Hearing this, Aunt Xia curled her lips and continued to look at the little fat man coldly without interjecting.

The little fat man felt cold all over his body, and he said bravely: "After some sparring just now, this disciple felt that he was too arrogant before. If it wasn't for the protection of the senior brother's sword field, and the senior aunt's random sword attack, the disciple would have been seriously injured. On the spot."

"However, even if you lose to the big monster, this disciple will not be timid. I will start to refine a set of armor later. If my aunt prepares properly, when it comes time to slay the monster, I might be able to contribute ..."

In his eagerness, the little fat man spoke more fluently than before.

Aunt Xia was noncommittal, turned her head to look at the charming little banshee behind the little fat man, and asked Bai Yunlou: "Yunlou, you said that this little fox demon is related to what you just talked about, what is the connection?"

"Don't worry, Auntie, I have something to confirm with Luo Li..."

After saying that, Baiyunlou raised his hand and sent out a thought to the light curtain of cloud and mist condensed by the small mirror, and within the thought, the figure of a woman appeared on the light curtain.

"Luo Li, this person..." Bai Yunlou pointed to the figure on the light curtain and asked Luo Li.

"Mother! Mother... Luo Li is going to find mother..." Luo Li yelled out in the middle of Bai Yunlou's words.

"Brother Fat, can you take Luo Li to find your mother?" Luo Li asked eagerly, holding the little fat man's arm.

"Okay." The little fat man blurted out his answer without even thinking about it.

Sensing the gaze behind him, the little fat man hastily pulled his arm out of Luo Li's arms, pulled Luo Li's sleeve, came to Aunt Xia and Shanzhang and said, "Luo Li, salute first, these two are elders."

Luo Li got a lot of peace of mind when she got the little fat man's response, and she saluted obediently after hearing the words.

It may be that seeing the person in my heart suddenly brought back a lot of memories, and Luo Li's eyes became much brighter after a few breaths of time.

After the ceremony, Luo Li's spiritual sense seemed to clear up a bit, and he turned his head to look at the people around him, as if he had reacquainted himself.

Baiyunlou noticed Luo Li's change, and asked aloud, "Luo Li, do you remember the past?"

"Eldest brother, yes, I do remember a lot of things from my childhood." Luo Li replied without the slightest hesitation.

"Can I talk to my brothers and sisters?"

Luo Li turned her head to look at the little fat man, then nodded to Baiyunlou in response.

"Little Luoli, sit down and talk slowly." Junior Sister Xia pulled Luo Li to sit down at the square table, took a spiritual fruit for her and handed it over.

"Oh..." Luo Li took the spirit fruit, but didn't eat it. While recalling the past, she began to talk softly.

Luo Li started from the time she remembered, and it was hundreds of years ago. Little Luo Li was ignorant, and played with her fellow clan members carefree all day long.

Apart from my mother, the one that impresses me the most is the huge ancient tree tens of feet high in the family. It is the best place to play, climb the top of the tree, and build a tree house.

At that time, there was no need to practice much, as long as one lived under the big ancient tree, one's cultivation would gradually increase, and at that time Qingqiu had a very good relationship with Daxia Kingdom, and for thousands of years, the whole Qingqiu was very peaceful and beautiful.

More than 50 years ago, after the Great Elder who practiced in seclusion came out, he suddenly seemed to be a different person. He practiced magic arts that had never been seen before, but were incomparably mysterious, and immediately attracted everyone in the clan to scramble for cultivation.

In the next six months, almost all the fox demons practiced the great elder's sorcery. It was fine at first, but the tempers of the fox demons in the clan became more and more irritable.

It wasn't until one day that when the two fox demons were fighting, their bodies appeared, and only then did they discover that most of the original white fox demon bodies had turned black.

At that time, all the fox demons in the clan were stunned and turned into their original forms one after another. Almost all the fox demons had changed, but the degree of blackening was different.

Because of Luo Li's young age, she was playful and had no intention of cultivating at all, and became the only fox demon in the clan who had not turned black.

Immediately, the Great Elder stood up and said that the reason why he turned into a black fox was because of insufficient cultivation. As long as he worked hard, he could first turn into a black fox, and then go back to the source and turn back into a white fox.

After all, he really turned into a white fox for the clan to watch, which dispelled the doubts of the clan's demon cultivators, and renewed their spirits to continue practicing.

But little Luoli's carefree days are coming to an end, not only is she forced to practice those demon arts, she is not even allowed to climb big old trees, and all those tree houses have been demolished.

Having said this, little Luoli suddenly stopped, looking a little dazed.

"Xiao Li, what happened next?" the little fat man asked curiously.

"Then... I saw Brother Fat, and then I came here."

It seems that Luo Li's memory still hasn't fully recovered, there are decades of gaps in between.

Baiyun Tower, who had been watching Luo Li's soul all the time, could also see that Luo Li's soul should have recovered by 80% or 90%, but those memories were still scattered in the chaotic sea of ​​consciousness.

Just now, after Luoli saw her mother's figure, her sea of ​​consciousness was churning like a tide. It should be at that time that some scattered memory fragments were attracted by the fluctuations of the soul and gathered into the soul, which restored part of her memory.

From this point of view, it is of little use to cultivate the soul again. It is better to go with the disciples of the academy this time, change the environment, see more people and things, maybe it will help restore memory.

After listening to Luo Li's narration, Baiyun Tower didn't let Luo Li try hard to think about those vague memories, and sighed softly~www.readwn.com~ Then Luo Li said: "Actually, what happened later, I was in a blackened I vaguely learned something from the fox demon."

"Luo Li should have practiced those demonic arts, but somehow she has not been blackened, and her cultivation talent is extremely high, and she was even praised by the elder as the Qingqiu demon clan saint."

"The black fox demon has limited knowledge. He only knows that Luo Li has been in seclusion for several months, but he doesn't know that when Luo Li escaped from Qingqiu after breaking through the seclusion, he was chased and killed by the great elder."

"If my guess is correct, Luo Li should have fled to the North Sea and got a chance to escape, but was seriously injured and her spirit almost dissipated. She had no choice but to transform into a white fox demon, and was rescued by Junior Brother Feiyang in the black ice."

"Senior Brother, that must be the case. It must be Xiao Wu who sent Luo Li to the source of the Xuanhe River." Xia Zhaoyang's heart was surging when he heard the words of the senior brother, as if he could see it with his own eyes, he couldn't help but said aloud .

"Xiao Wu? Who is Xiao Wu?" Aunt Xia asked suspiciously.

"Hey, Xiao Wu is not someone, Xiao Wu is Xiao Xuanwu..." Xia Chaoyang laughed.

Now Aunt Xia couldn't sit still, stood up and said in surprise: "Ah, you actually saw Xuanwu?"

"Xuanwu is easy to recognize. It's a big turtle with a black snake wrapped around its body. It looks exactly the same as in Father's picture album. Senior brother and Luo Xiaoyu have seen it." Xia Zhaoyang said plausibly.

"It really is Xuanwu..." Aunt Xia said in a deep voice, but her mind was full of thoughts.

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