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"This magic weapon is really good. With this, the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams Talisman seems to be useless, and I don't have to worry about the invasion of ordinary demon souls anymore." Xiao Jing said in surprise.

Bai Yunlou nodded with a smile, then turned to Lanzhi and said, "Junior Sister Lanzhi, you can perform any spell you want."

Reminded by the elder brother, Lanzhi squeezed the magic formula with both hands, and a very bright orange-red line of fire was condensed out.

The aura of this line of fire is very extraordinary, nearly twice as strong as the aura of the previous technique.

Xiaoxi, who also practiced the fire line technique, was about to exclaim in awe, but saw the aura of the fire line suddenly soared, the orange-red fire line flashed, and when it re-condensed, it had already transformed into a blue-blue color of real fire .

At this moment, the aura of FireWire soared several times, Xiaoxi exclaimed, and couldn't help but look at Lanzhi's brow jewel, the envy in his eyes was undisguised.

Even the academy disciples who have not practiced the Fire Xing technique can see the difference in this technique, and they are all amazed.

"Eldest brother, if it's Xiaoxi's turn next time, help refine this as well..." Xiaoxi couldn't help it, and said to the elder brother with some embarrassment.

It seems that Xiaoxi really took a fancy to this magic weapon, otherwise she would definitely not be able to open her mouth based on her temperament.

"I just listened to Junior Sister Xiaoxi, haha..." Headmaster Bai nodded in response, feeling very relieved, he never thought that the power of the magical weapon refined on a whim would be so extraordinary.

Since this spiritual weapon is so easy to use, Baiyunlou couldn't help but want to refine more. The juniors and younger sisters of Qingyunmen should have one, but the little fat man doesn't need additional refining. It is made of armor sheet.

Thinking of this, Baiyunlou clapped his hands and said, "Who else is interested in this spirit weapon..."

"Brother, I also want..."

"Count me in…"

All of a sudden, most of the academy disciples rushed to respond.

Nangong Xiaojing straightened her face and coughed lightly.

Bai Yunlou saw it, couldn't help but twitched his mouth, and continued: "Since you are all interested, then go to Elder Xiaojing to register, and make a clear note of your personal preferences, what should be hollowed out, whether the appearance is heroic or simple... "

Hearing this remark, the disciples of the academy were a little disappointed immediately, but they still responded sullenly.

After a little thought, Baiyunlou went on to say: "By the way, Xiaojing, it's time to revise the rules of that Qingyun coin. In addition to the daily income, I think it might as well correspond to the cultivation realm, body refining realm, and even the soul realm. stand up."

"For example, if you break through to the mid-stage of Qi Condensation, you will be rewarded with one Qingyun coin, and if you break through to the late stage of Qi condensation, you will be rewarded with two coins, and so on. Those who have already broken through can also get the corresponding Qingyun coin."

"Also, the rewards that can be exchanged for Qingyun coins should also be diversified. You can also use Qingyun coins to exchange for top-grade spirit fruit wine, top-grade storage bags, etc."

After casually mentioning something, Baiyunlou stopped talking, Xiaojing is very smart, and has an innate ability to draw inferences from one instance, and if he talks too much, it may limit his performance.

"Okay, senior brother, Xiao Jing wrote it down..." After saying that, Xiao Jing took out the jade talisman and kept writing.

As soon as the two finished speaking, the academy disciples on the side immediately became lively.

"Brother, that's a good suggestion. In this way, you can get three more Qingyun coins if you break through the foundation-building period. If you break through the foundation-building period, you can get four more. In this way, as long as you break through the foundation-building period, you can get one more." A magic weapon..."

"Junior brother, you made a mistake. This is just cultivation, as well as body refinement and soul realm. If you can exchange for Qingyun coins, then it is possible to get ten Qingyun coins in order to complete the Qi Condensation Great Consummation..."

"That's right, I didn't do much body training before, it seems that I have to pay more attention to it in the future, but how do you define the realm of the soul?"

"There is no need to worry about this. Since the senior brother has mentioned it, there is naturally a way to define it."

"Stop talking, I'm off to practice..."

Seeing all the disciples of the academy enter meditation practice one after another, Baiyunlou secretly nodded in satisfaction.

"Brother, I'm busy practicing now, hehe..." Xia Chaoyang said with a smile.

"Junior Sister, what magic weapon do you want, Senior Brother will refine it for you."

"Ah, I don't seem to have any magic weapon that I want in particular. The Wishful Bead is enough. There are so many magic weapons. Wouldn't it be a hassle to use them..."

"It's true..., the junior sister helped to watch the flying boat, and the senior brother went to know the sea to refine the golden wheel for a while. As long as the direction remains the same, at the current speed of escape, it is estimated that there will be two hours before arriving there. The sea monster's lair." Bai Yunlou nodded and replied.

"Eldest brother, don't worry, hurry up, junior sister is idle anyway, this time I won't go in the wrong direction again." Junior sister Xia agreed, patting her chest.

Bai Yunlou nodded, turned around and went to the back cabin, left a divine sense on the dharma sword behind him, and then his spiritual consciousness entered the sea of ​​consciousness, escaped into the body of the Yang God, and began to refine the Rijin Wheel with all his strength.

Two hours later, Baiyunlou regained his senses, walked out of the back cabin, and searched the surroundings, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

In just two hours, there were four more sea-monsters following the flying boat, and there was even a big water polo in the cabin, inside which were a few extremely gorgeous little sea fish swimming happily.

Needless to say, this must have been written by Junior Sister Xia, and of course the big water polo was condensed with the help of Haiyue.

"Senior brother, I met several sea monsters blocking the way just now, so I was delayed for a while." Xia Zhaoyang said a little grumpily.

A few wisps of watery spirit popped up from the Baiyun Building, teasing the small fish in the water polo, and said casually: "It's okay, it will be here in half an hour, how do you plan to eat these sea fish caught by Junior Sister?"

"Ah, I really want to eat it. I heard that the more beautiful the sea fish, the more poisonous it is inside..." Junior Sister Xia muttered.

"Really, I seem to have read in an ancient book that the more poisonous the sea food, the tastier it is." Bai Yunlou said seriously.

"There is such a saying?" Xia Zhaoyang was a little puzzled~www.readwn.com~ But since the senior brother is so sure, it should be it.

Baiyun Tower is actually just to tease the junior sister, how could it really roast the ornamental fish that the junior sister likes.

Suddenly, a clear voice came from the bow of the boat: "Senior Brother Bai, these small fish have only a few ounces of flesh, is it a little bit to cook them..."

The one who spoke was obviously Junior Sister Chen of Haoran Sect, but she held back halfway through her words.

Hearing this remark, Baiyunlou already understood what it meant, so he planned to follow along and say that it was a joke with his junior sister, but he didn't want to say it, but changed it.

"Junior Sister Qingshuang is right. These small fish are a bit smaller, but it's okay. My academy disciples have some means to make these small fish grow up a bit in a short time."

After saying that, Baiyunlou summoned Caiwei who was feeding Xiao Jinyu... Xuanlingye.

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