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"Xiaoshi is doing well..." Baiyunlou praised after hearing the words.

After thinking about it for a while, Baiyunlou raised his hand and released a cloud of mist to cover the small stone. It was the illusion of cloud and mist condensed for many days.

This cloud and mist successfully pulled Xiaoshi's consciousness into the illusion, but after only a moment, Xiaoshi broke free from the illusion naturally, and his body regained his sobriety.

"Oh, it turns out that the pure Dao body has such a function. It can not only purify the physical body, but also purify the soul."

Raising his hand to put away the cloud of illusion, Baiyunlou nodded in satisfaction and said: "Xiaoshi has officially become a disciple of Qingyunmen from today, if you have any needs or doubts in the future, you can just go to Elder Xiaojing."

"Junior Brother understands..." Xiaoshi responded, then turned around and greeted Elder Xiaojing again.

The corner of his mouth curved, Baiyunlou raised his hand to call for the sapphire gourd, and handed over two jade charms to Xiaoshi from the self-knowledge sea barrier.

After thinking about it, he took out a set of Five Elements Eight Diagrams Talisman and Jiang Mo Bagua Talisman, and asked Xiaoshi to put it away.

Elder Xiaojing at the side took out an exquisite treasure bag, and it seemed that the disciples of Qingyunmen were wearing more and more outfits.

At the beginning of the new year, Baiyun Tower gathered the disciples together, said some words of encouragement, and let the disciples practice on their own.

Now these disciples have their own methods of cultivation, there is no shortage of cultivation resources, and there are many cultivation methods, so there is no need for Master Bai to worry too much. Some disciples are addicted to illusions, and they also want to condense their spiritual consciousness.

New year and new weather, at the beginning of each month, Elder Xiaojing plans to arrange a first-month night discussion, so that Master Bai can understand the progress of his disciples' practice.

If it is found that some disciples practice in the wrong direction, it is better to correct it in time.

After passing Qingyun sect's practice skills and several commonly used supernatural powers to Xiaoshi, Baiyunlou took junior sister Xia and left in a flash, intending to find a place to practice swords and concentrate on cultivation.

Two days ago, Baiyun Tower was inspired by Junior Brother Meng Yu's sword practice place, and also wanted to find a suitable place for sword practice.

After looking around, there was nothing particularly suitable. After a little thought, Baiyunlou simply used sapphire, mobilized the power of the cave-heaven magic circle, and moved seven idle floating mountains to refine them again.

Seeing the changes in the mountains, Xia Zhaoyang was dazzled. Not only was his brother's extraordinary ability to move mountains, but he was also shocked by the re-condensed mountain shape in front of him.

There are five mountain peaks in a row, forming a large formation by itself, and the five mountains stand like a giant hand facing the sky.

The peaks of the two tallest peaks are connected together, and a crack is opened under it, which is hundreds of feet high and more than ten feet wide, like a heavenly gate, hanging in the mountains impressively.

Flowing clouds passed through Tianmen and walked around the mountain, adding a bit of immortal atmosphere.

This heavenly gate is also the key to the floating mountain formation, and the top of the heavenly gate is also the most solid place in the entire formation.

If one day the sword intent can be condensed to the level of breaking the sky with one sword, then the piercing sword intent can be regarded as truly accomplished.

Looking at each other with Junior Sister Xia, the two came out with their swords at the same time, and flew towards the top of Wuzhi Peak.

The newly condensed Five-Finger Peak has become the highest floating mountain in Qingyun Gate. Not only is it majestic and majestic, but standing on the highest point of the peak, it has a wide field of vision and a panoramic view of the entire cave.

With the power of the magic circle running, there was a chill on the Five Fingers Peak, and there was also a hint of early spring.

Baiyun Tower condensed the way of reincarnation that he had realized into this Five Fingers Peak with the help of the power of the cave-heaven magic circle.

