After a little thought, Baiyunlou said in a deep voice: "Actually, the eight words written by General Luo, after careful consideration, are not bad things. It can be seen that the general likes courageous and decisive people."

"Since the book has been collected, the sooner the better."

Hearing these words, Luo Xiaoyu finally understood the intentions of the elder brother.

"Actually, my younger brother also knows my father's temper, but he was a little naughty in the capital two years ago, and was disciplined by the guards arranged by Emperor Xia for several months, and for more than a month, he was called by my father to practice with the army in the front barracks. Lesson learned."

"Since then, how can I still have the courage in front of my father..."

Patting Luo Xiaoyu on the shoulder, Bai Yunlou said with a smile: "Junior Brother Xiaoyu, time has changed, so don't underestimate yourself. If you are going to face those drills now, how will you feel about yourself?"

"Practice again?" Luo Xiaoyu's breath lifted when she heard the words, and the strength of concentrating and perfecting came out as she thought: "If you practice with your current strength, you won't have any fear."

Bai Yunlou shook his head and said, "Junior, do you think that you are so confident because of your strength? There are not only ordinary soldiers in the barracks, but also many monks in the foundation-building stage. If you face those foundation-building monks, are you afraid now?"

"Foundation cultivator, his cultivation has improved a lot, but it won't make the younger brother afraid, it's just a fight to the death..." Luo Xiaoyu thought for a while, and then she couldn't help but lift up her momentum, and said in a deep voice.

"It is for this reason that why your senior sister Caiwei fell in love with you is not because of your courage, or because of your words of illusion." Bai Yunlou said with a smile.

Luo Xiaoyu was stunned, and said in surprise: "Senior Brother even knows this... It seems that Junior Brother has never told anyone else."

"Junior Brother Luo, yesterday's shot inside the mountainside barrier was truly astonishing, and of course the subsequent words were even more astonishing, hahaha..." Baiyunlou smiled very freely.

"Eldest brother, you actually..." Caiwei on the side thought of what happened in the mountain belly last night, and immediately blushed and complained.

"Sister Caiwei, it's nothing, Luo Xiaoyu's performance yesterday was quite courageous, hehe..." Xia Zhaoyang pulled Caiwei, and comforted her with a smile.

Caiwei was taken aback when she heard the words, and said nah-na: "Ah, even sister Chaoyang saw it, so all the disciples of Qingyun sect saw it, right?"

"That's not true. Including Xiao Jing, there are only three people..."

"And Xiaojing? No wonder Xiaojing was not surprised when she heard that Ayu mentioned her marriage in the morning, and she was very enthusiastic, but Xiaojing is also a good sister, so it's nothing to see." Caiwei gradually recovered as she spoke. A little calm.

Xia Zhaoyang was worried that Caiwei would be embarrassed, so he whispered a few words, telling the senior brother the meaning of the sword intent, and also said that he and the senior brother had already made out to Yunyun.

Immediately, Caiwei opened her eyes and smiled, and she was a little more grateful when she looked at Master Bai, and she completely recovered her composure and indifference. They are all experienced, so why not be embarrassed...

Luo Xiaoyu also understood when she heard the words, although the senior brother didn't say it, the sword intent should be intended to fulfill herself and Senior Sister Caiwei.

It's just that the senior brother saw clearly for a while without noticing it. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but secretly rejoice for the layers of barriers that were set up during the afternoon practice.

At the same time, Luo Xiaoyu immediately made up her mind to quickly buy a big house in Jiangnan Mansion. You can't choose Qingyundongtian as the place to get married...

Anyway, I took a sum of spirit stones from Elder Xiaojing, and I didn’t expect half of the savings account to be so much. Feeling the bulging Nawu treasure bag, Luo Xiaoyu felt full of confidence, and the courage inspired by the senior brother increased again. a bit.

At this time, the head of the White House, the old god, was taking out a roll of beautifully packaged long wooden boxes, and handed it to Luo Xiaoyu.

"I will give this to you two, and it will be a congratulatory gift for you two to become Taoist couples."

Luo Xiaoyu's eyes lit up when she heard the words, she thought it was some kind of magic weapon given by the elder brother, and immediately took it cheerfully.

When I opened it, it turned out to be a scroll. Caiwei helped to unroll it, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "It turned out to be the scene of the night when I was drunk. This is a good congratulatory gift, thank you, senior brother."

Luo Xiaoyu was also quite delighted, he didn't expect that the elder brother was so insightful that night, and he sealed up the painting of the scene at that time. He was very moved for a while, but what he said was indeed another word.

"Eldest brother, it's only once in a lifetime that a junior and junior get married, so you should give them a decent treasure anyway."

"Oh, Mr. Luo is not satisfied with this congratulatory gift, then senior brother can take it back..." Bai Yunlou smiled and gestured for a picture.

"There is no reason to take back the congratulatory gift sent by the big brother, Caiwei, you hurry up and put away this precious painting, we will pass it on as a family heirloom, after all, it is also the calligraphy of the head of Qingyun." Luo Xiaoyu put away the scroll with a cheeky face , handed the wooden box to Caiwei, and let it be put in the treasure bag.

"Don't worry, Junior Brother Xiaoyu, you are indispensable for the magic weapon. When I go back to Qingyunmen, I will pick one up for you personally." Baiyunlou waved his sleeves, and responded to the magic weapon very grandly.

"How about it, Junior Brother, are you brave enough?" Bai Yunlou asked in a long voice, standing on the top of the cloud, looking at the lights of the frontier barracks in the distance.

Luo Xiaoyu took two steps forward, came to the side of the senior brother, and fired his spear: "Brother, I am full of courage, haha..."

After more than half an hour, the cloud of smoke had already flown for more than two thousand miles, and went straight into the northern border. Under the induction of Baiyunlou's spiritual, he had already found the tall black wall between the winding and undulating mountains.

This black wall is not long, it only stretches for dozens of miles. It stretches from the North Sea to the southeast along the border of Daxia. Among the top mountains, there are several miles, extending all the way down, looking extremely spectacular.

The black bricks on the outer layer of these black walls are calcined with special black stone concentrate, which is said to be able to resist the ordinary sorcery of the Qingqiu demon clan.

However, it is enough to resist the nuisance of some ordinary little monsters. Those powerful monsters are more than ten feet long, and this black wall can't stop them. The only way is to rely on the soldiers stationed on the tower to warn and protect them.

In the past, there were only black towers in northern Xinjiang. These dozens of miles of black walls were only in the last half a year. With the help of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, many monks were recruited, and a large amount of black stone concentrate was used to calcinate enough black bricks. More than a dozen black towers are connected together.

It is also because the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce sent out many prospecting missions that it was able to find enough black stone concentrate so quickly. In the past, the black stone concentrate produced by Daxia every year was only enough to repair the tower.

In the past half a year, the military department stationed in Beijiang not only built a black wall, but also added a lot of protective circles to the towers and guard posts on the top of the wall, and there were small teleportation circles to transmit messages. Casualties of frontier soldiers have been greatly reduced, and northern Xinjiang has finally become more stable.


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