"There is a fairy building in Baiyunsheng ( Find the latest chapter!

"Huh, is this the beginning?" Baiyunlou murmured softly as soon as it fell into the small bamboo building.

While speaking, he raised his hand to form a clear cloud in the sea of ​​self-knowledge, gently wrapping the two junior sisters.

This is the latest cloud and mist phantom created by Master Bai. Xia Zhaoyang has experienced it two days ago, and Elder Xiaojing is very familiar with it. After all, Master Bai also consulted Elder Xiaojing when he developed the illusion.

Seeing that the scene in front of them was covered by the clouds and mist of the illusion, the two junior sisters relaxed their minds and escaped into the illusion in an instant.

After seeing the vision in front of the illusion, I couldn't help being a little dazed. It seems that after two days of absence, the illusion of the elder brother has changed again. Not only the scene is more real and clear, but also the sound is synchronized.

It's really immersive...

Xiao Jing couldn't help but glanced at the elder brother who had turned into a long-sleeved fluttering fairy, and the elder brother was walking farther and farther on the illusion.

Xiao Jing couldn't help feeling secretly that in the future, he still had to learn the research method of the senior brother in charge. He even thought of using the shock waves absorbed by the sword intent to reproduce the sights and sounds around the sword intent tens of miles away in a cloud and mist illusion, and to be with himself The high-level magic power has the same effect.

Moreover, Eldest Brother's method can go far, it is simply the best magical technique to find the enemy's information. Thinking about it this way, Eldest Brother must have taken the trouble to derive such a magical magical power for the sake of the Great Xia Kingdom...

When Nangong Xiaojing's thoughts were wandering, she was suddenly pulled back to her senses by a chuckle, so she focused on the illusion in front of her.

It turned out that in the darkness, Luo Xiaoyu fumbled around and accidentally touched the temple of Senior Sister Caiwei...

"Junior Brother Luo... are you finally going to attack Senior Sister?" Knowing that Luo Xiaoyu was unintentional, Cai Wei still joked.

"Senior Sister Caiwei, where are we stuck? Why are you not in a hurry, and still have the mood to make fun of Junior Brother?" Luo Xiaoyu asked in surprise.

In the darkness, Caiwei sighed softly, took out something from the treasure bag at her waist, twisted it lightly, and the whole scene lit up at once, it was the Xuanguang Lamp.

This is a space about two feet in size, Caiwei cast a glance at it, and then she still sat on the boulder and drank the wine.

"Caiwei, you're not drunk again, are you? We were trapped by the sword intent of the elder brother. Judging from the situation here, we may be locked in the mountain." Luo Xiaoyu said anxiously.

"Senior sister, how can I be drunk... Since it is the sword intent of the elder brother, then it's okay, the senior sister has watched it for a while..." Caiwei said with a little bit of drunkenness.

The corners of Luo Xiaoyu's mouth twitched when she heard this, but she didn't interrupt Caiwei's conversation.

"Senior brother's sword intent will be withdrawn after a while, and then he will escape easily..."

While speaking, the space propped up by Fang's sword intent suddenly shrank.

"Not good, the sword intent of senior brother has not dissipated this time, and this sword intent seems to be integrated into the sword, full of power." After speaking, Luo Xiaoyu held a long spear, circulated his true energy, and stabbed in the sword intent barrier .

The barrier vibrated slightly, but it didn't weaken at all, but contracted again.

Feeling the strong pressure, Luo Xiaoyu did not give up. Instead, she concentrated on circulating her qi, and stabbed the barrier more quickly.

"Anyway, no one really cares. If you are banned, you will be banned..." Caiwei murmured a little self-destructively through her drunkenness.

Caiwei's words seemed to hit Luo Xiaoyu's mind, and for a moment most of the true energy in her body was poured into the spear.

As the spear stabbed out, a crisp sound came from the body of the spear, and the entire spear instantly glowed green.

The spear, the top-level treasure, broke through at this time and was promoted to a spiritual weapon.

"Junior brother cares..." Luo Xiaoyu couldn't help roaring as the spear tip pierced the barrier.

As if shocked by the powerful momentum of the gun, the barrier dissipated after a violent tremor.

In fact, Master Bai saw that the time was ripe, and secretly dispersed most of the sword intent.

"Ahh... Junior brother Xiaoyu has finally taken this step, senior brother, you are really amazing..." Xia Chaoyang said excitedly while watching his brother's arm tightly as he watched with enthusiasm.

About Luo Xiaoyu and Caiwei, headmaster Bai had already secretly told the enthusiastic junior sister Xia that it would be interesting to have someone share this kind of thing...

Nangong Xiaojing took a look at her head, and thought to herself, it turned out that the elder brother had discovered this pair a long time ago, and thought that only she knew about it.

Originally, Nangong Xiaojing looked down on Luo Xiaoyu, but since Luo Xiaoyu broke through the illusion of Wenxin Pavilion, she has changed a lot.

Just now seeing that under the heavy pressure of the barrier, Luo Xiaoyu did not give up at all, and even yelled out the words in his heart, Xiao Jing couldn't help but nodded in appreciation.

The most shocked one was of course Caiwei who was sitting on the boulder. A roar seemed to pull her back from the bottomless abyss, and her mind immediately regained consciousness.

After concentrating for a while, Caiwei directly used her magical powers to dissipate the alcohol in her body, and she was completely sober.

"Junior Brother Luo, are you serious about what you said just now?" Caiwei asked with a bit of hope as her eyes gradually brightened.

After a short pause~www.readwn.com~ Luo Xiaoyu nodded seriously and replied, "It's true."

In just four words, Caiwei came alive, and for a while, endless spring breath seemed to emanate from the mountainside.

"Spring is warm and flowers are blooming..." Baiyun Tower murmured as he watched the illusion unfold.

"Junior Brother Luo... Xiaoyu, when did you fall in love with Senior Sister." At this moment, Caiwei lost all her reserve, stepped forward and took Luo Xiaoyu's hand, and asked with a smile on her face.

"This..., oh, that..., the last time I came back except for the monster insects, the senior sister was drunk and said that she really liked Luo Xiaoyu in the illusion. Since then, the senior sister has always been in the younger brother's mind."

Suddenly being held back by her senior sister, Luo Xiaoyu was still a little uncomfortable, and she was a little incoherent in the agitation of her spirit.

But now that she and Senior Sister Caiwei have communicated with each other, Luo Xiaoyu becomes more confident as she speaks.

"Now that I think about it, since the first time we met on the edge of the cliff in Xuanyin Temple, I have already had a shadow of my senior sister in my heart."

"When enrolling in the academy courses, it was also because the senior sister enrolled in poetry and martial arts that the younger brother followed suit."

"And the last time I saw my senior sister in Luoshan Village, and was dragged by her senior sister to treat the villagers together, Xiaoyu was actually very happy..."

Hearing these words, Caiwei's heart swayed and her eyes rolled.

Even if you don't use the Celestial Eye to observe, Baiyunlou also knows the meaning of pink in Caiwei's luck, and Luo Xiaoyu should have been deeply entangled.

Baiyunlou secretly thought, after all, I still underestimated Luo Xiaoyu, this guy is simply a god, this small word is complete, I and my junior sister have never said similar words, it seems that I can't say it...

But Miss Caiwei ate this set, with spring in her eyes, she couldn't help but hugged Luo Xiaoyu, and whispered: "Young brother just talks too much, but senior sister likes it..."

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