Ah Li couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, his whole body stagnated, and the raised tail feathers seemed to have lost all strength.

"That's right. I haven't seen you for a few days. Ah Li has transformed into a fifth tail feather, and his strength has greatly increased. He is indeed a legendary bird." Bai Yunlou boasted a few words perfunctorily.

Then he went on to say: "A Li, the brothers and sisters are all back, you don't have to guard the gate anymore, you have worked hard these few days, come, rest on the shoulder of your brother." After finishing speaking, Bai Yunlou patted himself on the left shoulder.

Hearing this, Ah Li's spirits perked up, he shook his body and put away his supernatural powers, feeling tired immediately, sensing the innate aura emanating from the elder brother, he felt a sense of intimacy, he jumped up The big brother bent over his shoulders.

A Li, the gatekeeper, was subdued by the head of Bai Da, and everyone immediately entered the small bamboo building in a lively manner.

It is possible to go to the Haoran Sect today, many disciples were not in a hurry to build wooden houses and bamboo houses, and entered the small bamboo houses one after another.

Only Luo Yuyan said that he still owed poems and essays and had to find a quiet place to make up for them quickly.

After saying that, he took Caiwei to the edge of the forest, took out the magic weapon of bamboo pieces, spliced ​​the bamboo house in an instant, and hurried inside to do his poetry homework.

De Luoyu reminded that many academy disciples also thought of the homework assigned by the old teacher of poetry and prose when he was parting, and they were a little panicked.

Immediately, they entered the small bamboo building one after another, and asked the senior brother to help arrange the two rows of long tables, and immediately fell down at the desk and concentrated on thinking hard.

A few disciples who didn't enroll in poetry and prose could not help secretly rejoicing when they saw the brothers and sisters facing the enemy.

Baiyun Tower led Aunt Xia and three people up to the second floor, where they sat by the window, and the green ants also followed up to the second floor, preparing to help make tea out of habit.

"Little sister, in less than an hour, the old teacher of poetry and prose will be here..." Bai Yunlou turned to Green Ant and said.

"Ah, what should we do then?" Hearing this, the green ant panicked.

"What else can I do? Hurry up and make up your homework. If you write seriously, you'll be in a hurry. You don't have to worry about making tea." Bai Yunlou said with a smile and waved his hands.

"Little green ant, hurry up and make up your homework. I have to make tea for my senior sister." Xia Zhaoyang also said aloud.

Green Ant turned to look at Second Senior Sister and Aunt Xia, hesitated for a moment, then turned around and went downstairs.

As the green ant went downstairs to inform the disciples of the old teacher of poetry and prose, there was a sound of exclamation immediately, and the small bamboo building became quiet again in an instant, each thinking hard, looking for inspiration for writing.

"This group of academy disciples are full of vigor, hardworking and eager to learn. Although all of them are not weak in cultivation, they can calm down and meditate. It is really gratifying." Uncle Ziyang said with emotion.

Baiyunlou replied in a respectful voice: "It all benefited from the careful teaching of the teachers in the academy."

At this time, the voice transmission of the junior sister came from Baiyunlou's ear: "Senior brother, it seems that the junior sister's poetry class has not been written yet, what should I do?"

Hearing this, Bai Yunlou couldn't help but twitched his mouth, and sent a word to Junior Sister Xia, who was a little dazed, and immediately made her smile.

"Auntie, Uncle, please sit here, please sit down, and please sit down, two senior brothers, you can talk freely, Chaoyang will make tea for you today..." Xia Chaoyang said cheerfully as he took the magic tea-making utensil from the senior brother .

"How does this happen?" Ziyang Loose Cultivator exclaimed in surprise.

With a smile in her eyes, Aunt Xia said calmly, "It's okay..."

Ziyang Sanren seemed to have realized something, but he didn't say anything, and nodded slightly.

Several people chatted freely on the second floor, but the disciples of the academy downstairs seemed much more depressed. There was less than an hour left, and it was estimated that it would be difficult to write poems that satisfied the old teacher in this hour and a half.

Suddenly, on an empty table, a piece of cloud pattern paper fell down, and an ink pen on the pen holder also flew into the air, dipped the ink in the inkstone beside it, paused, and then wrote on the blank cloud pattern paper. Dragons and phoenixes danced up.

There is probably no one else who is so skillful in moving pens across the air, except for the big brother. Seeing this wonderful scene, all the disciples didn't have the time to concentrate on thinking hard, and they all got up to watch.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a big brother. He writes like a god, and in the flowing clouds and flowing water, he has finished writing a magnificent trip to the East China Sea.

Looking at the senior brother's writing, all the disciples felt that this article seemed to have written all the beauty of the East China Sea.

The magnificence of the sunrise, the intoxicating waves of the sunset, the boundless blue when it is quiet, and the rough waves when the wind blows.

After watching the big brother's trip to the East China Sea, all the disciples felt even more headaches, and seemed to be even more helpless.

Just as he was sighing, he saw another blank piece of cloud pattern paper floating down in the air, the ink pen paused for a moment, and began to write again.

This time, however, the style of painting has changed suddenly, the writing style has softened a lot, the fonts are beautiful, and even the style of writing has changed a lot. This article starts from a small point, and vividly depicts the wonderful creatures in the sea.

Seeing the handwriting, everyone immediately understood that this was written to help the second senior sister..., the senior brother is really good enough, even imitating the handwriting with both form and spirit.

In fact, after this group of academy disciples have practiced for a long time, their spiritual consciousness is not weak. If they meditate, they can write wonderful poems and essays. It's just that the two articles of the big brother have been sorted out, and their thoughts are in a mess just now , it is estimated that extraordinary means will be used to re-meditate.

Originally, I wanted to refer to the writing of the big brother in order to inspire some inspiration, now...

After the ink pen finished writing the two articles, everyone seemed to be immersed in the vast artistic conception of movement and tranquility. After returning to their senses, they were about to disperse, but saw several pieces of cloud pattern paper falling from the midair.

Under the curious gazes of the disciples, the ink pen dipped in the ink, paused for a moment, and suddenly revealed a faint halo, and then it fell on the cloud pattern paper.

The floating ink pen wrote relatively slowly this time~www.readwn.com~ It took a few breaths to write three or two characters, and only a few words were written on each piece of cloud pattern paper.

When the ink pen finished the last stroke, all the disciples couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although there were not many words on these pieces of cloud pattern paper, each word seemed to be carefully carved and full of charm.

While all the disciples were amazed, the little fat man who was very sensitive to numbers suddenly reacted: "Six, six... I see."

"What six?" Nangong Xiaojing asked casually, and suddenly seemed to come to his senses, and then said: "Second brother is right, these six pieces of cloud pattern paper are written by the elder brother to the six of us, and each piece of paper The written text is the title of the article."

"And..., and although there are not many words in this header, they all contain extraordinary charm. It should be helpful for the writing to be penetrated by divine sense..."

"Eldest brother is still thoughtful, so what are you waiting for, one card for each person, divided, divided..." Tianyin was also a little uneasy, stepped forward to take one, and went back to the case for reflection.

Yu Tong suddenly said a little nah: "Then what about Senior Sister Caiwei and Senior Brother Luo, it seems that they don't have any..."

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