"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (!

Immediately, Baiyunlou raised his head and looked at the Qingyunmen disciples who were forming a circle to watch the illusion, each of them looked thoughtful,

Can't help showing joy in his eyes, and then said: "There are also this group of disciples who have gained a lot..."

Xia Chaoyang seemed to understand but half understood, and responded with a muffled voice.

In the illusion, Aunt Xia stood on the back of the lightly flapping machine Thunderbird, overlooking the entire illusion, also thoughtful.

During this trip to the illusion, Aunt Xia experienced an unprecedented sense of joy, whether it was shopping as she wanted, or killing monsters without any scruples.

Standing in mid-air, I also felt a kind of emptiness after being invincible. I lost interest in this illusion for a while, and then I returned to the main body in a thought.

"Senior Aunt, I have some insights, so I'll go back to the academy first." Xia Auntie looked up at the vast starry sky above Yunxiao, and said very calmly.

Xia Zhaoyang immediately dragged the elder brother and sent Aunt Xia out of the mountain gate together.

After seeing off the honored guests, the disciples of the Qingyun Sect also dispersed. Luo Yu pulled Caiwei and said that he would go to Jiangnan Mansion's new house for a careful inspection, and then hurriedly said goodbye and left.

At this time, the little fat man came over and said: "Junior Brother Luo's big family, after learning that the general accepted this marriage, they rushed over from the capital impatiently, that's what happened just now."

The corner of Bai Yunlou's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile: "In this way, Junior Brother Luo Yu will hardly be free these two days, haha..."

"That is, according to the rituals of the Great Xia Kingdom, counting from tonight, Junior Brother Luo will probably be tossed until the day of the big wedding, and..., this time, we will have to separate from Junior Sister Caiwei until the wedding is over. See you." The little fat man laughed.

"That's very good. Brother Luo has been drifting around for the past two days. It's just time to sharpen his temper... Let the guys from the chamber of commerce who are helping to take care of it pay close attention. This kid is very slippery. Don't let him slip out by chance. , breaking the etiquette of the Great Xia Kingdom, that would be bad."

"Eldest brother, don't worry, everything has been properly arranged..." the little fat man whispered quietly.

"It's better for Feiyang to be considerate in handling matters. If there is nothing else to do, I will take Luo Li and go to Kunlun with my senior brother and your second senior sister. Once I go this time, I will go to Kunlun at least half a month later." Baiyunlou laughed said.

"Senior brother's business is the real thing, it is the Xuanjia deduced by the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce Research Department, and I will need the help of senior brother to give pointers."

"Xuanjia?" Baiyunlou was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately understood the little fat man's thoughts, and asked suspiciously: "It's only half a day's work, and there will be a result so soon?"

The little fat man said with a smile: "Actually, those kids who love to toss about refining the Xuanjia have already had an idea, but the initial estimate was too expensive, so they put it on hold for the time being. Today, I heard that the derivation will be restarted, and everyone is excited." Endless."

"In the past half a day, the draft has been changed several times, and the idea is very novel."

"Then wait and see on the road, Chaoyang, wait a minute, if there is nothing wrong, let's set off now?" Baiyunlou said with a smile, holding Junior Sister Xia's hand.

"No hurry, I just miss sister Ziyan..." Xia Zhaoyang said lazily, holding the arm of the elder brother.

The corner of Bai Yunlou's mouth curled up, and he stretched out his hand to pinch Junior Sister's small face, and said with a smile, "Junior Sister won't be sleepy again..."

Xia Zhaoyang hid in the arms of the elder brother and said sullenly: "Not sleepy, not sleepy... It's just that I'm a little tired after two rounds of sparring."

"Then I'm still sleepy..." Suddenly, Baiyun Tower released a cloud of sapphire smoke, and sat on the head of the cloud with his junior sister in his arms.

The little fat man led Luo Li excitedly onto Yan Yun, not wanting even Xiao Jing to follow.

"Why, Xiaojing is also interested in watching?" Baiyunlou asked suspiciously.

"Eldest brother, regarding the Kunlun matter..., if I let my younger sister help me out, there shouldn't be any mistakes. Now, my younger sister can handle all the big and small things in Qingyun Sect properly."

This little fat man has plotted against his own sister again, but looking at Xiao Jing's high-spirited expression, Baiyun Tower has nothing to say, so he nodded in response. Those who can do more work...

The three of them climbed into the clouds, and the Baiyun Tower rose against the clouds, exited the Qingyun Cave, and fled towards the Kunlun Fairy Mountain.

Just now when the three of them came over, Baiyunlou saw Luo Li's eyes, and couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. This little fox demon seemed to be a little more awake.

Calm, smart, clear mind, no malice...

Luo Li sat on the side of Yanyun, looking at the lights of Wanjia speeding past below, thoughtfully.

"Eldest brother, that's it. I have stored the manuscript information sent by the calligraphy department just now in this picture jade plate." The little fat man happily handed the picture jade plate to the elder brother.

Baiyunlou took the jade plate, and he didn't rush to watch it, but asked the little fat man: "Feiyang, if this Xuanjia is refined, what do you plan to use it for?"

"Of course I want to kill that one..." In the middle of the sentence, the little fat man remembered the reminder from the elder brother, and did not mention the name of the elder Qingqiu.

"That's a big monster, it doesn't mean that you can slash it, no matter how powerful this mysterious armor is, it may be difficult to stop the big monster's casual blow..." Bai Yunlou reminded.

The little fat man lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his head and said: "Eldest brother, this is the decision made by the younger brother, even if it can only block half a breath, the younger brother is content."

"Feiyang, senior brother understands your thoughts, but this matter is too dangerous, so leave it to senior brother and senior aunt, not to mention the mountain chief..." Bai Yunlou continued to persuade.

"That one actually made a move on Luo Li, Junior Brother will fight no matter what..." the little fat man said decisively.

While speaking, Baiyunlou saw the little fox demon trembling slightly with his back to the two of them, then regained his composure, nodded secretly, and said to the little fat man: "Since my brother has this obsession, my brother will fulfill it." You once."

Nangong Xiaojing heard the second brother's determination from the side, and couldn't help but say something to block her, but suddenly seeing the elder brother's gaze, she couldn't help turning her head to look at the little fox demon, feeling a little understanding in her heart.

Secretly thought, since the elder brother said that he wanted to fulfill the second brother, he must have a perfect plan. The elder brother never does anything he is not sure of, so he immediately put his mind at ease.

Bai Yunlou lowered his head to look at the sleeping Xiao Chaoyang in his arms~www.readwn.com~ and gently placed it on the cloud bed beside him, then picked up the jade plate for pictures and looked at it carefully.

This is the picture jade plate refined by the little fat man, and the little fat man had to be beside him to manifest it.

After the little fat man's careful narration, Baiyunlou roughly understood what kind of Xuanjia the research department had developed.

The idea is good, but the draft developed by this research is too rough...

Aiming at the magical powers of the Yaozu, the base material of the black armor is specially selected from the top-grade black stone concentrate, and then combined with the fairy material black gold mine in Kunlun Cave, so as to refine the black stone black gold with extraordinary strength.

After some comparison, this mysterious gold refinement is actually the simplest.

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