"Has Yunlou also sensed it?" Seeing the figure falling beside her, Aunt Xia asked leisurely.

"Master Ziyang is about to cross the catastrophe..." Bai Yunlou nodded and replied.

"Ziyang's cultivation has broken into the Golden Core realm for many years, and his foundation is deep, so he should be able to overcome the calamity this time." Aunt Xia said affirmatively.

It seems that Aunt Xia has completely let go of her heart, and she will not even call the word "brother", Baiyunlou muttered to herself, but still replied: "It will happen when it will happen, it will be all right."

When the two were talking, another figure fell down, and the suzerain of Haoran Sect had arrived.

"Fellow Ziyang is decisive..." There was a sense of envy in the words.

"The suzerain's cultivation has also improved a lot in the past six months, and the time to break through is just around the corner." Aunt Xia replied indifferently.

The waning moon is slanting to the west, and the night is dark, but thunderclouds are gradually gathering in the eastern sky, and the Four or Nine Heavens Tribulation is about to begin.

Jieyun's aura was very strong, Chen Qinghe brothers and sisters rushed over, and most of the academy disciples sensed the abnormality, and jumped to the edge of the cliff one after another.

However, with the protection of the Yangshen barrier, this little fluctuation will not affect Junior Sister Xia's peaceful sleep.

When the two of Luo Yu were cultivating, they set up a lot of magic circles. It is estimated that this time of four or nine days of calamity would not be able to wake up the two who were addicted to cultivation.

What was surprising was that the little fat man didn't go out either, Baiyunlou couldn't help thinking about it, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Whoever said that one can cultivate with concentration without desire or desire, is this common thought not an extremely strong motivation for cultivation.

Under the blessing of the Eyebrow Xuanjia Pieces, the little fat man seemed to have entered a state of extremely focused cultivation, and the efficiency of his cultivation was not the same as before.

"Eldest brother, is this the forty-nine heavenly tribulation?" Nangong Xiaojing asked curiously. Last time because of Bai Zhan's incident, the two missed the mountain chief's crossing tribulation together, but this time they finally caught up.

"Exactly, it's a rare opportunity. Brothers and sisters watch carefully, and you will be able to deal with it when you cross the catastrophe in the future." Baiyunlou turned to the disciples of the academy.

The disciples of the academy responded at the same time, causing the patriarch of the Haoran Sect to take a second look, probably because he felt the courage of this group of academy disciples, each one of them had such a cultivation level, and they began to think about the four or nine days of calamity.

"Eldest brother, will there still be demon souls disturbing each other this time?" A young disciple asked doubtfully.

"Devil souls... I should not dare to come here. This is the Grand Virtue Sect. The most indispensable thing is the aura of grandeur. Those demon souls will generally avoid them."

While speaking, Baiyun Tower sensed something, he couldn't help frowning slightly, and with a thought, he simply transformed into the appearance of Qingyun Sword Immortal, and his breath changed accordingly.

"Yunlou, what's the matter?" Aunt Xia's expression froze.

"There may be a big monster disturbing each other, so be prepared, and the one in the north will be handed over to Auntie..."

After saying that, the aura around Baiyunlou's body surged, and an extraordinary magic sword emerged out of form, exuding a clear golden light.

Suddenly the sword light rose, bursting out a mysterious aura, bringing up Baiyunlou's figure, turning into a golden light and fleeing towards the East China Sea.

Within a few breaths, the Baiyun Tower had already escaped for dozens of miles, standing in the air above the East China Sea.

"Little friend Yunlou's strength... is already comparable to Nascent Soul." The head of the Haoran Sect said in surprise.

Aunt Xia originally wanted to explain a few words, saying that this was just an illusion of transformation, but she refrained from talking after thinking about it.

The strength of this college student, with all his strength, could really rival the monks at the early stage of Yuanying for a while, and then Aunt Xia and the master of the Haoran Sect greeted him, and his figure flashed to the north of the robbery cloud.

After half a stick of incense, the tribulation cloud and electric light swam away, and a series of nine blue lightning lights fell straight down, and Ziyang Sanren's four-nine-day calamity finally officially began.

This first round of tribulation thunder was easily taken over, and even Ziyang Sanren's body energy was still skyrocketing, and his self-proclaimed cultivation base was released little by little.

As if sensing the changes in the aura of the monks below, the Tribulation Thunder has also adjusted slightly.

As Jieyun brewed again, a mysterious aura was brewed together with Jielei.

These auras are not fairy qi, but they reveal a sense of extraordinary chance. Baiyunlou already knows why the possible big monster has come.

These mysterious auras are just the bait used to attract the big monsters to come. If there are really big monsters who come to serve as a round of calamity, this mysterious aura will be the harvest.

Wouldn't it be good to chop a few rounds of thunder light well? I have to toss some tricks. Anyway, I can't see the monks going through the tribulation smoothly.

It may be that this breath has only been brewed for a short time, or it took time for the big monster to come, until the second round of nine tribulation thunders fell, there was no big monster attacking.

The second round of tribulation thunder was shattered by countless sword gangs from Ziyang Sanren, and the third round of robbery thunder began to brew again.

When this round of Jieyun was brewing, the mysterious aura in that Jieyun almost doubled, not to mention the big monster, even Baiyun Tower was a little moved.

Relying on the induction between divine senses, this mysterious aura must have extraordinary benefits. Baiyunlou even considered whether to become a great demon, and cooperate with Master Ziyang to learn from each other, and then take down this mysterious aura.

At this time, two shocking auras came quickly, and within a moment they had come to the front, and an aura came from the north, which was stopped by Aunt Xia.

Another aura came from the east, and Baiyunlou moved the sword to stop it, and this black evil aura fell into a ray of light, revealing its figure.

An extremely coquettish woman, dressed in cool clothes, stepped barefoot on a cloud of black smoke.

There was no trace of anger on the woman's face, but her eyes were full of smiles, she approached slowly, and said in a very seductive voice: "This handsome young man, I'm so polite..."

While speaking, the woman bowed and saluted, her cool dress seemed to be even cooler...

At this moment~www.readwn.com~ the golden sword light suspended behind Baiyunlou radiated divine light, as if it had fixed the void, and the black smoke under the woman's feet in front of him revealed its true form, which was a strange and broken tentacle.

When it was fixed and manifested, the tip of the tentacles had reached nearly a foot in front of Baiyunloude.

Compared with the Transfiguration Banshee, this tentacle is a very strong existence. With just one tentacle, Baiyunlou used the power of the rules of the Fivefold Sword Domain to barely hold it.

Sensing that the tentacles were fixed, the face of the coquettish banshee changed drastically, even a little distorted. She tried all her strength to control the tentacles again, but found that she was still powerless.

At this time, the coquettish banshee seemed to have sensed the danger of death, so she had no choice but to abandon her tentacles and prepare to run away, but it was too late.

A blazing sun-like sword light seemed to cut through the void, and a sword slashed on the face of the transfigured banshee.

With a sound of '嗤啦', the demon soul and body of the banshee were cut in half by a sword, and the demon energy dispersed, revealing its true form, which was a piebald spider nearly ten feet in size.

The demon body split in two was ignited by the blazing sun-like sword light, and instantly burned to ashes.

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