Originally, the four seasons in the Qingyun Cave were like spring, but Baiyun Tower always felt that something was missing. Now, by refining and testing the sword peak, the cave also has four distinct seasons, and there is a sense of completeness in my mind.

This entire Five Fingers Peak is a place to try swords, but Baiyun Tower's current piercing sword intent is just a beginner, not even a small Chengdu, let alone cutting the gate of heaven, even this condensed mountain wall may be difficult to leave behind Sword marks.

No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it is only a place for practicing swords. Baiyunlou fell from the top of the mountain.

The foot of Wuzhi Peak is like the palm of a hand, supporting five peaks, and the rivers and valleys on it are like palm prints. Baiyunlou found a valley for testing swords and began to practice sword moves and sword intent.

Although the Breaking Sword Intent can be successfully displayed in the small world in the tower, and its power is not bad, but it is only a small world in the tower after all, and the power of rules in it is not the same as this small world in the world.

Now back in the small world of the human world, the Sword Intent of Breaking the Sky can also be used, but it is bound by the power of rules, and its power is much smaller.

Just now when he was in the clouds, the Sword Intent of Breaking the Sky merged with the sharpness and changed a bit, the real strength can only be known by trying it.

There are many boulders in the Sword Trial Valley, Baiyunlou held a long sword in his hand, and under his concentration, he slashed out with a single sword. He did not use magical powers or sword energy, but only with the sword intent, he shattered a huge boulder about the size of Zhang Zhang impressively.

Baiyun Tower is already very satisfied with the effect of the first attempt. In the small world in the tower, he also practiced sword after sword, from scratch, to cultivate the piercing sword intent.

Xia Chaoyang also found a place not far from his senior brother to test his sword, and condensed the flowering sword intent, cutting out one sword after another, and practiced very hard.

Hearing his senior brother's words of encouragement just now, Xia Zhaoyang was a little bit late. Senior brother and Xiao Hualing purposely found that inn in the small world in the pagoda, just to make himself feel the sinister heart~www.readwn.com~Senior brother and Only now did Xia Zhaoyang truly feel Xiao Hualing's good intentions.

Although both the robber and the demon cultivator were taken care of by him with his supernatural powers, if he encountered a more powerful villain, he still had to have stronger means to deal with it.

With this in mind, Xia Chaoyang cultivated the Blossoming Sword Intent even more attentively.

With such a big movement in Yishan, all the disciples in Qingyun Cave felt it, and stopped their cultivation one after another, watching from a distance, no need to ask, it must be the handwriting of the senior brother in charge.

After Wuzhi Peak was condensed, a few curious Qingyunmen disciples, Yuyun, came to investigate and sighed. Seeing that the brothers and sisters were concentrating on sword training, they dispersed one after another.

Afterwards, the two of Baiyunlou practiced sword intent at Wuzhi Peak during the day, and practiced exercises and entered the pagoda at night.

After all, the flow of time in the small pagoda is slow, and entering the pagoda for two or three hours a day is equivalent to two or three days more practice time.

The two or three hours of entering the pagoda every day is the best practice time in the Baiyun Tower during this period of time. No matter how much it is, there will be little gain, and it will affect the daily practice.

In order to make full use of the small pagoda, Baiyunlou let several juniors and sisters enter the tower to try to cultivate, but Baiyunlou was quite speechless. The wild small world is too dangerous. Qin found the breath and sent them out of the small tower one by one.

There is no way, except for the little fat man, this group of juniors and juniors have weak spiritual senses, and they have no way of concealing supernatural powers and transformation techniques, and there is no way to escape the pursuit of monster birds.

But now that he has the Art of Concentration, if he cultivates it to great success and then enters the pagoda to try, he should be able to protect himself.

After knowing that senior brother actually has a magical small pagoda, the disciples of Qingyunmen paid more attention to the cultivation of spiritual consciousness, and spent most of their free time practicing the art of concentration.

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