"There is a fairy building in Baiyunsheng ( Find the latest chapter!

"The old man said soon..." Bai Yunlou was also a little helpless.

"Hurry up, a month ago, it was said that the teaching was about to be finished..., what was taught in the poetry class last time, it seems that the younger sister forgot, if you sleep again, what should you do when the master asks about it?"

"Chaoyang, if you feel sleepy, go to sleep, you will be fined for dozing off... If you ask me, my senior brother will pass on the reading to you, hehe..."

Hearing this, Xia Chaoyang threw himself into his senior brother's arms, muttering happily, looking really sleepy.

Lovingly hugging his junior sister, Bai Yunlou pressed the center of his eyebrows against his junior sister's eyebrows, and directly passed the complete Qi refining formula to her.

"Chaoyang, you are now at the golden core stage. With this qi refining formula, it can be said that you are even more powerful. Even if you only practice to a small degree, the purity of your true qi can be doubled. Don't let it go to waste."

"Well, there is a little flower spirit..." Junior Sister Xia lazily replied.

"You can't always ask Little Hualing to help you. When junior sister is not sleepy, you still have to practice hard."

"Okay, listen to senior brother." Xia Zhaoyang woke up a little after hearing the words, and replied quite seriously.

After the two finished talking, Huo Ling'er greeted the elder brother, and led A Lifei, who was practicing with a heavy heart, to escape from the small bamboo building.

Just as he was about to collect his junior sister's spiritual consciousness into the small tower, Baiyunlou suddenly sensed movement outside the small bamboo building.

The younger sister Green Ant with the big food box, and... Luo Xiaoyu.

There must be something urgent for this kid to come here so early.

"Junior brother Xiaoyu? Go down and have a look..." Xia Zhaoyang also sensed Luo Xiaoyu's breath, and suddenly his sleepiness disappeared, and he dragged his brother downstairs.

Seeing the brothers and sisters coming downstairs, Green Ant walked into the small bamboo building and did not stop Luo Xiaoyu.

The green ants skillfully arranged breakfast and bowls and chopsticks, Xia Chaoyang also stepped forward to help, and finally brought out the lowest wooden basin and put it on the wooden stand.

Immediately, he smiled and said to the green ant: "Green ant, it seems that your brother is used to it. Now that he gets up early every day, he has to clean his face with a clear spring to feel refreshed."

"Brother, as long as he likes it..." After two months, Green Ant finally got used to being the little girl of the Bai family. She didn't insist on calling her son, but she still persisted in doing her job as a maid.

Luo Xiaoyu stood in the room, with some spring in his eyes, but a little dazed, hesitant to speak.

Baiyunlou took out some pastries and baked sweet potatoes from the Sea of ​​Consciousness Barrier, put them on a plate, put them on the table, and asked Luo Xiaoyu and Green Ant to sit down together, talking while eating.

"Xiaoyu, what's the matter? Your second senior sister is not an outsider, and the green ant is even more of a bored gourd. If you have something to say, just tell me." Baiyunlou said casually while tasting the delicious breakfast.

Looking at Senior Sister Chaoyang with a curious face, Luo Xiaoyu thought inwardly: "Of course, this senior sister is not an outsider now, she is still a celebrity in the Academy, and everyone in Qingyunmen and the Academy has responded to everyone, this matter about me..."

After pondering for a while, Luo Xiaoyu turned her heart away, and whispered to the senior senior brother: "Senior brother, that..., last night...Senior Sister Caiwei pushed me down."

"What's the matter, it was fine yesterday evening, how can I do it? Caiwei seldom does it by herself, besides, wouldn't it be enough to get up after being pushed down?" Xia Zhaoyang could still hear it clearly, though his voice was low Yes, asked curiously.

Luo Xiaoyu didn't talk to him, but looked at the elder brother.

"No way, I can't see it, Junior Sister Caiwei is really a hero among girls..., that's enough, needless to say, Senior Brother already knows, so what is Senior Brother's plan?" Seeing Luo Xiaoyu's eyes, Baiyunlou was surprised Yu, also understood immediately.

"Senior Sister Caiwei and I have discussed it. Since we are in love, let's just get married." Luo Xiaoyu said casually, but her expression was a bit embarrassed.

"Ah, we're going to get married, just push..." Xia Zhaoyang's face was a little dazed.

"Chaoyang, it's just a fight between Junior Brother Xiaoyu and Caiwei. Don't worry about it. The main reason is that fate has come and they want to choose a date to get married." Bai Yunlou explained patiently.

"Oh, so that's how it is. We're going to get married. It feels so fast. We just got married yesterday, and we're going to get married today. How old are you, junior brother?" Xia Chaoyang still finds it hard to accept. He always feels that he has known each other since he was a child. His dandy junior brother actually clamored to get married.

Luo Xiaoyu was startled when she heard that, and said, "Senior Sister, it's not today, not so fast..., Junior Brother, I'm already sixteen years old, the laws of the Great Xia Kingdom are fixed, men and women are adults at the age of sixteen..."

"It seems to be the same. Let's do the math, Senior Sister Caiwei is eighteen years old..." While talking, Xia Zhaoyang remembered that he seemed to have done the coming-of-age ceremony, and he was busy practicing recently and forgot about it.

Turning his head to look at the elder brother, Xia Zhaoyang's eyes could not help but overflow with enthusiasm.

Bai Yunlou raised his eyebrows, and asked with a smile: "Junior Brother Xiaoyu has made up his mind so hastily, will he not regret it in the future? It is said that you are in the imperial capital of the capital, but what is the fourth young master, the family didn't find you a well-matched lady? "

"At that time, Xiaoyu was ignorant and had a bad reputation. In fact, it was all rumors, all rumors..."

Afterwards, Luo Xiaoyu went on to say seriously: "These two months of getting along~www.readwn.com~ Junior Brother's mind has long been filled with Senior Sister Caiwei, and there is no one else, let alone..., forget it, let's talk It's about getting married, hehe."

In the middle of the conversation, Luo Xiaoyu quickly stopped talking, but her eyes were full of spring.

"You boy... do you know how to get married? Does the younger brother count at home? Can General Luo nod? Have you figured out where to get married?"

Headmaster Bai made a series of questions, which directly confused Luo Xiaoyu's question, and replied in a nasty way: "Junior brother is also having a headache about this, but Senior Sister Caiwei said that senior brother has a way... By the way, senior brother, why don't you?" Ask Senior Sister Caiwei where?"

"Senior Sister Caiwei, do you still need to worry about it? She is the jewel in the palm of the head teacher of the Xuanling Sect. She is very popular in the sect. She speaks better than the head teacher. If you want people, you need money and money..."

"Elder brother said that, and Senior Sister Caiwei also said that if my father disagrees, we might as well get married in the Xuanling Sect. Anyway, we are close, and wait for the raw rice to be cooked..." Speaking of Senior Sister Caiwei, Luo Xiaoyu couldn't help but speak out all her private words.

It seems that someone is already acquainted... This guy is showing off, Bai Yunlou secretly slandered, saying: "This matter can't be left to your whims, after all, you are all academy students, and you still need to be polite."

"General Luo, let me discuss it with the head of the mountain. It shouldn't be a big problem. As long as General Luo nods, the junior family should not object."

"Let's leave the matter of getting married to the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce. Now the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce has also received a lot of business related to weddings. The details are well prepared, and there are many praises."

"The place to get married, it's okay to go back to the capital, but it's a bit of a toss. If the younger brother has the courage, he can simply take advantage of this marriage to buy a real estate in Jiangnan Mansion. Very close."

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