After thinking for a while, Baiyunlou murmured: "If you delay any longer, the inn's good show will begin."

"This is easy to handle..." Linglong said at this time, and then raised her hand, and the whole small world seemed to stop.

"It can still be like this..." Baiyunlou nodded slightly ~www.readwn.com~ bowed to Linglong, and walked towards the inn.

Little Hualing thought for a while and said, "Sister Linglong, is there any way for me to stay beside the young master without letting the young master recognize me?"

Linglong thought for a while, then pointed to the little yellow dog crouching at the door of the inn and said: "You can escape into that little yellow dog, as long as sister Hua Ling can restrain herself from speaking, it should be fine."

"This... is fine, you can do it without talking, wait for Xiaohualing to try it." Xiaohualing looked at the little yellow dog, except for being thinner, he was still clean, so he nodded in agreement.

After saying that, Xiao Hualing's figure escaped, and directly submerged into the little yellow dog who was still in place. The little yellow dog's eyes lit up immediately, and then its whole body shook, and it woke up.

Immediately, as if adapting to the body of the little yellow dog, after nodding to Linglong and Huo Linger who were in mid-air, he staggered and moved towards the inn little by little.

"Sister Huo Ling, don't you want to go and see?" Linglong asked.

Huo Ling'er tilted her head and thought for a while, then said: "I still don't want to go, there should be no problem with senior brother, I want to walk around in this small world."

Looking into the distance, Huo Ling'er murmured: "There is a breath wave that is very familiar, I'm going to find out."

Linglong nodded, and her figure flashed, turning into a cloud and dissipating.

The rest of Huo Ling'er's breath was churning, and two **** of flames were condensed. He was about to step on his feet and fly away, but suddenly felt that this was a bit inappropriate, so he scattered the flames again, and his body moved. Prance away along the dilapidated mountain road to the distance.

After several days of deduction, Baiyun Tower still realized some power of rules, and finally condensed a shallow sword field, which can only cover three feet of the body, which is enough for the time being.

At least the simple Transfiguration can be performed.

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