Half an hour later, Luo Yu and Cai Wei also successfully wrote two articles that were quite satisfactory to them. After handing them over to the old teacher of Shiwen, they walked out of the small bamboo building with ease.

Seeing that the senior brother and the second senior sister are meditating and practicing, and the other disciples of the same school are also practicing diligently, the two looked at each other, went to the edge of the forest and put away the small bamboo house, took out the ivy futon and sat cross-legged on it, and began to practice quietly .

Recently, because of the marriage, the practice has been delayed a lot, and the qi refining formula taught by the elder brother has not had time to practice.

In the small bamboo building, the old teacher of poetry and prose took a look at the articles written by Luo Yu and the two, and shook his head slightly, secretly thinking that this article is not bad, but it is not as good as the previous ones.

Just as he was about to write a pen for annotation, a student also submitted a poem. The old teacher took a look and frowned. The article read quite smoothly, but he always felt that something was missing.

Immediately, the old teacher suppressed his temper, and waited until the students handed in their poems one after another, and then read each piece.

After a long while, the old teacher sighed and realized the problem. It wasn't that there was anything wrong with the students' articles, but that the previous seven or eight articles had portrayed the artistic conception too perfectly. After some comparison, I feel that the following articles lack some artistic charm.

After readjusting his state of mind, the old teacher reread the two articles by Luo Yu and Cai Wei, and he felt different.

After half a day hastily passed, all the disciples sat back in the small bamboo building, and the little fat man rushed back.

After Baiyunlou regained his senses, he did not see Aunt Xia and Uncle Ziyang, but after a brief sense, he found the aura of the two seniors in the East China Sea.

These two were leisurely, and Baiyunlou didn't bother to worry about it, so they pulled Junior Sister Xia who had finished training, and went to Xiaozhulou to watch the fun.

Looking at the eyes of nearly half of the students looking forward to the comments, the old teacher smiled with satisfaction, but he didn't hold back anymore, cleared his throat, and said in a loud voice: "This trip seems to be very effective, and all the students have made significant progress."

"Among the articles submitted in this round, five are so eye-catching that the course can be completed without a test."

As soon as these words came out, the students in the audience were in an uproar.

I just heard that those few articles were amazingly talented. Even if the class is exempted from the exam, these students are not surprised. I didn’t expect that the remaining students would also have the opportunity to end the class without the exam, and there are as many as five of them. What a surprise joy.

Only Luo Yu and Caiwei were relatively calm. After all, they had always been at the bottom of the poetry class, so they didn't expect to be among them.

Immediately, the old teacher started flipping through the articles in his hand, and called out the names one by one.

Every time I read one, it caused a burst of exclamation and envious looks from other disciples.

"Luo Yu, Caiwei..." The old teacher called out two names with one last breath.

"Old man, we are here, I don't know what to order." Luo Yu replied smoothly.

The scene was silent for a moment, and then there was a burst of laughter.

"Thank you for your affirmation and appreciation, old man..." Caiwei immediately responded, and hurriedly continued the conversation.

"Senior Sister..." Luo Yu yelled in disbelief, felt his sleeves being pulled, and immediately came to his senses, his face regained his indifference in an instant.

Said in a deep voice: "Senior sister is right, thanks to the old gentleman's patient guidance during this period of time, the students have been able to wake up on the poetry and prose. farther."

The old teacher nodded repeatedly, and thought in his heart, just now he saw that the student was very indifferent, after several months of teaching, he has grown a lot, and the old general Luo has explained something.

Amidst the discussions among the students, the old teacher announced with a satisfied face that this extraordinary poetry class was over, and immediately rushed to Haoranzong.

"Yunlou, how far is it from Haoranzong?" When mentioning Haoranzong, the old teacher couldn't wait.

Baiyun Tower thought for a while and replied: "It's not far, it should only take half an hour."

"It's only been half an hour, but it's really not far away. Yunlou, let's go back to the carriage to rest for the teacher. After reading the poems and essays for a long time, I'm really tired." The old teacher of poetry and essays greeted.

"Even if the old teacher rests, maybe he will go to Haoranzong after taking a nap." While talking, Baiyunlou helped the old teacher into the carriage.

Seeing the senior brother returning to the small bamboo building, the little fat man stepped forward and asked suspiciously: "Senior brother, there are still more than a hundred miles away from Haoranzong, and there are many mountain roads. With the speed of the old man's carriage, it will be dark when Haoranzong arrives." Alright."

"That's why I went back to the old man, brother. There is still half an hour's journey, but I didn't say that there are still more than a hundred miles. Feiyang, let all the disciples get on the flying boat. Brother, I will accompany the old man in the carriage." Baiyunlou smiled. Said.

The little fat man immediately realized that with the senior brother around, even if the old teacher's carriage was completely empty, the old teacher probably wouldn't be able to notice it.

Now that there is no need to waste time on the road, the little fat man cheered up and went to the convoy to let the other carriages turn back to the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce in advance, and then turned around to greet a group of academy students.

After tidying up the small bamboo building, and putting it in the Sea of ​​Consciousness Barrier, Baiyunlou asked the little fat man to start the flying boat, then took A Li with him, and pulled Junior Sister Xia to the old teacher's carriage.

After getting into the carriage, he saw that the old teacher had already fallen asleep leaning against the carriage wall, some means were unnecessary now, Baiyunlou simply wrapped up the carriage with a cloud of sapphire smoke, and followed the flying boat, flying away.

This time, the guy driving the carriage was quite frightened. Although the guy from the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce had received professional training, it was the first time he was caught in a cloud and fled.

But just now I also saw the high-level and high-level fairy art~www.readwn.com~ After all, I have seen the world, and I quickly got used to it, sitting outside the carriage to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the clouds.

This journey went smoothly, and the students on the flying boat also enjoyed the treatment of disciples from the back mountain, and finally they were able to travel by flying boat.

Half an hour later, the flying boat fled to a mountain range on the East Sea. Among the continuous mountains, a towering and tall mountain stood upright among the mountains.

Mount Tai is finally here!

The Haoran Sect is established here. Looking at Mount Tai from a distance, it is majestic, precipitous, and magnificent. A stone-step mountain road twists and turns, like a cloud ladder leading directly to the top of the mountain.

It happened that it was still early, so the sound transmission from Baiyun Tower asked the little fat man to put down the flying boat at the foot of the mountain, let the group of young disciples climb up the steps, and then he would send the old teacher to the top of the mountain first.

Looking at the Baiyun Tower on the mountain road, there are several dangerous places, but the old teacher Xie's body and bones can't stand such a toss.

Hao Ranzong's mountain gate is at the foot of the mountain, but the sect's gate is at the top of the mountain. Baiyun Tower just saw that the mountain road is extremely dangerous, and wanted to let the group of students experience it, so the little fat man sent a flying boat to the foot of the mountain.

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