"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (!

Immediately, the whole scene became more lively. The person who praised obviously knew who was coming, and his voice trembled slightly, but he shouted more passionately: "Good day, good luck, great prosperity, a pair made in heaven, a pair made in the earth, Luo Yucaiwei, worship today!" ..."

"Once upon a time, the sky and the earth will last forever."

"Second obeisance to the high hall, the four seasons are safe and healthy."

"Husband and wife worship each other, and love grows."

"Li Cheng!"

Seeing the pair of Bi people in the arena finally getting married, Head Master Bai felt very comforted, saying that his own sword also had the power of success.

Xia Chaoyang hugged the senior brother's arm tightly, trembling slightly with excitement.

Gently holding Junior Sister's small hand, Baiyun Tower sent a few sweet words, which filled Junior Sister Xia's eyes and brows with a sweet taste.

At this moment, suddenly, Luo Yu and Caiwei stretched out their hands together and lifted the red hijab covering Caiwei's head at the same time.

They hadn't seen each other for only two days, but it seemed like two years had passed between them. This glance seemed to condense time and space, causing an unknown force of rules to tremble slightly.

In an instant, the two were so blessed that they stood holding hands and said at the same time: "The sky and the earth are the witnesses, and the sun and the moon are the mirrors. Today, the two of us swear here that we will stand together in this life and never lose each other."

As soon as the words fell, the power of the rules manifested directly, and only a few people present could see the real form.

With the eyes of the sky, the pink meaning of the luck on the top of Caiwei's head became more and more solid, and finally turned into an extremely tough red line, which was tightly connected with Luo Yu's luck on the top of her head.

Luck is connected, we share weal and woe, we stand in the same boat through thick and thin, and walk hand in hand.

Once this red line was formed, it seemed to complete a broken rule in the human world. An unknown aura descended from the void, landed on the couple, and then scattered in all directions. Relatives and friends who came to congratulate were contaminated with some.

Baiyunlou didn't block the breath, and raised his hand to touch a wisp of it. It was fresh, joyful, and a bit pleasing to the eye.

Spiritual thoughts penetrated into a breath, and the word 'joy' was transmitted back to the divine consciousness.

Joyful, quite extraordinary... Baiyunlou raised his eyes to look at Yunxiao, and there seemed to be some strange movement above Yunxiao.

It seems that the two junior brothers and sisters are in love with each other, following the will of heaven to complete an unknown law of heaven, Yun Xiao who raised his hand for a moment of joy and fell a lot of joy, it can be considered that there is a relationship.

"Sister Caiwei is so beautiful..." Xia Chaoyang murmured at the side.

Baiyunlou closed the Tianyantong, and looked at the couple who were looking at each other affectionately.

Sure enough, after being tainted with joy, Junior Sister Caiwei was radiant, dressed in wedding clothes, her whole body was like the morning dew on the stamens, revealing an intoxicating brilliance.

Almost everyone in the auditorium focused their eyes on the couple and applauded them in unison.

In a corner, Tianyin had been silently watching the change of Senior Sister Caiwei's aura. The original pink skeleton appearance suddenly disappeared, and her whole body glowed like morning dew.

Suddenly, Tianyin's heart throbbed, and she felt a kind of belated beauty.

It turns out that this is the feeling of love in the world, and I have had it before, but at that time I was blinded by the appearance of the pink skull.

Joy, regret, and sadness, thoughts floated into Tianyin's mind, but they couldn't shake the current Zen mind.

As the Buddha said, all conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles, like dew or electricity, and should be viewed in this way.

But at this moment, Tianyin's mind recalled the elder brother's words, what about dreams and bubbles, what about lightning and morning dew, the beauty of the world must be appreciated by someone.

You can not be bound by these mundane thoughts, but there is no need to regard them as poisonous beasts.

Morning dew, the life of the human race is no different from morning dew. It is short but beautiful. Under the sunshine, it may be fleeting, but it can reveal an intoxicating glow.

Just like Caiwei in the field at the moment, bright and intoxicating.

Unknowingly, Tianyin muttered something, reciting the fairy tone lightly, as if she had realized something.

The clear and crisp gong sound of 'Dang' immediately woke up the intoxicated people in the hall.

"The wedding has been completed, the wedding banquet has begun, all relatives and friends are invited to attend..." After the congratulator woke up, he hurriedly stabilized the scene.

It's almost lively, so it's natural to taste the delicious food. The head of Baida came all the way here, isn't it just for this one bite.

Pulling up Junior Sister Xia, she randomly found a table to take a seat, but the host had already spotted them, and invited the two of them to the main table to accompany Senior Aunt Xia.

Apart from Aunt Xia, there were several respected old teachers at the main table, and the arrangement was very appropriate.

I eat everywhere I go, and Baiyunlou doesn't care. It's been a long time since I had a wedding banquet, so I'm looking forward to it.

Junior sister Xia also looked normal, she kept staring at the dining room, and her eyes lit up when she saw a group of people coming out with food trays.

The Baiyun Building also had a bright spot. I didn't expect that the young disciples Meng Yu and a group of academy students who hadn't seen them all were helping with the cooking in the dining room, and this time they even helped to serve the dishes.

These guys... I didn't expect Luo Yu to be very popular. Of course, he might also be targeting Senior Sister Caiwei...

"Junior Brother Meng, you've worked hard..." Xia Chaoyang said with a smile while the food was being served.

"Senior sister, it's not hard. The dining room has prepared a lot of gourmet snacks for us help cooks. We're almost full now, hehe..." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"It can still be like this, next time, senior sister, I will also help the cook..."

"I see that junior sister can not only help the cook, but also be a master chef. Not only is her knife skills superb, but the pastries are really delicious." Bai Yunlou praised with a smile.

After the two newlyweds finished respecting the guests according to the etiquette, the wedding banquet officially began.

Luo Yu and Cai Wei specially came to the main table to toast, and after toasting to Aunt Xia's trainees, when they arrived in front of the senior brother, Luo Yu held the wine glass and said in a low voice: "Thank you, senior brother, for your success."

"It's cheap for you kid... Caiwei is the elder Keqing of Qingyun sect. If you offend the elders, I will serve you according to the rules of the sect."

During this period of time, Luo Yu had already figured out the temperament of this elder brother, and replied with a smile: "At that time, there is no need for elder brother to do anything, the elder will deal with it himself."

"Eldest brother, the group of senior brothers and sisters won't have a bridal chamber later, please help me when the time comes, the senior brother has been tortured so much that he has not slept a wink for two days and nights."

Baiyunlou and Luo Yu clinked a glass, and said softly, "Don't worry, brother, brother has his own measure..."

Hearing this ~www.readwn.com~ Luo Yu couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, and turned to look at Senior Sister Caiwei.

"Thank you so much, big brother..." Caiwei picked up the wine glass and drank it proudly.

After the lively wedding banquet, most of the guests were sent away, and most of the academy students who were familiar with the two couples did not leave, clamoring for a bridal chamber.

The young disciples were interested in tossing around, and Baiyunlou didn't bother to care about it, so they pulled Junior Sister Xia to see off the old teachers who came to congratulate each other.

Send General Luo and Aunt Xia to the flying boat, and Baiyun Tower will fly back to the academy with a group of old teachers.

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