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"It's vast, it seems to be endless..." a disciple sighed.

"Then senior brother will take you to see what is the real vastness..."

After saying that, Jian Yu and Chunyang Jiangang, the imperial envoys of Baiyun Tower, took the entire flying boat and fled towards the sky.

Five miles, ten miles, tens of miles..., penetrating tens of miles of the wind layer, and finally the flying boat broke through the air and escaped to a height of two hundred miles.

Fleeing to an altitude of two hundred miles, Jian Gang, the imperial envoy of Baiyun Tower, stopped slowly.

After all, the sword field also needs to be supported by the spiritual power and the power of rules of the small world. The more you fly upward, the thinner the spiritual power becomes, and the foundation of the sword field becomes unstable.

The pure yang energy here is quite strong, and it can be absorbed by the pure yang sword gang to maintain the sword intent. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Baiyun Tower to bring the huge flying boat to such a high altitude.

Two hundred miles is enough.

Under the flying boat, an extremely huge sphere appeared in front of all the disciples.

Except for Junior Sister Xia, all the disciples on the flying boat saw the truth of the small world for the first time, and they were all shocked and relatively speechless.

It took a while for this tremor from the depths of my mind to calm down.

"The sphere, the small world we step into every day, is actually on top of a perfectly round sphere..."

"We stand on this side, is there a human race living and practicing on the other side of the sphere?"

"In this way, is the full moon also spherical, but when is it round and when is it short?"

"What about the stars all over the sky..."

After the shock, there was more curiosity and doubt.

Standing at the bow of the boat, Baiyunlou said in a deep voice: "After this experience, the astronomy and topography subjects of the academy will start a new teaching content. If you are interested, you can enroll in these two subjects and explore these by yourself. Questions and the truth about this small world."

"Brother is just giving you a lot of insight..."

Seeing the curiosity of the younger brothers and sisters was completely ignited, Bai Yunlou pointed to the small world in the world and asked: "Is the world in front of us big?"

"It's big enough, if you look around, the entire starry sky is probably the largest in this human world..." Junior Sister Xia looked at the starry sky above her head and replied seriously.

Bai Yunlou nodded and said: "It looks so, then brother will take you to see the starry sky..."

After saying that, a cloud of smoke was shot out of the sea of ​​self-knowledge in Baiyun Tower, and the cloud gradually dispersed, drowning all the disciples on the flying boat.

Most of these young disciples had seen the master's magical powers in the illusion, and they all relaxed their minds, allowing the smoke to pull their consciousness into the illusion. As soon as Fang entered the illusion, everyone couldn't help but startled, the scene in front of them was the same as before entering the illusion.

On the top of the sky hundreds of miles high, the sun and the moon shine together, the starry sky is bright, and the small world on earth still looks extremely vast.

When all the disciples were puzzled, they only heard the senior brother say: "Take you to the depths of the starry sky to see..."

While speaking, the flying boat soared into the sky, and its speed increased many times.

As the flying boat fled away, the small world on earth became farther and farther away, and all the disciples were watched as they got closer and closer to the waning moon.

"Wow, the small world in the world... has become smaller." Xia Chaoyang said suddenly, then turned his head and raised his eyebrows at the senior brother with a smile, and said: "Little Chaoyang is doing pretty well, hehe... "

Bai Yunlou couldn't help but took his junior sister's little hand and squeezed it twice.

"Really, that's how it is. I used to feel that the human world is vast, but we are so close..."

"That's right, so is the waning moon. Now it's as big as the human world, and..."

"And that's not a waning moon at all, the bright moon is really spherical, it's just the appearance left to us when the scorching sun shines in different directions..."

"Yes, it's appearance."

The disciples on the flying boat sighed while watching, the mysterious veil of this small world seemed to be slowly lifted by everyone.

Bai Yunlou just smiled and listened to the discussion of the new cognitions by the juniors and sisters without interrupting, but junior sister Xia occasionally asked a few questions to guide the group of young disciples in the direction of thinking.

Unknowingly, the flying boat flew thousands of miles away, and the human world and even the mighty scorching sun were all as small as stars.

The flying boat stopped in the endless starry sky, and all the disciples felt a small but real feeling.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Baiyun Tower pointed at the vast starry sky, and said in a deep voice: "Do you still remember the small world in the tower that I took you to? It may be like the human world, hidden in this vast sea of ​​stars."

A group of disciples watched the vast starry sky in silence, and a seed of exploration was quietly planted in everyone's mind.

A moment later, the Baiyun Building put away the illusion, and the stars turned into streaks of light and passed by everyone, and what finally appeared in front of them was still the magnificent human world.

After seeing the sea of ​​stars, and then looking at this small world on earth, it is a different state of mind.

"Chaoyang, at this high place, can you tell the direction?" Baiyunlou smiled.

"I see clearly, the mouth of the trumpet should be the mouth of the Qianjiang River, and further north, the winding river must be the Xuanhe River, and the place where the fog rises is the mouth of the Xuanhe River." Xia Zhaoyang also saw Daxia On the topography map of the country, the great rivers and rivers can still be recognized.

"Senior brother, Chaoyang understands what he meant. Only by standing tall can you see far. As long as your cultivation base is high enough, you don't have to worry about getting lost."

"Junior Sister is right..., Junior Brothers and Sisters sit down..."

After saying that, the imperial envoy of Baiyun Tower landed the flying boat directly towards the mouth of Xuanhe River.

The flying boat fell faster and faster. After adjusting the direction, Baiyunlou simply let go of the control of the flying boat by the divine sense, leaving only the protective magic circle, allowing the flying boat to fall by itself, and the scene immediately became lively.

All the disciples landed together with the flying boat, and suddenly felt that their feet were floating, and they all floated up.

Losing the sense of being down-to-earth, many disciples panicked and hurriedly performed exercises to stabilize their bodies.

"Relax..." Master Bai pointed out.

"Haha, let's float, it's fun..." Xia Zhaoyang has long been used to falling, and he floated the jackrabbit around in the flying boat with one hand, raised his hand to grab the floating pastry, stuffed it into his mouth, as if showing off eat up.

It was a wonderful experience~www.readwn.com~ All the disciples also relaxed their minds and felt it.

Surprisingly, after reaching a certain speed, the falling speed did not increase, and the journey of nearly two hundred miles took half an incense stick.

Most of the disciples just thought it was fun, but Dongfang Yu seemed to be researching calculations all the time, even if he was floating in mid-air, he still didn't forget to take out a pen and paper to paint and draw, as if he was recording something.

After going through this situation, I don't know how Junior Brother Dongfang's dream of the Sea of ​​Consciousness will evolve. Baiyunlou glanced at Dongfang Yu and muttered to himself, and then thought to slow down the speed of the flying boat.

The flying boat landed on the north bank of the mouth of the Xuanhe River, and it was almost dusk, Baiyun Tower asked the younger brothers and sisters to tidy up and get off the flying boat one after another.

The magic circle on the flying boat is very complete, even if you live directly on the flying boat, it doesn't matter. If you really want to do that, you will lose the original intention of going out to practice.

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