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When Luo Xiaoyu saw it, she breathed a sigh of relief. All these magical instruments only cost more than 90,000 taels of silver.

Thinking of his own treasure bag, including spirit stones, there should be fifty or sixty thousand silver coins.

Although there is still a difference of 30,000 to 40,000, but you can borrow some from the senior brother, guard the mountain gate for another two months, and then return it to the senior brother. It seems that there is still some left.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiaoyu sighed very much. Although he usually doesn't care much about the price of this magic weapon, he probably knows that Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce should give him a lot of discount.

Eldest brother is the big boss of Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, it seems that it is because of the relationship between the elder brother that such a cheap good thing can happen.

Now that I think about it, it only costs a few thousand silver to buy a house, but it takes ten times as much to take care of it. It's really amazing.

But as long as Senior Sister Caiwei is happy, it's okay to spend more money.

Luo Xiaoyu was thinking and sighing, but saw that the master seemed to think of something, suddenly grabbed a charcoal pencil, and wrote two words after the string of numbers: Lingshi.

These two words are like two big mountains, throwing gold stars in front of Luo Xiaoyu's eyes, and the buzzing sound came back...

came back…

Although during this period of time, spirit stone mines have been found one after another, and the exchange ratio between spirit stones and silver has decreased, but it is still dozens of times.

Luo Xiaoyu suppressed the idea of ​​swearing, left a sentence to go back to the academy to get the spirit stone, and fled back to the academy, but did not find the senior brother, so he had to find senior brother Nangong first.

In the end, knowing that the big brother was in the office, Luo Xiaoyu searched for it, but there was still some buzzing in his mind when he arrived here.

It turned out that this was the matter, Baiyun Tower was a little speechless, seeing Luo Xiaoyu's expression just now, thought that there was something wrong with this marriage.

In Master Bai's opinion, if it can be solved with spirit stones, then it's nothing to worry about, so he casually threw a talisman to Luo Xiaoyu.

Said: "Brother borrowed these spirit stones first, and hurriedly arranged the marriage affairs lively. Your senior sister is still waiting to drink the wedding wine of junior brother."

"Ah... Senior Brother, that's tens of thousands of spirit stones..." Luo Xiaoyu was stunned by the senior brother's arrogance.

"Is it a lot, Feiyang, there shouldn't be more than this amount in senior brother's account?" Bai Yunlou turned to the little fat man and asked.

The corner of the little fat man's mouth twitched, he took out a picture jade plate, looked at it, and said with a smile: "This bit of Lingshi is nothing to senior brother."

Immediately, the little fat man turned to Luo Xiaoyu and said, "Junior Brother Luo, although Senior Brother lent you these spirit stones, you still have to pay them back in the future..."

"Of course..." Luo Xiaoyu replied confidently.

"But according to the current income of my junior guarding the Qingyun Gate...well, in a few more decades..., I can almost return the senior brother's spirit stone. Of course, the premise is that I don't spend it indiscriminately in the future." The little fat man counted. But the class was over early, even if I thought about it, it was almost the same.

"Ah, this, it's going to take so long..." Luo Xiaoyu, who was a little relaxed just now, suddenly felt that his eyes had darkened again.

"Junior Brother Luo, don't worry about this. Elder Ben will find a way for you. Let's go, let's chat while we talk, and don't disturb senior brother's seal carving runes..."

After finishing speaking, the little fat man and the elder brother saluted and then pulled Luo Xiaoyu out of the courtyard.

While walking, the little fat man said, "Junior Brother Luo, the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce has recently developed a lot of brand new instruments, as well as many utensils used by ordinary people, and is looking for a young man and woman whose appearance and temperament match the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce to help. Propaganda."

"Currently, this couple is still considering the choice. If Junior Brother Luo is interested, you can think about it."

"Showing your face, it doesn't suit the style of a younger brother..." Luo Xiaoyu resisted a little.

"Actually, you don't need to promote it yourself, just borrow the image of Junior Brother Luo. The appearance, life experience, and spirit of hard work are all quite suitable."

The more the little fat man talked, the more he felt that Junior Brother Luo fit the requirements of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, so he stopped and looked at Luo Xiaoyu again, nodded repeatedly, and took out a small notebook and charcoal pen to write a few strokes.

"Borrowing the image, how can I borrow it? It doesn't matter the background, the younger brother doesn't want to make money in the name of the old man." Luo Xiaoyu asked with some doubts.

The little fat man thought for a while, took out the book-sized jade plate for pictures, and used the power of the primordial spirit to evolve on it.

This photo jade plate was refined by the Academy's Artifact Refining Pavilion at a great cost, and the core pattern, which is as fine as a hair, was condensed and inscribed with the help of Master Bai.

As a result, after refining it, it was found that it was difficult for ordinary monks to use it. Except for the small mirror that is proficient in magic, only monks who have cultivated the soul can use it, and it seems that the function is not great. After refining a few times, it will be suspended. Refining.

There are quite a few souls in the academy who have cultivated primordial spirits, but Master Shanda thinks that this thing is not very practical, and it will take the power of primordial spirits to preserve the evolved picture. Instead of doing this, it is better to draw it with a pen.

Aunt Xia thought it was fun and took one away.

The little fat man doesn't have any drawing skills, it happens that everything in his hands is complicated, and he can keep his thoughts and explore them at any time. It is very convenient, so he also bought one.

Master Bai has a sea of ​​memory, and a cloud and mist illusion to demonstrate, so how can this be used.

Xia Zhaoyang can also use it, but after playing around with Aunt Xia's picture jade plate for a while, he lost interest. After watching too many senior brothers' cloud and mist illusions, this magic weapon doesn't seem to be very interesting.

The little fat man fiddled with the picture jade plate for a while, and showed Luo Xiaoyu a few pictures with it.

"It's a bit embarrassing. If my face is printed on these paper envelopes, wouldn't everyone touch them, and no one would know who is on them. There are many portraits in a good paper bag, which is a bit too abrupt. Alright." Seeing the manifested image on the photo jade plate, Luo Xiaoyu couldn't accept it for a while.

The little fat man smiled and said: "Of course I won't reprint it immediately. If Junior Brother Luo is interested~www.readwn.com~ Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce can first borrow the shops of the Chamber of Commerce in various places and distribute the product albums with the portrait and glory of Junior Brother Luo. The deeds are attached in the album, and it will be publicized first, so that it will not appear obtrusive when it is released to the market."

"Well... forget it, who would be willing to toss about his appearance like this." Luo Xiaoyu thought about it and refused.

"That's really a pity. In fact, Junior Sister Lanzhi was very willing, but in the end she refused for some reason..." the little fat man said with a sigh.

"That's right, generally famous monks would not be willing, no matter how many spirit stones they give... By the way, Senior Brother Feiyang, can this earn a lot of spirit stones?" Luo Xiaoyu suddenly asked in the middle of the conversation .

"It depends on the situation. It should be difficult to make a lot of money, but..." At this point, the little fat man flipped through the picture jade plate.

Hearing this, Luo Xiaoyu hurriedly asked: "But how?"

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